Spring Arts Week 2020
Check out this awesome video created by Valencia College's Sign Language Interpretation Program!
7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. | Film Screening: Single Take Film Challenge 2019 Winners
- It is often said, “art is limitation.” The winners of the 2019 Single-Take Film Challenge embrace that concept fully. In this 93-minute screening, you will see how 17 different short films tried to solve the problem of telling a story in a single, unbroken shot. Some of these films contain violence, strong language, and nudity. We advise potential viewers to use their own discretion before attending. Facilitated by Rob McCaffrey
- Room: School of Arts and Entertainment Screening theater (SAE 133)
- Event Listing: http://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/spring_arts_week_event_film_screening_of_the_2019_winners_of_the_single_take_film_challenge_6578#.Xjx9UjJKjcs
On the Mall Lawn:
Noon - 1 pm | Three Ways of Poeming: a participatory installation series
- In this free workshop, participants paint rocks, write poetry on fabric, and contribute to the Spring Arts Week Playlist. This is facilitated by Professor Nikki Barnes.
1-3 | Artist Show and Demo by Aaron Booher
- This is a free demonstration! Artist Aaron Booher will display his artwork while he draws.
1-2 pm| Slam Poetry
- This is a free performance! Chris Brown is a central Florida slam poet who has traveled the US with his works. Chris will discuss writing, performing, and practicing slam poetry and end with an open mic.
2-3 PM | Solo Guitar by Dominic Perera
- This is a free performance! Solo electric guitar arrangements of classic pop and funk tunes along with some original compositions.
Building 3 - Anita Wooten Art Gallery
1-2:30 pm | Exploring the Ekphrasis: the Marriage between Visual Art and Poetry!
- You are invited to observe this existing class! Students will be lead in a hands-on creative writing workshop using the campus visual art gallery and its current exhibition as inspiration for creative writing, ekphrastic poetry and exploration of visual art. Facilitated by Tamara Madison
Building 3, Room 113
12:30 - 1:30 | Beginning Henna
- This is a free workshop! Students will learn how to make simple shapes that can be put together for a beautiful Henna design. Practice on paper then practice on yourself! Facilitated by professor Ashley Zehel.
On the Mall Lawn
2-3 PM | Political Identity Collage - CANCELED
- This is a free workshop! Students create a cut-and-paste image collage from news magazines that reflects and expresses their political beliefs. Facilitated by Professor Meredith Legg.
Noon - 4 pm | Urban Art Experience
- This is a free workshop! It's an opportunity for students to experiment with spray painting, working on a collaborative, free form painting in a public space. Nathaniel Rolon Reyes studied Urban Art in Puerto Rico.
Noon - 4 pm | Three Ways of Poeming: a participatory installation series
- This is a free workshop! In this free workshop, participants paint rocks, write poetry on fabric, and contribute to the Spring Arts Week Playlist. This is facilitated by Professor Nikki Barnes.
10am - 11:30am | Graphic Design: Brush Lettering Workshop
- This is a free workshop! Students will learn the basics of brush lettering using various brush markers. Facilitated by Professors Amanda Kern and Kristy Pennino
- Location: 5-112
- Event Listing: http://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/graphic_design_brush_lettering_workshop#.XlVRHJNKiF0
10:30 am - 12:30 pm | Technical Certificate Cafe: Jumpstart Your Resume and Morning
- This is a free workshop! Come Join Us To Find Out The Benefits Of Getting A Technical Certificate
- Free Food!
- Location: Building 3 Atrium
- Event Listing: http://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/technical_certificate_cafe_jumpstart_your_resume_and_morning#.Xk_thJNKiF0
Noon - 2 pm | Three Ways of Poeming: a participatory installation series
- This is a free workshop! In this free workshop, participants paint rocks, write poetry on fabric, and contribute to the Spring Arts Week Playlist. This is facilitated by Professor Nikki Barnes.
- Location: Mall, grassy lawn
- Event Listing: http://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/three_ways_of_poeming_a_participatory_installation_series_9589#.XlVVP5NKiF0
12:30 - 1pm | "We Fight" - An Original Play
- This is a free performance! The theatre club has created an original play. “Three desperately poor siblings scavenge among the 18th century, looking to steal anything of value. Little do they know, they bite off more than they can chew . . . "
- Location: Sculpture Garden
4:00 - 5:00 pm | Theatre Outdoors!
