This program is not a visual shell for the sqlite command line tool, and doesnot require familiarity with SQL commands. It is a tool to be used by bothdevelopers and end users, and must remain as simple to use as possiblein order to achieve these goals.

What I want to do is count the number of rows before I do "reader.Read()" since the number returned will affect what I want/need to do. I know I can add a count within the while statement, but I really need to know the count before.

Sqlite Db Reader Download

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SQLite produces records one by one, on request, every time you call sqlite3_step. It simply doesn't know how many there are going to be, until on some sqlite3_step call it discovers there are no more.

I have two processes with a shared sqlite database, each one has its own connection to the database. one process writes to the database in a high rate, and one process reads from the database. My concern is how to avoid "reader starvation" issue, since the writer accesses the database in a high rate, thus locking the database for the reader.

I'm using sqlite3_busy_timeout so the reader waits if the database is locked, but from the sqlite3_busy_timeout description I understand that the busy handler simply sleeps a few times with retries. if the writer happnens to lock the database at those times, non of the retries will succeed.

The sqlite file locking documentation describes an opposite problem: "writer starvation" and the mitigations in sqlite version 3. but I couldn't find any reference to the opposite problem "reader starvation". are there any best practices to avoid such issue?

I just installed KNIME 3.2 and faced same problem when I run my database reader node that connect to SQLite Connector node as shown in figure below. I used to run the same workflow using KNIME 3.1.2 without any problem. Could you please advise. Thank you.


Can I read a file into Knime with an excel reader and then send it to a sqlite table, where somehow the table from the reader automatically creates the sqlite table, replete with the columns names, the data types types, and the data?



I am considering to implement sqlite into my firebase application . By default , sqlite allows only 1 reader and 1 writer at a time but in the case of application there can be multiple readers and writers . I found something callled WAL and WAL2 modes . Will enabling these modes help to accomplish multiple reads and writes ? I am considering 50k users accessing and modifying this database at any instance .

After reading the docs and many posts, I think that to get dirty reads I need to use pragma read-uncommitted and sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(), producing a process-wide shared cache. Presumably to overlap writes with dirty reads I then need at least two threads each with their own connection: a writer thread and a (dirty) reader thread.

Pretty sure I understand that SQLite serializes writes, but I'm less clear how granular the multithreading is in SQLite internals vis a vis reads. Seems like if this article is right, adding multiple dirty reader threads should scale reasonably with the usual caveats.

I might be missing something, but I don't think looking to enhance performance by allowing dirty reads really makes much sense in SQLite's single-writer/multi-reader architecture. Each reader sees a version of the database image representing the open snapshot, not a set of rows that need to be filtered to match the open snapshot based on transaction ids and whatnot.

If the same database is being read and written using two differentdatabase connections (two different sqlite3 objects returned byseparate calls to sqlite3_open()) and the two database connectionsdo not have a shared cache, then the reader is only able tosee complete committed transactions from the writer. Partial changesby the writer that have not been committed are invisible to the reader.This is true regardless of whether the two database connections are inthe same thread, in different threads of the same process, or indifferent processes. Thisis the usual and expected behavior for SQL database systems.

The previous paragraph is also true (separate database connections areisolated from one another) in shared cache mode as long as theread_uncommitted pragma remains turned off. The read_uncommitted pragmais off by default and so if the application does nothing to turn it on, it will remain off. Hence, unless the read_uncommitted pragma is usedto change the default behavior, changes made by one database connectionare invisible to readers on a different database connection sharing thesame cache until the writer commits its transaction.

If two database connections share the same cache and the reader has enabled the read_uncommitted pragma, then the reader will be able tosee changes made by the writer before the writer transaction commits.The combined use of shared cache mode and the read_uncommitted pragma is the only way that one database connection can see uncommitted changeson a different database connection. In all other circumstances, separatedatabase connections are completely isolated from one another.

