In in-band attacks, the attacker can launch the attack and view results through the same channel (band), such as via a console shell or web application. The four most popular in-band injection techniques are error-based, union-based, stacked queries, and inline queries. (sqlmap option: --technique)

Compound SQLi attacks refer to SQLi attacks plus other cyberattacks, such as unauthorized access, distributed denial of service (DDoS), domain name server (DNS) hijacking, and cross-site scripting (XSS). The details of the other attacks are beyond the scope of this cheat sheet.

Sqlmap Cheat Sheet

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This requires read permissions on the target database. In this case, you could enumerate the password hashes for each user with the --passwords option. sqlmap will first enumerate the users, then attempt to crack the password hashes.

lib: another set of really important functions is in /lib. These are the libraries used by sqlmap, and it contains controller functions, core functions, parse functions, request functions, takeover functions, techniques functions (blind, dns, error, union), and utils (utilities) functions

This directory (usually located at /home/kali/.local/share/sqlmap/output/ if you use kali) is where results from sqlmap commands get stored which you can then explore and review. This is helpful when you need to share results in your reports and with developers, or if you want to perform additional analysis with 3rd party tools.

This directory (usually located at /home/kali/.local/share/sqlmap/history/ if you use kali) is where a SQL file gets generated and updated automatically by sqlmap as you issue commands. This essentially acts as a SQLite database which sqlmap can pull from to remember actions and results.

This is the most basic level. sqlmap tests all GET and POST parameters. So regardless of the level that we choose, GET and POST parameters will always be tested by default, unless we specifically tell sqlmap not to.

This option has to be used with other mandatory options, so if you try to set it by itself, it will give you an error and ask you to provide another mandatory option. This means you have to set the verbosity level for each of your commands, unless you set it in the sqlmap configuration file.

I have created various cheat sheets for software engineering-related technologies that I use frequently. I publish them here in the hope that theyare useful to others as well. Feel free to download them, print them, and share them with others.

The focus of this cheat sheet is infrastructure / network penetration testing, web application penetration testing is not covered here apart from a few SQLMap commands at the end and some web server enumeration. For Web Application Penetration Testing, check out the Web Application Hackers Hand Book, it is excellent for both learning and reference.

I am also stuck. I can find 4 tables with sqlmap (i found a tamper that is needed here) but nothing more. Cant dump schemas or contents, no file write, tried proxys and still stuck. Does anyone have a nudge? ff782bc1db

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