- Observe short performances by Rebekah Lane's Intro to Theatre class!
- Location: Various outside spaces
Ceramics Studio
11 am - 3 pm | Raku! An Introduction to Clay & Fire
- Ceramics professor Richard Munster invites interested persons to view the process of firing ceramic art works in the traditions referred to as Raku. Would be held on east campus during regular class hours in the the permanent location for ceramics and sculpture courses.
Film Screening: Single Take Film Challenge 2019 Winners
Feb. 28th, 7:00pm / East Campus SAE 113
It is often said, “art is limitation.” The winners of the 2019 Single-Take Film Challenge embrace that concept fully. In this 93-minute screening, you will see how 17 different short films tried to solve the problem of telling a story in a single, unbroken shot.
Some of these films contain violence, strong language, and nudity. We advise potential viewers to use their own discretion before attending.
1-2 pm| Slam Poetry
This is a free performance! Chris Brown is a central Florida slam poet who has traveled the US with his works. Chris will discuss writing, performing, and practicing slam poetry and end with an open mic.
Location: East Campus Mall
Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/slam_poetry#.XjnvylNKgXo
Solo Guitar by Dominic Perera
Mar. 2nd, 2:00pm / East Campus Mall
This is a free performance! Solo electric guitar arrangements of classic pop and funk tunes along with some original compositions.
Technical Certificate Cafe: Jumpstart Your Resume and Morning
Come Join Us To Find Out The Benefits Of Getting A Technical Certificate
Free Food Provided
March 4, 10:30 - 12:30
Building 3 Atrium
Raku: Fire and Clay
East Campus | FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 2020
Ceramics Studio
11 am - 3 pm | Raku! An Introduction to Clay & Fire
- Ceramics professor Richard Munster invites interested persons to view the process of firing ceramic art works in the traditions referred to as Raku. Would be held on east campus during regular class hours in the the permanent location for ceramics and sculpture courses.
10:00am - 12:45pm | Cross-culture humanities with Dutch students: Exploring the American Dream
- This is a free workshop! 20th/21st century humanities students meet with visiting students from Koning Willem I College in The Netherlands for an interdisciplinary hands-on class focusing on understanding cultural norms and stereotypes about Americans. Students and guests will be incorporating improv, art, music and writing as they explore the idea of the American Dream.
- Room: This will be in rooms 225-226.
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/cross-culture_humanities_with_dutch_students_exploring_the_american_dream#.XjnxEVNKgXo
10:00am - 11:15am | Art Outdoors
- THIS IS AN EXISTING CLASS IN PUBLIC SPACE - OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Professor Sheila Levi-Aland will hold her class's studio day outside. This is a chance to use found materials in a new way. We will explore collage, paint, photography, art in situ, and natural materials. The class will meet at Denning and Morse at 10 am. They will travel from there.
- Meeting point: Denning and Morse
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/art_outdoors#.Xjnwk1NKgXo
2:30-4pm | Poems in Ekphrasis
- This is a free installation and poetry reading! It will feature the work of past and present Valencia Poets. This will show the process of ekphrasis, a Greek term that has come to mean the description of or response to one work of art through the creation of another. Simonides of Ceos: Painting is silent poetry and poetry is painting that speaks. Word and Image: a conversation between poetry and art. What happens when an Ekphrasis experience begins with poetry. This is facilitated by Professor Nikki Fragala Barnes.
- Room: Courtyard
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/ekphrastic_poetry_gallery#.XjnwHFNKgXo
2:30-3:45 | The Yellow Wallpaper: To journey outside ourselves
- You are invited to observe this existing class! Professor Chris Brown's ENC 1102 course will meet outdoors under the Portico to discuss their reading, The Yellow Wallpaper.
- Room: Portico
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/the_yellow_wallpaper_to_journey_outside_ourselves#.XjnvQFNKgXo
11:30 - 12:15 | Valencia String Ensemble
- Enjoy your lunch with a background of music, in celebration of Spring Arts Week. The Valencia String Ensemble, from East Campus, will brighten the WP campus with light musical selections from Scott Joplin, Franz Strauss, and even JS Bach. Enjoy a 45 min program on campus Wednesday, March 4, from 11:30-12:15.
