Tragically, most domestic abusers have strong manipulative skills, particularly if they are well-educated. (Yes, the more educated the abuser is, the more psychological damage he can do to kids. But the courts, especially the custody courts, love a well-educated batterer.)

Thankyou again, Lundy. Once again you highlight what is so wrong with our society and the legal and welfare groups that are meant to protect our children. In particular the section where you talked about the court seeing family members siding with the father being almost proof that the mother is at fault was right on point. A friend had a court tell her that the fact that her 3 oldest boys (2 adults and 1 teenager, only the teenager was the abusers child) sided with the abuser showed that she was the abuser. Thankyou for bringing these uncomfortable situations to light.

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So much truth to what you have shared. I am nearly 3 years out from beginning to comprehend what was happening behind my back and in front of me that I did not understand was manipulation and abuse for 35 years. So wish I had understood these things decades ago. Adult children siding with the abuser and youngest being brainwashed to believe her primary caregiver was incompetent, hysterical and crazy is exactly the script my ex used. Mother and siblings being lied to by my ex and adult children left me abandoned and excluded from my own dysfunctional family. The Custody Evaluator was incompetent and did not verify even the most basic details of the lies told to her by 3. She believed I was the liar even in the absence of any evidence that I was lying (I am so committed to truth). I was niave and unprepared for the battle that my ex had been waging for 35 years. So many good things have happened in my life the past 2 years but the residual of this past reality continues to impact my relationships with children, mother and sisters. It is hard to comprehend because it would NEVER occur to me that anyone would do what has been done. Looking forward to part 3.

Part humor, part romance, and part suspense, In Custody is the story of a young journalist who sets out to discover why a mother and her daughter have gone missing, and finds herself digging into the dark world of family court corruption. Healing & Prevention | Domestic Abuse & Custody 2023 Lundy Bancroft | All Rights Reserved.

For all those who want to introduce children to Krita, or who want to get to know Krita themselves in small portions, I think this 35-part beginners course, which is clearly aimed at children, is worth watching. It explains Krita in short videos appropriate for children, there are a few small projects in the course such as painting an apple. I have linked the complete playlist with the respective video titles because the videos are scattered on his page between many other videos, so you can see what topics are covered there.

Since this course is aimed at children, the comment function on YouTube is disabled to protect the children.

So I have a slightly specific request here, basically I heard Domino by Stray Kids on TikTok and I haven't been able to get this part (2:39 to 2:51 - =mcIVRlw23eY) out of my head. It reminds me a bit of BEBE YANA's Space Mulan, and I love that sort of sound, so does anyone know either what genre of music that could be classified as or any songs that have a similar sound to them?

hi, i am new to k-pop and i found this new song by stray kids that i really like.

the song is S-Class: =JsOOis4bBFg

the parts i find very pleasant are 0:49-0:56 and 1:48-1:55

Being a teacher is one of the most rewarding professions because you have the opportunity to make it a fun and create a learning environment for children. You have the ability to make an impact on the future generation; however, teaching can be challenging and draining at times. I am not a teacher; however, I do have experience working with young children as a social worker. I can tell you that the hardest part of working with children is that some children deal with a lot of stressful events outside of school and this causes them to display challenging behaviors at school. There are children that don't have a healthy outlet at home where he/she can express their emotional feelings. As a teacher, you want to try to help each child with their personal issues but you can't make their situations at home disappear. While the children are in school, you can build a healthy relationship by getting to know each child's personalities; identify their strengths and let them know that you care. Providing support, setting boundaries and developing resouces for children is a great start. In addition, parental involvement is critical for the well being of the each child. Most parents want what is best for their children, but they may not know how to deal with their child's feelings; build healthy communication and be involved in their child's education. This is another obstacle that teachers must hurdle. Teachers must take an active role in giving parents the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of their child's well being and education. It is important to be direct with parents and engage them in discussions about the role parents play in their child's emotional, physical and educational well being. I hope this response helps you to have an understanding.

