This program is not a visual shell for the sqlite command line tool, and doesnot require familiarity with SQL commands. It is a tool to be used by bothdevelopers and end users, and must remain as simple to use as possiblein order to achieve these goals.

To create a database file, simply create a file with a supported file extension, such as .db, .sqlite, or .sqlite3. The extension will automatically initialize the file as a database if it is empty and has one of the supported extensions.

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This feature opens an integrated terminal in VSCode, initialized with the command sqlite3 .It is available only if you have the sqlite3 command installed on your system.To use this feature, navigate to "Other Tools" then "Open in Command Line Shell".

Adding "sqlite3-editor.ui.alwaysDisplayTabs": true to VSCode's settings enables the table tab feature.Its behavior resembles that of VSCode's tabs; in the preview mode, the tab closes when you switch to another table, but after double-clicking the preview tab, the tab remains open until you click the close button.Certain actions, such as selecting "Go to Source Record" on foreign key columns, activate the tab UI regardless of the value of the sqlite3-editor.ui.alwaysDisplayTabs setting.

The configuration setting "sqlite3-editor.runtimeLoadableExtensions.driver.sqlite3" allows you to specify run-time loadable extensions that will be loaded with every SQLite connection opened by this extension.

Commands that are available in the SQLite's CLI, including .load, are not supported. Most run-time loadable extensions can be loaded with SELECT load_extension(...);, but to load run-time loadable extensions that modify or delete existing functions, you need to use the sqlite3-editor.runtimeLoadableExtensions.driver.sqlite3 configuration instead.

The keys are case-sensitive regular expressions used to match the file URI, and the values are the list of runtime-loadable extensions to be loaded. In case multiple patterns match the same URI, only the first item will be used. The runtime-loadable extensions are loaded before executing the setup queries specified in sqlite3-editor.connectionSetupQueries.driver.sqlite3.

This extension collects anonymous telemetry data using Microsoft/vscode-extension-telemetry if telemetry.telemetryLevel is "all" and sqlite3-editor.telemetry is "allow" in VSCode's settings. It is disabled by default. On the first use of the extension after installation, there is a small chance that a pop-up will appear, asking the user for consent to opt into the telemetry. Users can decline it by selecting the 'Deny' option in the pop-up.

The SQLite project provides a simple command-line program namedsqlite3 (or sqlite3.exe on Windows)that allows the user to manually enter and execute SQLstatements against an SQLite database or against aZIP archive. This document provides a briefintroduction on how to use the sqlite3 program.

Start the sqlite3 program by typing "sqlite3" at thecommand prompt, optionally followedby the name of the file that holds the SQLite database(or ZIP archive). If the namedfile does not exist, a new database file with the given name will becreated automatically. If no database file is specified on thecommand-line, a temporary database is created and automatically deleted whenthe "sqlite3" program exits.

Make sure you type a semicolon at the end of each SQL command!The sqlite3 program looks for a semicolon to know when your SQL command iscomplete. If you omit the semicolon, sqlite3 will give you acontinuation prompt and wait for you to enter more text tocomplete the SQL command. This feature allows you toenter SQL commands that span multiple lines. For example:

Windows users can double-click on the sqlite3.exe icon to causethe command-line shell to pop-up a terminal window running SQLite. However,because double-clicking starts the sqlite3.exe without command-line arguments,no database file will have been specified, so SQLite will use a temporarydatabase that is deleted when the session exits.To use a persistent disk file as the database, enter the ".open" commandimmediately after the terminal window starts up:

Most of the time, sqlite3 just reads lines of input and passes themon to the SQLite library for execution.But input lines that begin with a dot (".")are intercepted and interpreted by the sqlite3 program itself.These "dot commands" are typically used to change the output formatof queries, or to execute certain prepackaged query statements.There were originally just a few dot commands, but over the yearsmany new features have accumulated so that today there are over 60.

The dot-commandsare interpreted by the sqlite3.exe command-line program, not bySQLite itself. So none of the dot-commands will work as an argumentto SQLite interfaces such as sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_exec().

