I had the same issue, the reason is because sqlcmd when typed alone without the servername, tries to connect to the default server. If you have named instance then it cannot connect to it without specifying the instance name. Work around is to make the named instance as default by changing the port as shown in this link:SQL Server, convert a named instance to default instance?

I have been told that SQL Native Client is supposed to be faster than the OLEDB drivers. So I put together a utility to do a load-test between the two - and am getting mixed results. Sometimes one is faster, sometimes the other is, no matter what the query may be (simple select, where clause, joining, order by, etc.). Of course the server does the majority of the workload, but I'm interested in the time it takes between the data coming into the PC to the time the data is accessible within the app.

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SQL Server Native Client is a stand-alone data access application programming interface (API), used for both OLE DB and ODBC, that was introduced in SQL Server 2005. SQL Server Native Client combines the SQL OLE DB provider and the SQL ODBC driver into one native dynamic-link library (DLL).

You did not sayd what SQL Server version you are using. In general, best is to use SQL Server OLEDB provider corresponding to your SQL Server version. Otherwise you can run into incompatibility between server and client versions.

Long answer:

The difference in performance between the 2 client libs is relatively negligible compared to the Server execution + Network data transfer, which is what you are mostly measuring, hence the inconclusive test data. There is a good chance that you use the same low level layer in both cases anyway with only a minor difference in indirection on top of it.

Anyway, before looking for a solution, you have to identify the problem. Profile your application, both client side and server side (SQL Server has good tools for that), and find what exactly makes it slower. Then and only then you can look for the correct solution. Maybe the data access layer is not the problem. 20,000 records is a small dataset today, not a large one.

A client has device that connects by USB to a Windows 10 Pro laptop. Software installed on the laptop gathers data from the device, and sends the data across the internet via VPN to an SQL database using an ODBC connection. Everything was working on Friday but failed on Monday morning. Later on Monday I learned that at the database host they had updated software on the server which hardened the connection at their end.

When you invoke sqlncli.msi, only the client components are installed by default. The client components are are files that support running an application that was developed using SQL Server Native Client.

Is there a way or website document that tells which version of SQL server like use which version of native client.

I cannot find it.

Does it matter I use SQLNCLI11.1. or SQLNCLI11 for the connection string on SQL server 2017 and SSIS 2017?

You can find the dlls for the drivers in the Windows\System32 folder. Then in that folder, search for: sqlncli*.dll

That should pull up the sql native client drivers. You can right click on the dlls and select properties, then details and the Product Version should have the full build number to see what you have.

Microsoft SQL Server Native Client (SQL Native Client) contains the SQL ODBC driver and SQL OLE DB provider in one native dynamic link library (DLL) supporting applications using native-code APIs (ODBC, OLE DB, and ADO) to Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Native Client was introduced in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to provide new functionality above and beyond that supplied by the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).

Why am I doubting about item 1 above ? When I tried our FIRST installation on a fresh OS, in fact he UPGRADED the existing database which was still there from the test server. So in fact, this was seen as a non-clean install at that moment.

Did you remember to install the client on the BigFix server machine as well? The client is required to be on the BigFix server machine in order for the server machine to function properly. Can you please check and let us know.

Hello, yes, I did.

But the issues are occuring BEFORE the client needs to be installed.

If I continue installing Console and Client after installing the server, the Console is almost empty. There are no sites at the bottom and even the Licensing sites is not available.

I am getting this error when trying to compress one of my geodatabases. I have about 5 different geodatabase schemas all existing in the same server MSSQL Server 2012 database on Windows 2012 Server, I am able to reconcile, post, compress and analyze all the other 4 geodatabases successfully without issues but each time I run both my model or script on this particular geodatabase I keep getting the error saying.

On my computer there are installed both SQL Server Client and SQL Server Native Client 11

I tried to connect both local database (2012) and lan server database (2005) but I get same error only using Xojo.

Giorgio, I connect to a remote MSSQL 2012 database server using the native client. My approach is to use a OLEObject to do so. This is only going to work on a Windows application, which works for me at the moment. (this is from a Windows hosted web application)

This code is definitely not going to work for you as-is, since it uses a module that I am not ready to share. However, this should give you the general idea on connecting to a remote server by IP address or URL - I can use either with this code, using the native client.

[quote=86043:@Louis Desjardins]Giorgio, I connect to a remote MSSQL 2012 database server using the native client. My approach is to use a OLEObject to do so. This is only going to work on a Windows application, which works for me at the moment. (this is from a Windows hosted web application)

As we have upgarded our Sep to 14 MP 2 and we have SQL 2008 r2 databse installed on remote computer . now we want t omigrate our database to sql 2016 on different server and in order to perform the same we need to upgrade native client also but we are unable to found sql natvi client 2016 . please suggest. could we use any older version of nativ client than SQL 2016 ?

Thnaks a lot, awaiting for the above information. actually i had also tested with Sql 2008 native client with SQl 2016 databse (on remote host) and it was working on UAT server but having some hesitation to apply in production hence raised this query.

hi, we just upgraded to gp 2015 and installed sqlexpress 2012 on a new server. was able to make a odbc connection with native client 11 on my dell vostros laptop and also a new dell optiplex 3020, both with windows 7 pro. just purchased a another optiplex 3020 with windows 7 and cannot make the odbc connection. when testing the connection it take a about a minute afterwhich the test fails. i rechecked all settings and they are the same as on computers where the connection is fine. this is the error. any help will be much appreciated.

Check that you have connectivity to the SQL Server. Note what you are using to connect: machine name, domain name or IP address? Use this when checking connectivity. For example if you are using myserver

I can see all the shared folders on the network and can access all the other computers on the network so there is network connectivity. which is why i'm stumped. i even tried connecting using the 32 bit odbc but it fails also. but for some reason i can't connect to the servername\sqlexpress.

We are in the process of reinstalling TDM 4.9 application and Database on new Windows Server 2022 R2 system. Our current TDM application and Database is hosted on a Windows Server 2008 R2 OS, and will need to be decommissioned. The current TDM system is working fine, and we are able to establish the ODBC connection for DataMaker. The SQL Server 2019 database is also running on a Windows Server 2019 OS. However, when attempting to create the ODBC on the new server, we are seeing the following error:

Are you using SQL Server 2012 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax Servername\SQLEXPRESS where you substitute Servername with the name of the computer where the SQL Server 2012 Express installation resides.

If you connect with ADO.NET or the SQL Native Client to a database that is being mirrored, your application can take advantage of the drivers ability to automatically redirect connections when a database mirroring failover occurs. You must specify the initial principal server and database in the connection string and the failover partner server. ff782bc1db

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