In my case it was a cxf dependencies mismatch.cxf-spring-boot-starter-jaxrs 3.2.2 was not compatible with cxf-bundle-jaxrs 2.7.18 which I needed for jsonProvider-rs. I was able to solve the problem by replacing cxf-bundle-jaxrs it with cxf-rt-rs-extension-providers 3.2.2

Micronaut Jaxrs 4 migrates to Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.0. Package namespaces are moved from to Moreover, it uses transitive dependency instead of org.jboss.resteasy:jaxrs-api.

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As a consequence, annotation mappers found in the io.micronaut.jaxrs.processor package are changed to support annotations only. Support for the older annotations is dropped with this version, and users will need to migrate to the Jakarta versions.

ResourceInfo is a JAX-RS context which can be injected to check which resource class and method are about to be invoked.This is supported in the micronaut-jaxrs module via the @RequestScope bean JaxRsResourceInfo.

In addition to what has been suggested: it works indeed in 3.0.0-milestone2, one would just do a top level jaxrs server declaration only and set basePackages attribute which may have one or more space separated package names.

Note that jaxrs:server (and jaxrs:client) declarations depend on ' ' Spring NamespaceHandler be available on classpath. Sometimes, due to classloading restrictions or bugs in underlying containers which are exposed during complex deployments or due to multiple Spring libraries interfering with each other, NamespaceHandler can not be located and thus jaxrs endpoints can not be created. Please report such issues to the team working on developing the container itself.

If you need to do Spring configuration and get an error to do with a missing NamespaceHandler then, as a workaround, consider configuring jaxrs endpoints using CXF beans which actually handle the creation of jaxrs:server endpoints. This is marginally more complex, but overall, the configuration ends up being quite similar, for example, the above jaxrs:server endpoint can be configured like this instead:

When service classes and providers are registered this way, the default life-cycle is 'singleton'. You can override it by setting a "jaxrs.scope" parameter with the value of 'prototype' (equivalent to per-request). By default, the endpoint address is "/". One can provide a more specific value using a "jaxrs.address" parameter.

The beanNames attribute lists the names/ids of service beans separated by space. The jaxrs:serviceFactories element has to be used when users register custom CXF JAX-RS ResourceProvider implementations.

The request-scoped service bean instances (example, org.apache.cxf.systest.jaxrs.CustomerService instances) are not actually available at the initialization time thus one limitation of the above configuration is that it is not possible to inject JAX-RS contexts into these service beans. This is not a show-stopper because contexts such as UriInfo can be passed in as resource method parameters. However, if the injection into the fields or via method setters is required then a little customization of the org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.spring.SpringResourceFactory will do the trick. Particularly, the Spring ApplicationContext reports that a request-scoped bean is a singleton but the JAX-RS runtime can not inject thread-local proxies given that the actual instance is not available as explained above; in fact, the request-scoped beans are not really JAX-RS singletons. Thus a simple custom factory like this one is needed and it has to be used the following way:

CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet uses 'Singleton' as a default scope for service classes specified by a "jaxrs.serviceClasses" servlet parameter. It can be overridden by setting a "jaxrs.scope" parameter to a "prototype" value or by not using the "jaxrs.serviceClasses" parameter at all and registering a JAXRS Application implementation instead. Please see the section describing CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet for more details.

One can configure as many jaxrs:server endpoints as needed for a given application, with every endpoint possibly providing an alternative path to a single resource bean. Every endpoint can employ as many shared or unique resource classes as needed, and have common or different providers.

Each JAX-RS Whiteboard implementation registers exactly one JaxrsServiceRuntime service per JAX-RS Whiteboard. The service properties of the JAX-RS Service Runtime Service can be used to target JAX-RS Whiteboard services at specific JAX-RS whiteboards, as described by the property in Common Whiteboard Properties.

As JAX-RS resources have no common interface type they are instead registered with the osgi.jaxrs.resource service property with a value of "true". This property serves as a marker to the JAX-RS whiteboard runtime, indicating that this OSGi service should be hosted as a JAX-RS Whiteboard resource.

