To download the SPS program, click the 'Download page' link in the upper right corner.

About the SPS computer program

This website permits the downloading of a free, Windows-based computer program (SPS – Simple, Powerful Statistics) that makes it relatively easy to use the statistical methodology developed by Robert S. Rodger. Although SPS only runs on a Windows platform, Mac users can use SPS on their computers if they do so from within a Windows emulation program such as VMWare.

Since 2009, SPS has been the definitive (and only) computer program for doing Rodgerian statistics. Competition, though, is welcome. Hopefully, the expensive, commercially-available statistics packages (or a free one written in R) will soon include an implementation of 'Rodger’s method' which will also facilitate its widespread use. SPS will then just be the most comprehensive way to take advantage of the benefits afforded by the statistical virtues that are embodied in Rodger's methodology.

SPS is a copyrighted computer program, and I grant my perpetual permission for everyone to use it for its originally intended purpose – that is, to analyze their own research data in a very intelligent way. I expressly deny my permission for anyone to accept money for any future redistribution of my SPS computer program.

The current, and perhaps final, version of SPS is dated June 2017. On the other hand, I've been saying this for many months and somehow keep finding minor ways to change it.

About Rodger's method

If you are not familiar with Rodger's statistical methodology, go here:

The best source of information about Rodger's method remains the seven articles he published in the British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology in the 1960's and 70's. The complete references for them are contained in both Wiki entries noted above. In my opinion, the 1974 article is the single most important of them, and also the place to start.

Mark Roberts, Ph.D. (creator of SPS)