With great thanks to all those who kindly volunteered to test the beta version and have provided valuable suggestions for improvement, I am pleased to report that kobo2stata is now publicly available from the SSC. Please see my full announcement here: -kobo2stata-new-on-ssc/

You cannot output data from Kobo directly as a Stata file. But you can export your data and form as Excel and then use the kobo2stata command in Stata to automate the import/conversion of those into a labelled Stata format.


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Hi i am STATA user and i have a problem whit a command , I think may be you can help me

I was using STATA 14 but now i need to use STATA18 and i want to run a differences between coefficeints od firs and third level

lincome 1.a - 3.a

I was reeding the aids on stata but rally i dont undersatand it

The basic syntax of the command is the following (you can find the do-file used for this example here). N.B., the name of the package is stata_linter but the name of the command is lint.

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This file contains settings specific to my PC, namely the location of my Dropbox folder. The Stata profile stored on my mac is identical except that it defines a different location for DROPBOX. I could also define the locations of all my projects in profile.do. But instead, I store those definitions, along with any other settings that are common across my computers, on Dropbox in a script called stata_profile.do and then call that script from profile.do.

The first line, set varabbrev off, is a command I want executed every time I open Stata on all my computers, for reasons I explain below. The second line speeds up reshape (requires Stata 18 or later) and the third line instructs Stata not to create do-file editor backup (*.stswp) files. The last line defines the location of the analysis for MyProject, which I stored on Dropbox. In practice my Stata profile defines a large number of globals, one for every project I am working on. Whenever I start a new project, I define a new global for it and add it to stata_profile.do. Because all my computers are synced to Dropbox, I only have to create a new global once per project.

Stata takes version control seriously. You should always include a version statement in your master script. Writing version 15 instructs all future versions of Stata to execute its functions the same way Stata 15 did. However, most add-on (user-written) packages are not version controlled. To address this, I include a script called _install_stata_packages.do in all my working projects. This script installs copies of any user-written packages used by the project into a subdirectory of the project folder: analysis/scripts/libraries/stata. Rerunning this script will install updated versions of these add-ons as desired. I delete this script when my project is ready to be published, which effectively locks down the code for these user-written packages and ensures I can replicate my Stata analysis forever into the future. In addition, including these user-written packages ensures my code will run on a non-networked computer that does not have access to the internet. 2351a5e196

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