Eat Probiotic Foods

Five Big Reasons to Eat Probiotic Foods

Probiotic foods are consumed by a large number of people these days. Sprouted Minds bars offer fresh on-the-go superfood bars that are packed with nutrients. Our bars our probiotic, Ayurvedic, and sprouted. They are said to have medicinal properties and are thought to be beneficial to health. Let us take a look at the top five reasons why people consume them.

1. They improve the microbial balance (good bacteria vs. bad bacteria) in your intestine.

2. They ease lactose intolerance. They help people digest and metabolize lactose. This is one of the main reasons why lactose-intolerant individuals are encouraged to eat lactic acid-based probiotic foods.

3. They treat diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and colitis. They reduce inflammation and the severity of the illness. They also normalize the frequency of bowel movements.

4. They lower the risk of colon cancer.

5. They improve immune function and lower the risk of recurring infections.

Claims about the health benefits of probiotics have made them extremely popular. As a result, the sales of probiotic foods like yogurt and cheese and probiotic supplements have skyrocketed in the past few decades. There is, however, an important fact that many people, including those who consume probiotics regularly, are not aware of.

A large number of claims about the health benefits of probiotics are unsubstantiated. There is very little evidence available to actually prove that they can actually do what they are claimed to do. Experts are of the opinion that while probiotic supplements and foods are beneficial to health, they are certainly not the magical health food that they are claimed to be.

Now, if you are someone who consumes probiotic foods and supplements regularly or if you are planning to do so, what should you do? Fortunately, you have a better choice in the form of prebiotics.

Prebiotics are edible, non-digestible substances that are beneficial to your health. They increase the number of good bacteria in your intestine, regulate the process of digestion and absorption, and balance your digestive system. They also reduce inflammation, treat various types of gastroenteritis, boost the immune system, and lower the risk of a number of diseases including colon cancer. In other words, they can actually do what probiotic foods and supplements are claimed to do.

Claims about the health benefits of prebiotics are substantiated by a number of studies. Research shows that regular consumption of prebiotics promotes the growth of short-chain fatty acids that produce intestinal bacteria. Studies also show that prebiotic foods have a positive effect on bowel pH, immune system effectiveness, and mineral absorption.

Prebiotics are naturally found in kiwifruit, chicory root, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, onion, and wheat bran. They are found mostly in inedible parts like the skin and the roots. So, you have to eat them raw to obtain the health benefits. Moreover, unlike probiotic foods like yogurt and cheese, prebiotic foods like kiwifruit are not readily available year-round. Due to these reasons, many people prefer to take prebiotics in the form of dietary supplements.

You have a number of choices when it comes to prebiotic supplements. For best results, you can choose a kiwifruit-based supplement, as kiwi is one of the richest sources of prebiotics.

If you want to balance your digestive system and improve your overall health, prebiotic supplements are your best bet. They are a safer, better, and more effective choice than probiotic foods or supplements. Undoubtedly, they should be part of any health-conscious person's diet.