To determine which versions of the client tools are installed on your system, start Management Studio, and then click About on the Help menu. (See the following screenshot.)

Method 1: Connect to the server by using Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio. After Object Explorer is connected, it will show the version information in parentheses, together with the user name that is used to connect to the specific instance of Analysis Services.

Sql Server Native Client Version 11.0 Download


If you use Web Synchronization for Merge Replication, the IIS web server may not be the same computer as the computer that is running SQL Server. Therefore, you have replication agent files that are installed on the IIS web server. And you may have to check the version of those .dll files in the IIS virtual directory and update them explicitly to obtain the latest service packs, cumulative updates, and hotfixes for your web agents.

Alternatively, try the SQL Server Setup steps in this next section. To find the version of PolyBase and its related features, refer to a fresh discovery report that runs within the SQL Server Setup tools.

For Windows servers, refer to the CAB file versions which change with SQL Server cumulative updates. Refer to the Rlauncher.config or PythonLauncher.config files in the Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.nn\MSSQL\Binn directory to find the RHOME or PYTHONHOME folder locations of the CAB files. For the CAB versions that are included with SQL Server CU versions, see CAB downloads for offline installation of cumulative updates for SQL Server Machine Learning Services.

In general it is recommended to use the same client and server versions. Using older client with newer server versions may work, but in some situations (for example when newer server data types are used) not all features are supported.

The highest installed SQL Server client can be queried in a program with DF_DRIVER_SQLSERVER_CLIENT_VERSION attribute. The attribute returns the version number from the table above. The cMSSQLHandler class in Mssqldrv.pkg contains constant definitions for supported clients.

The "SQL Server Native Client 11.0" is the last "Native Client" version. There is no native client version for SQL server 2014 and higher (but they are still provided with SQL Native Client 11.0). The successors for SQL Native Client are:

When downloading and installing SQL Server clients on 64-bit systems, choose the x64 version. This will install both 64-bit and 32-bit ODBC drivers. The DataFlex SQL Server driver will use the 32-bit version.

The DataFlex SQL Drivers can be configured to check for a minimum client version to be installed. This can be specified with the Minimum_Client_Version setting in driver configuration file (,,, or at runtime with the DF_Driver_Minimum_Client_Version attribute.

The minimum client version check will be performed during login. This could be an explicit login command in the program, or a login that occurs as part of the first open. If the minimum client version is not installed on the workstation, a fatal error will be raised.

The DataFlex SQL drivers can be configured to check for matching database server and client versions. This can be specified with the Match_Client_Server_Version setting in driver configuration file (,,, or at runtime with the DF_DRIVER_MATCH_CLIENT_SERVER_VERSION attribute.

The match_client_server_version check will be performed during login. This could be an explicit login command in the program, or a login that occurs as part of the first open. If the client version is less than the server version, an error will be raised when connecting to the server.

Is there a way or website document that tells which version of SQL server like use which version of native client.

I cannot find it.

Does it matter I use SQLNCLI11.1. or SQLNCLI11 for the connection string on SQL server 2017 and SSIS 2017?

You can find the dlls for the drivers in the Windows\System32 folder. Then in that folder, search for: sqlncli*.dll

That should pull up the sql native client drivers. You can right click on the dlls and select properties, then details and the Product Version should have the full build number to see what you have.

SQL Server Native Client version; Warning; Configuration Manager sites require a supported SQL Server Native Client version. To enable TLS 1.2 support, you must install a supported version of SQL Server Native Client on the specified site database server. For more information, see =2026746

When I search to download an install for SQL Server Native Client, I find the 2012 version, then find "Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server", which seems to be the new version of SQL Server Native Client. What should I be installing? Is it one of these, or something completely different? And I assume it should be installed on my site server? Any help is appreciated.

We're running ArcGIS and Server 10.3. I'm trying to register a SQL 2012 database on our server. I'm able to create a connection file through ArcMap on a computer across our network. When I export this document to the Server machine and try to register the database I get this error:

"The connection property set was missing a required property or the property value was unrecognized. Connection was attempted with an older version of SQL Server client communications software that is not compatible with the SQL Server database server."

We have verified that we have SQL Server native client version 11.3.6020 installed on the ArcMap workstation. We found that Native Client version 11.0 was installed on our SQL server virtual machine and ArcGIS server virtual machine (both housed on the same server over our network). We tried to download and install the latest native client version (11.3) on both of these servers. The installer says "an older version of native client was detected on your machine, do you want to upgrade?" or something to that effect. We say yes, install and restart the machine. We did this on both the SQL server and ArcGIS server VMs and they both still show version 11.0 when we run the odbcad32.exe command to check the drivers. We're stumped.

I have no idea if this will help you or not, but we had a similar error on our servers just a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't a driver problem at all, although the error would lead you to believe that was the source of the error. It turned out that we needed to have a fully qualified domain in our database connection parameters. We had to work with our database administrators (not GIS people) to get our connection parameters set up.

Thanks Tracy. We did set up a domain, and I'm able to connect to the SQL server over the network through ArcMap on the domain. I still can't register the SQL database with the ArcGIS server. I was wrong though, the two versions of Native Client were slightly different. We'll try to sync them, and see if that helps.

I know it is particular about making sure you have the right 64 bit driver. I have no administrative permissions on our SQL Server servers (or any servers for that matter), and therefore can't take you any farther than the tip I gave you. I always look over every compatibility matrix I can find on the ESRI site.

A client has device that connects by USB to a Windows 10 Pro laptop. Software installed on the laptop gathers data from the device, and sends the data across the internet via VPN to an SQL database using an ODBC connection. Everything was working on Friday but failed on Monday morning. Later on Monday I learned that at the database host they had updated software on the server which hardened the connection at their end.

When you invoke sqlncli.msi, only the client components are installed by default. The client components are are files that support running an application that was developed using SQL Server Native Client.

I downloaded a native client sqlncli.msi but received the message 'Installation of SQL Server 2008 Native Client failed because a higher version already exists on the machine...' Is there another download to install or is there a way to copy certain files from a server already containing the desired Native Client and then performing the registration without doing a complete reinstallation?

For us, the answer (above/below?) allows access to SQL Server 2000 databases from SQL Server 2012 Integration Services packages that are hosted on a SQL Server 2012 database server running on Windows Server 2012 OS. We followed these suggestions to install SQLNCLI10 on our 2012 database server. Our problem occured because the hosting db server never had the old SQL 2008 "SQLNCLI10" installed. That is, it never had SQL Server 2008 installed or an older OS.

It is worth noting that when following the solution from squillman/technet/etc, while installing the 2008 SQLNCLI.msi on one of our new servers, we received the error "Installation of SQL Server 2008 failed because a higher version already exists on the machine...." Despite this, the driver was installed and worked properly without hurting 2012 db server functionality. It installed alongside the existing 2012 SQLNCLI11 driver nicely.

In SSIS 2012, our packages use an "OLE DB\SQL Server Native Client 10.0" connection to access the SQL Server 2000 databases (we actually just edited the connection strings and changed Provider from "SQLNCLI11.1" to "SQLNCLI10.1"). The developers had both drivers on their machines and so did the db servers we originally deployed to. It was only when the final "Pure" 2012 servers were built out that the old driver disappeared and packages failed.

I am getting this error when trying to compress one of my geodatabases. I have about 5 different geodatabase schemas all existing in the same server MSSQL Server 2012 database on Windows 2012 Server, I am able to reconcile, post, compress and analyze all the other 4 geodatabases successfully without issues but each time I run both my model or script on this particular geodatabase I keep getting the error saying. ff782bc1db

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