As JAX-RS extensions have many possible interface types, none of which are defined by this specification, they must be registered with the osgi.jaxrs.extension service property with a value of true. This property serves as a marker to the JAX-RS whiteboard runtime, indicating that this OSGi service should be used as a JAX-RS Whiteboard extension.

To provide simple scoping of JAX-RS resources and extensions within a whiteboard, in this scenario it can be desirable to register an otherwise empty Application. This application can then be targeted by whiteboard services using the property.

Applications can be registered with the JAX-RS Whiteboard by registering them as Whiteboard services which advertise themselves using the JAX-RS Application type. In addition the whiteboard services must provide a osgi.jaxrs.application.base property. The value of this property is the URI path relative to the root whiteboard context at which the application will be registered. Note that the value of any ApplicationPath annotation will be applied by the container in addition to the osgi.jaxrs.application.base.

The base URI for each application within the whiteboard must be unique. If two or more applications targeting the same whiteboard are registered with the same base URI then only the highest ranked service will be made available. All other application services with that URI will have a failure DTO created for them. The same rules also apply to the property, with the highest ranked service shadowing other applications with the same name.

If a whiteboard application fails (for example if the service get fails), or cannot be immediately deployed (for example if it has an unsatisfied then any applications that it shadows are still shadowed and relevant failure DTOs are created for all of the applications.

It is possible for an application to require additional whiteboard extensions before it is eligible to be hosted by the whiteboard. When making this determination the Whiteboard implementation must perform a dry-run validation of the filter, applying all of the whiteboard extensions targeted to the application before determining whether the application's requirements are met.

The following table describes the properties that can be used by JAX-RS applications registered as Whiteboard services. Additionally, the common properties listed in Table 151.2 on page are supported, except for the property.

When using the JAX-RS Whiteboard it can also be necessary to access the service properties associated with the application hosting the resource, for example to allow customization of the resource's response. To this end, the JAX-RS whiteboard implementation must make the Application service properties available as a Map in the configuration. The key used to store this map is osgi.jaxrs.application.serviceProperties, and it can be found in any injected Configuration instance.

In the case where the hosting application is not an OSGi service, for example a Whiteboard implementation may choose to provide its default application as an internal detail, then the osgi.jaxrs.application.serviceProperties map must exist containing the of the application and the service properties associated with the JaxrsServiceRuntime service.

All JAX-RS Whiteboard services may be registered with an optional property. For Whiteboard resources and applications (but not extensions), if the registered service has set this property then the JAX-RS container must register a JaxrsEndpoint service identifying the URI(s) that can be used to access the service.

Missing Required Extensions - If a JAX-RS resource or extension requires one or more extensions using a filter then at any given time it is possible that the JAX-RS container will not be able to host the resource. At this time a failure DTO must be created for the relevant resource or extension service.

To ensure that whiteboard resources can depend on support for a particular media type in a portable way this specification defines the property. This property key should be registered with one or more media types that are supported, and may be provided by:

Where possible the value(s) of the property should use the IANA registered names of the media type(s) supported, for example application/json. Officially registered media types are available from [4] IANA Media Type Registrations. If there is no officially registered media type then a vendor type should be used. Personal types may also be used, however due to the lack of portability afforded by personal types it is recommended that a non-standard property key is used for personal types.

Wildcard types must not be used as values for the property as these do not provide sufficient information for whiteboard resources to reliably select a media type provider. Where a provider wishes to advertise support for a general suffix, for example +json or +cbor then the provider must advertise the primary media type associated with the suffix; in the supplied example these would be application/json and application/cbor. Clients wishing to use suffixed types should therefore also depend on the primary media type, not the suffixed type, if they wish to be portable. Where greater specificity is required it is recommended that the extension be selected based on additional custom properties. This should also be used for suffixes that have no primary type, for example +der. Official media type registrations are available from [5] IANA Media Type Suffix Registrations e24fc04721

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