- Room: Portico
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/valencia_string_ensemble#.XjnvCFNKgXo
1-2 pm| Slam Poetry
- This is a free performance! Chris Brown is a central Florida slam poet who has traveled the US with his works. Chris will discuss writing, performing, and practicing slam poetry and end with an open mic.
- Room: Courtyard
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/slam_poetry_9900#.Xjnvf1NKgXo
1:30-2:30 | Political Identity Collage - CANCELED
- This is a free workshop! Students create a cut-and-paste image collage from news magazines that reflects and expresses their political beliefs. Facilitated by Professor Meredith Legg.
- Room: Courtyard
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/political_identity_collage_409#.XjnxN1NKgXo
11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | Film Screening: Single Take Film Challenge 2019 Winners
- It is often said, “art is limitation.” The winners of the 2019 Single-Take Film Challenge embrace that concept fully. In this 93-minute screening, you will see how 17 different short films tried to solve the problem of telling a story in a single, unbroken shot. Some of these films contain violence, strong language, and nudity. We advise potential viewers to use their own discretion before attending.
- Room: Building 7, Room 114
- Event Listing: http://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/spring_arts_week_event_film_screening_of_the_2019_winners_of_the_single_take_film_challenge#.Xjx6VjJKjcs
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Paintings by Julianna Bittar
- This is a free pop-up gallery! View paintings about sadness. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, display area
8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | Sculptures by David Rabadán
- This is a free pop-up gallery! Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, Room 130 exhibit space
9:00am - 11:00am | Drawing by the Lake
You are invited to observe this existing class! Drawing students will be drawing outdoors with portable easels. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline.
- Room: Meet up at HSB Patio – then explore outdoor spaces on campus
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/artists_in_the_wild#.Xjsp_lNKhp8
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Paintings by Julianna Bittar
- This is a free pop-up gallery! View paintings about sadness. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, display area
8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | Sculptures by David Rabadán
- This is a free pop-up gallery! Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, Room 130 exhibit space
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Illuminated Manuscripts
- This is a free pop-up gallery! View creative learning about Medieval Times documented through photography. Facilitated by Professor Julie Montione.
- Room: Building 5, display area
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/illuminated_manuscripts#.XjspClNKhp8
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Paintings by Julianna Bittar
- This is a free pop-up gallery! View paintings about sadness. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, display area
8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | Sculptures by David Rabadán
- This is a free pop-up gallery! Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, Room 130 exhibit space
9:00am - 11:00am | Drawing by the Lake
You are invited to observe this existing class! Drawing students will be drawing outdoors with portable easels. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline.
- Room: Meet up at HSB Patio – then explore outdoor spaces on campus
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/artists_in_the_wild#.Xjsp_lNKhp8
1:00 p.m. -2:15 p.m. | Fashion Drawing Workshop
- Learn how to draw stylized figures in fashion illustrations –Facilitated by Professor Tara Tokorski.
- Room: Building 1-111
3:15 p.m. -4:45 p.m. | Designers Drawing Outdoors
- You are invited to observe this existing class! Design students will be drawing outdoors. Facilitated by Professor Tara Tokorski.
- Outdoor classroom behind Bldg. 6
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Illuminated Manuscripts
- This is a free pop-up gallery! View creative learning about Medieval Times documented through photography. Facilitated by Professor Julie Montione.
- Room: Building 5, display area
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/illuminated_manuscripts#.XjspClNKhp8
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Paintings by Julianna Bittar
- This is a free pop-up gallery! View paintings about sadness. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, display area
8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | Sculptures by David Rabadán
- This is a free pop-up gallery! Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, Room 130 exhibit space
10am - 3pm | Pottery / Art Sale and Pottery Wheel Demonstration
- This is a free demonstration and Art Sale! Watch Fine Art Faculty Michael Galletta sculpt on the potter's wheel. The pottery demonstration will coincide with an art and pottery sale. You can also purchase artwork and pottery made by Valencia College students!
- Location: HSB Patio
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/pottery_art_sale_and_wheel_demonstration#.Xk2QupNKiF0
11:30am - 12:30am | Paint Like Pollock
- This is a free workshop! Participants will be briefly introduced to the technique and philosophy behind Jackson Pollock's painting style and welcomed to try action painting themselves. Facilitated by Professor Joanna Nazario Grzechowiak.
