Welcome to SNN, the place to keep up to date on all news and events related to SPY Comox. For disambiguation purposes, this site only features news, articles, headlines etc. If you are looking for active operations, please visit the Current Operations page.


SPY Comox is relaunching! This includes a new Commander-in-Chief, a new Facebook group, a new website, and many new faces. If you are interested in finding out more, check out our Base of Operations, our Current Operations, our Future Surveillance, and our Communications pages. To join SPY Comox, check out the Become a SPY Agent page.

Secret pages have been added! Use the search bar to search for random pages, and if you stumble across a secret page, follow the instructions for a fun reward!

Our first event, Spying on Romans has started! Come visit us every Saturday night from 7-9:30pm to do a fun bible study and deepen your faith with peers!