The sqlite3 program provides several convenience commands thatare useful for looking at the schema of the database. There isnothing that these commands do that cannot be done by some othermeans. These commands are provided purely as a shortcut.

The ".databases" command shows a list of all databases open inthe current connection. There will always be at least 2. The firstone is "main", the original database opened. The second is "temp",the database used for temporary tables. There may be additionaldatabases listed for databases attached using the ATTACH statement.The first output column is the name the database is attached with,and the second result column is the filename of the external file.There may be a third result column which will be either "'r/o'" or"'r/w'" depending on whether the database file is read-only or read-write.And there might be a fourth result column showing the result ofsqlite3_txn_state() for that database file.

The ".fullschema" dot-command works like the ".schema" command inthat it displays the entire database schema. But ".fullschema" alsoincludes dumps of the statistics tables "sqlite_stat1", "sqlite_stat3",and "sqlite_stat4", if they exist. The ".fullschema" command normallyprovides all of the information needed to exactly recreate a queryplan for a specific query. When reporting suspected problems withthe SQLite query planner to the SQLite development team, developersare requested to provide the complete ".fullschema" output as partof the trouble report. Note that the sqlite_stat3 and sqlite_stat4tables contain samples of index entries and so might contain sensitivedata, so do not send the ".fullschema" output of a proprietary databaseover a public channel.

The ".open" command opens a new database connection, after first closing thepreviously opened database command. In its simplest form, the ".open" command merelyinvokes sqlite3_open() on the file named as its argument. Use the name ":memory:"to open a new in-memory database that disappears when the CLI exits or when the".open" command is run again.Or use no name to open a private, temporary on-disk database whichwill also disappear upon exit or use of ".open".

The --deserialize option causes the entire content of the on-disk file to beread into memory and then opened as an in-memory database using thesqlite3_deserialize() interface. This will, of course, require a lot of memoryif you have a large database. Also, any changes you make to the database will notbe saved back to disk unless you explicitly save them using the ".save" or ".backup"commands.

By default, sqlite3 sends query results to standard output. Youcan change this using the ".output" and ".once" commands. Just putthe name of an output file as an argument to .output and all subsequentquery results will be written to that file. Or use the .once commandinstead of .output and output will only be redirected for the single nextcommand before reverting to the console. Use .output with no arguments tobegin writing to standard output again. For example:

In interactive mode, sqlite3 reads input text (either SQL statementsor dot-commands) from the keyboard. You can also redirect input froma file when you launch sqlite3, of course, but then you do not have theability to interact with the program. Sometimes it is useful to run anSQL script contained in a file entering other commands from the command-line.For this, the ".read" dot-command is provided.

In addition to reading and writing SQLite database files,the sqlite3 program will also read and write ZIP archives.Simply specify a ZIP archive filename in place of an SQLite databasefilename on the initial command line, or in the ".open" command,and sqlite3 will automatically detect that the file is aZIP archive instead of an SQLite database and will open it as such.This works regardless of file suffix. So you can open JAR, DOCX,and ODP files and any other file format that is really a ZIParchive and SQLite will read it for you.

This command-line shell leaves unnamed parameters unbound, meaning that theywill have a value of an SQL NULL, but named parameters might be assigned values.If there exists a TEMP table named "sqlite_parameters" with a schema like this:

The ".parameter" command exists to simplify managing this table. The".parameter init" command (often abbreviated as just ".param init") createsthe temp.sqlite_parameters table if it does not already exist. The ".param list"command shows all entries in the temp.sqlite_parameters table. The ".param clear"command drops the temp.sqlite_parameters table. The ".param set KEY VALUE" and".param unset KEY" commands create or delete entries from thetemp.sqlite_parameters table.

The temp.sqlite_parameters table only provides values for parameters in thecommand-line shell. The temp.sqlite_parameter table has no effect on queriesthat are run directly using the SQLite C-language API. Individual applicationsare expected to implement their own parameter binding. You can search for"sqlite_parameters" in thecommand-line shell source codeto see how the command-line shell does parameter binding, and use that asa hint for how to implement it yourself. ff782bc1db

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