- Location: HSB Patio
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/paint_like_pollock#.XjsrW1NKhp8
1pm - 2:15pm | Let's Improv!
- This is a free workshop! Let's explore thinking on your feet, freeing your imagination, listening to others and spontaneously reacting, which builds confidence for every walk of life! Join theatre professor Ginny Kopf in this fun workshop.
- Location: Building 8 RM 101
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/lets_improv#.XlBt6pNKiF0
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Illuminated Manuscripts
- This is a free pop-up gallery! View creative learning about Medieval Times documented through photography. Facilitated by Professor Julie Montione.
- Room: Building 5, display area
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/illuminated_manuscripts#.XjspClNKhp8
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Paintings by Julianna Bittar
- This is a free pop-up gallery! View paintings about sadness. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, display area
8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. | Sculptures by David Rabadán
- This is a free pop-up gallery! Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline
- Room: Building 5, Room 130 exhibit space
Film Screening: Single Take Film Challenge 2019 Winners
Feb. 27th, 11:30am / West Campus 7-114
It is often said, “art is limitation.” The winners of the 2019 Single-Take Film Challenge embrace that concept fully. In this 93-minute screening, you will see how 17 different short films tried to solve the problem of telling a story in a single, unbroken shot.
Some of these films contain violence, strong language, and nudity. We advise potential viewers to use their own discretion before attending.
Artists in the Wild
Mar 2, 8am / West Campus (on the grass)
You are invited to observe this existing class! Drawing students will be drawing outdoors with portable easels. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline.
Pottery Wheel Demo & Art Sale
Mar. 5th, 10am - 3pm / West Campus in front of building 6.
This is a free demonstration and Art Sale! Watch Fine Art Faculty Michael Galletta sculpt on the potter's wheel. You can also purchase pottery made by Valencia College students!
2:30-5:00PM | Artists in the Wild
You are invited to observe this existing class! Drawing students will be drawing outdoors with portable easels. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline.
- Room: Outside on grass
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/artists_in_the_wild_4175#.XjstK1NKhp8
9am - 2pm | Breathe With Me
This is a free, participatory, pop-up Art Installation! Breathe with Me is a public participatory artwork that invites audiences to paint their own individual ‘breath’. Every breath will take the form of painted blue parallel lines: each line for an exhale. Focusing on the present moment & awareness of climate change and the ability to breathe clean air. A community event encouraging oneness in breath, reducing inequalities by focusing on a universally shared action and experience. Facilitated by Professor Brittany Metz.
See project done at Stetson Fall 2019 here - https://disorderlyconstructblog.wordpress.com/2019/11/21/breathe-with-me-coming-soon/
- Location: DPAC Courtyard
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/breathe_with_me#.XjsvFVNKhp8
2:30-5:00PM | Artists in the Wild
You are invited to observe this existing class! Drawing students will be drawing outdoors with portable easels. Facilitated by Professor Rose Casterline.
- Room: Outside on grass
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/artists_in_the_wild_4175#.XjstK1NKhp8
2:30pm - 5pm | Movie: Bladerunner
This is a free film screening! In the 21st century, a corporation develops human clones to be used as slaves in colonies outside the Earth, identified as replicants. In 2019, a former police officer is hired to hunt down a fugitive group of clones living undercover in Los Angeles. Q&A facilitated by Professor Nick Beckas
- Room: DPAC 169A
- Event Listing:
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
9am - 2pm | Breathe With Me
This is a free, participatory, pop-up Art Installation! Breathe with Me is a public participatory artwork that invites audiences to paint their own individual ‘breath’. Every breath will take the form of painted blue parallel lines: each line for an exhale. Focusing on the present moment & awareness of climate change and the ability to breathe clean air. A community event encouraging oneness in breath, reducing inequalities by focusing on a universally shared action and experience. Facilitated by Professor Brittany Metz.
See project done at Stetson Fall 2019 here - https://disorderlyconstructblog.wordpress.com/2019/11/21/breathe-with-me-coming-soon/
Location: DPAC Courtyard
Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/breathe_with_me#.XjsvFVNKhp8
Date TBD
Time TBD | Learn to Cross Stitch and Embroider
- Librarian Emilie Buckley will be teaching a mini-workshop on cross-stitch and embroidery techniques. No experience required!