In rollback mode, SQLite implements isolation by locking the databasefile and preventing any reads by other database connectionswhile each write transaction is underway.Readers can be active at the beginning of a write, before any contentis flushed to disk and while all changes are still held in the writer'sprivate memory space. But before any changes are made to the database fileon disk, all readers must be (temporarily) expelled in order to give the writerexclusive access to the database file. Hence, readers are prohibited from seeing incompletetransactions by virtue of being locked out of the database while thetransaction is being written to disk. Only after the transaction iscompletely written and synced to disk and committed are the readers allowedback into the database. Hence readers never get a chance to see partiallywritten changes.

WAL mode permits simultaneous readers and writers. It can do this becausechanges do not overwrite the original database file, but rather gointo the separate write-ahead log file. That means that readers can continueto read the old, original, unaltered content from the original database fileat the same time that the writer is appending to the write-ahead log.In WAL mode, SQLite exhibits "snapshot isolation". When a read transactionstarts, that reader continues to see an unchanging "snapshot" of the databasefile as it existed at the moment in time when the read transaction started.Any write transactions that commit while the read transaction isactive are still invisible to the read transaction, because the reader isseeing a snapshot of database file from a prior moment in time.

Within a single database connection X, a SELECT statement always sees allchanges to the database that are completed prior to the start of the SELECTstatement, whether committed or uncommitted. And the SELECT statementobviously does not see any changes that occur after the SELECT statementcompletes. But what about changes that occur while the SELECT statementis running? What if a SELECT statement is started and the sqlite3_step()interface steps through roughly half of its output, then some UPDATEstatements are run by the application that modify the table that theSELECT statement is reading, then more calls to sqlite3_step() are madeto finish out the SELECT statement? Will the later steps of the SELECTstatement see the changes made by the UPDATE or not? The answer is thatthis behavior is undefined. In particular, whether or not the SELECT statementsees the concurrent changes depends on which release of SQLite isrunning, the schema of the database file, whether or not ANALYZE hasbeen run, and the details of the query. In some cases, it might dependon the content of the database file, too. There is no good way to know whetheror not a SELECT statement will see changes that were made to the databaseby the same database connection after the SELECT statement was started.And hence, developers should diligently avoid writing applicationsthat make assumptions about what will occur in that circumstance.

If an application issues a SELECT statement on a single table like"SELECT rowid, * FROM table WHERE ..." and starts stepping through the output of that statement using sqlite3_step() and examining eachrow, then it is safe for the application to delete the current row orany prior row using "DELETE FROM table WHERE rowid=?". It is also safe(in the sense that it will not harm the database) for the application todelete a row that expected to appear later in the query but has notappeared yet. If a future row is deleted, however, it might happen thatthe row turns up after a subsequent sqlite3_step(), even after it hasallegedly been deleted. Or it might not. That behavior is undefined.The application can also INSERT new rows into the table while the SELECT statement is running, but whether or not the new rows appearin subsequent sqlite3_step()s of the query is undefined. And the applicationcan UPDATE the current row or any prior row, though doing so might cause that row to reappear in a subsequent sqlite3_step(). As long as the application is prepared to deal with these ambiguities, the operations themselves are safe and will not harm the database file.

When i execute the query below in DB Browser SQL it returns the rows it is supposed to return.

When i try to use the reader.Read() it always returns False,hence it can not enter the while loop.

It does connect to the database and it WILL give me an error if i choose an invalid table/column but no matter what query i use,it will never return anything inside the reader.

Am not sure if my sqlite3.dll is the cause or not,also i dont know if i need sqlite3.def . It was really hard to get x64 versions of them,sqlite3.dll IS for x64 but i dont know if it is the cause of the problem.

And, if you are afraid to loose your data in the future, you can also make data backup (the .sqlite file and Export from each and every TABLEs as text); so in the future, you will be able to go back and make builds with whatever Xojo version available then. e24fc04721

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