Hi Edgar, I am not a teacher by profession but there are times that I volunteer as a substitute teacher at my church. I will say that teaching kids is rewarding yet can be very challenging. Its a great feeling when my students can repeat something that I have taught them especially when I think they are not paying attention but they are actually listening. The hardest part about teaching for me is keeping the kids attention so I am always looking for activities that are fun and creative. I hope this helps.

The resort also offered jet skis and water bikes for rental. We did not partake, but water bikes were $50 for 30 minutes, or $90 for one hour. Had my oldest been older, I would likely have rented a water bike.

Day 2 at sea was a magical day and although I was skeptical about starting our cruise with two full days at sea, it was truly the perfect way to begin an Alaskan cruise. By day three, we felt like we were truly part of a National Geographic video. Every view, every experience was more stunning than the one before.

On our whale watch, we saw A TON of whales. We even had one breach right beside our boat literally as we were all returning to our seats to head back in at the end of our ride. I caught just part of the breach and it was incredible.

Our birthday parties got a BIG upgrade with an all-new birthday show where Chuck E. shines a spotlight on the birthday kid. Plus, new games and new prizes! Right now only, win DOUBLE tickets from the birthday Ticket Blaster! See promo details.

This new campaign is part of the FDA's ongoing efforts to prevent disease and death caused by tobacco use and will complement the agency's other youth tobacco prevention campaigns. The FDA launched "The Real Cost" Smoking Prevention Campaign in February 2014, "Fresh Empire" a multicultural tobacco prevention campaign in October 2015, and "The Real Cost" Smokeless Tobacco Prevention Campaign in April 2016. The FDA's campaigns are based on the best available science and are evaluated to measure effectiveness in changing tobacco-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, intentions and/or behaviors over time.

Other notable cast appearances include BD Wong (credited as "Bradd Wong") as an Okinawan boy who invites Daniel and Kumiko to a dance club and Clarence Gilyard as one of the participants in the ice-breaking scene. Also, Traci Toguchi, who is credited as "Girl Bell Ringer", is the child rescued by Daniel in the typhoon, and is later identified as "Yuna" in the Cobra Kai season three episode "Miyagi-Do".

After uncovering the Luzerne County "kids-for-cash" scandal in 2007, Juvenile Law Center issued a report to the Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice, which was created to investigate the scandal. We provided recommendations on how to ensure that "kids-for-cash" could be prevented in the future, including how to protect children's right to counsel.

This blog is the second post in our Lessons from "Kids for Cash" blog series, which explores some of the critical issues facing youth today that were brought to light by the "kids-for-cash" scandal and are depicted in the new film "Kids for Cash." Read more posts from this series here.

I think that all of the elements that exist which contribute to the rise in obesity are still present, specifically large portion sizes, difficulty obtaining healthy foods, particularly in underserved communities. The ongoing pressure from the food industry for people to consume not only large quantities but very highly caloric meals, processed foods, sugar-sweetened beverages, soda, juice. I don't think that's going to change.

It's a time for birthday parties, for snacks at school. It's a time for all of these things that can easily contribute to the calories going in. And since different people have different genetic makeups, their metabolic rates are going to vary. It's complex, but certainly, intake has a lot to do with it.

But the ones who come to us are at the 99th percentile or above. These teens really have severe obesity. And part of that is because I don't accept them into the surgery program unless they're likely to be surgical candidates.

People who have sleeve gastrectomy don't feel hungry because the hormone Ghrelin is made in that part of the stomach. It's made in other places, but the signal to eat, because you're now hungry is greatly diminished. But thymine factors are made in that part of the stomach, so thiamine deficiency is a risk. Vitamin B12 has co-factors that are made in that part of the stomach. That's a risk. Folate is very important for females who may have children.

Also, we have to make sure their levels are adequate. Iron deficiency can occur, so we monitor that, and most people have vitamin D issues, which doesn't relate to that part of the stomach, but having a sleeve will decrease their intake, their vitamin D absorption isn't necessarily as good. And more importantly, losing weight. You don't just lose the fat, you lose everything. So, they're at risk for developing osteomalacia as well. Supplementing vitamin D, taking adequate amounts of calcium so that the bones remain strong is also very important. 2351a5e196

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