- Location: LNC Library
FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 17, 2020
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. | Putting the arts in STEM: A Community exhibit
- This is a free pop-up gallery exhibition! Exhibition of art work by Valencia College students and K-12 students from the Lake Nona area. Pieces will show students' interpretation of the beauty in the STEM field from local schools. Facilitated by Professor Rachael Dailey.
- Room: Building 1, Main Floor
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/putting_the_arts_in_stem_a_community_exhibit#.Xjs3eFNKhp8
11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. | Illustration for Children's Books
- This is a free workshop! Professor Tara Gibbs-Tokarski creates children's book illustrations. In this workshop, Professor Gibbs-Takarski and her collaborative author will go over how to write and illustrate a book. They will discuss what the process looks like and how to self publish. They will end the workshop with a Q&A session. Facilitated by Professor Tara Gibbs-Tokarski.
- Room: Library, RM 330
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/illustration_for_childrens_books#.Xjs5LlNKhp8
11am – 2pm | Make-and-Take Crafts!
- Stop by the Main Hallway to participate in a range of arts and crafts activities presented by Student Development, including: paper crafts, painting, scratch art, coloring, and more! Different art projects will be available each day, so swing by and check it out.
- Location: LNC Main Hallway
9am - 5pm | Art Extravaganza!
- Check out some extra-special arts activities in the LNC Library! Librarian Emilie Buckley has curated a host of off-the-wall art projects for students to try. Interested in learning to cross-stitch molecules or pop culture sayings? Want to create sculptures with 3-D pens? Try your hand at geometric origami? Pop on in to the Library!
- Location: LNC Library
9am - 5pm | Art Extravaganza!
- Check out some extra-special arts activities in the LNC Library! Librarian Emilie Buckley has curated a host of off-the-wall art projects for students to try. Interested in learning to cross-stitch molecules or pop culture sayings? Want to create sculptures with 3-D pens? Try your hand at geometric origami? Pop on in to the Library!
- Location: LNC Library
11am – 2pm | Make-and-Take Crafts!
- Stop by the Main Hallway to participate in a range of arts and crafts activities presented by Student Development, including: paper crafts, painting, scratch art, coloring, and more! Different art projects will be available each day, so swing by and check it out.
- Location: LNC Main Hallway
9am - 5pm | Art Extravaganza!
- Check out some extra-special arts activities in the LNC Library! Librarian Emilie Buckley has curated a host of off-the-wall art projects for students to try. Interested in learning to cross-stitch molecules or pop culture sayings? Want to create sculptures with 3-D pens? Try your hand at geometric origami? Pop on in to the Library!
- Location: LNC Library
11am – 2pm | Make-and-Take Crafts!
- Stop by the Main Hallway to participate in a range of arts and crafts activities presented by Student Development, including: paper crafts, painting, scratch art, coloring, and more! Different art projects will be available each day, so swing by and check it out.
- Location: LNC Main Hallway
9am - 5pm | Art Extravaganza!
- Check out some extra-special arts activities in the LNC Library! Librarian Emilie Buckley has curated a host of off-the-wall art projects for students to try. Interested in learning to cross-stitch molecules or pop culture sayings? Want to create sculptures with 3-D pens? Try your hand at geometric origami? Pop on in to the Library!
- Location: LNC Library
9am - 5pm | Art Extravaganza!
- Check out some extra-special arts activities in the LNC Library! Librarian Emilie Buckley has curated a host of off-the-wall art projects for students to try. Interested in learning to cross-stitch molecules or pop culture sayings? Want to create sculptures with 3-D pens? Try your hand at geometric origami? Pop on in to the Library!
- Location: LNC Library
FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 18, 2020
8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. | Student and Faculty Photo Exhibit 2020
- This is a free art exhibition! Students and Faculty will get a chance to exhibit one of their photos in front of Library. Facilitated by Professor Karen Owens
- Room: In Front of Library
- Event Listing:
1:00 -2:00 p.m. | Dance Workshop
- This is a free workshop! Come and move your body! Facilitated by Professor Dr. Suzanne Salapa, Dance Department Chair.
- Room: Yoga Room
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/dance_workshop#.XjxKtBNKg0o
1:00 -2:15 p.m. | The Narrators
- This is a free storytelling performance! The Narrators is a storytelling show, Valencia students who are comedians, actors, musicians, writers, and other fascinating folks share true stories from their lives. Facilitated by Professor Kathryn Gualtieri.
- Room: Building 4, Room 309
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/the_narrators#.XjxMQRNKj_Q
2:45 -3:45 p.m. | Drawing Outdoors
- You are welcome to observe this existing class! Outside drawing of the Old Oak Tree. Facilitated by Professor Karen Owens.
- Room: The Old Oak Tree between Building 2 and 3
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/drawing_outdoors#.XjxR_xNKhrI
6:00 -8:00 p.m. | Osceola Art & Design Student Exhibition Reception
- This is a free art exhibition and reception! Come celebrate Valencia College Student design work with light snacks and conversation. Facilitated by Professor Julio Falu.
- Room: Building 1, Lobby Gallery Space
- Event Listing:
6:00 -8:00 p.m. | Osceola Art & Design Student Exhibition
- This is a free art exhibition! Gallery exhibition with design work from student in various categories from typography, digital art, illustration and photography. Facilitated by Professor Julio Falu.
- Room: Building 1, Lobby Gallery Space
- Event Listing:
10:00 a.m. -12:45 p.m. | Painting Outdoors
- You are welcome to observe this existing class! Painting I class will be painting the Old Oak Tree in water colors. Facilitated by Professor Karen Owens.
- Room: The Old Oak Tree between Building 2 and 3
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/painting_outdoors#.XjxUHRNKhrI
6:00 -7:00 p.m. | Student and Faculty Photo Exhibit 2020
- This is a free art exhibition and reception! Come celebrate the photography of Valencia College Students and Faculty with light snacks and conversation. Facilitated by Professor Karen Owens.
- Room: In front of Library entrance
- Event Listing:
8:00am -5:00 p.m. | Osceola Art & Design Student Exhibition
- This is a free art exhibition! Gallery exhibition with design work from student in various categories from typography, digital art, illustration and photography. Facilitated by Professor Julio Falu.
- Room: Building 1, Lobby Gallery Space
- Event Listing:
8:00am -5:00 p.m. | Osceola Art & Design Student Exhibition
- This is a free art exhibition! Gallery exhibition with design work from student in various categories from typography, digital art, illustration and photography. Facilitated by Professor Julio Falu.
- Room: Building 1, Lobby Gallery Space
- Event Listing:
6:00 -8:00 p.m. | Osceola Art & Design Student Exhibition
This is a free art exhibition! Gallery exhibition with design work from student in various categories from typography, digital art, illustration and photography. Facilitated by Professor Julio Falu.
Building 1, Lobby Gallery Space
TBD | Connection between humans and the world
- This is a free workshop and pop-up gallery! Learn how to blend colors to make beautiful paintings/drawings with Angela and others; attend a silent auction (gallery) of student pieces to fundraise for the Arts Club. Facilitated by Angela Carrasquillo, Marie Scott, Jomaris Diaz.
- Room: Room 125
- Event Listing:
11:30am - 12:45 pm | Taking Better Photographs
- Bring your camera phone or DSLR to this hands-on workshop! Learn about framing, camera placement, and how to best use available light to improve your photography in any situation.
- Room: Building 1, RM 125
- Event Listing: https://events.valenciacollege.edu/event/taking_better_photographs#.Xk6V5JNKjdc
Unexplained Deaths: Investigative Vision
April 3rd, 9am / School of Public Safety Auditorium
This is a multidisciplinary event which will draw from film, sculpture, and the history of forensic science to ask: What role does art play in the investigative process? How have artists and police officers worked together in the pursuit of justice?
What is "Spring Arts Week"?
The School of Arts and Entertainment at Valencia College is coordinating Spring Arts Week on March 2 - 6, 2020. Our goal is to celebrate the creative community across Valencia College, and to use the arts to create connection between the many campuses. We see this as a week of arts saturation – our slogan is “See Art Everywhere.”
The events listed are free. Come learn a new skill, watch a performance, or observe a creative class in action.