
Hopefully, this finds you in our hour of need, we have been taken over by the incurable disease known as CK-19. Our cities are empty, our people live in fear, and countries have fallen from war. All hope seems lost...BUT, if you find this humanity might be able to rebuild from our dismal present to a glorified future. Please try for us...


Welcome to the end of days in Apocalyptic!

Hopefully, this finds you in our hour of need, we have been taken over by the incurable disease known as CK-19. Our cities are empty, our people live in fear, and countries have fallen from war. All hope seems lost...BUT, if you find this humanity might be able to rebuild from our dismal present to a glorified future. Please try for us...


  • Character Selection:

Each player must select a character card. Character cards will have unique attributes that will help with challenges that face the group. To select a character card, roll the six-sided dice. The highest number chooses first. (Reroll if there is a tie.)


There are three card piles:

World Cards: These pose threats to you as you rebuild society. They will stop your efforts from saving humanity.

Future Cards: These help to propel your progress ahead of World cards. They will allow you to collect resources easier than scavenging, by constructing machines.

Scavenger Cards: These are chance cards. Depending on how well you shuffle these cards, this will determine a “Hopeless” or “Hopeful” scavenge.

  • Resource Piles:

There are three chip piles:

Yellow Chips: Food. Green Chips: Fuel Blue Chips: Water


  • To start pull a WORLD card from the deck. Every world card has a description of what is to happen every six rounds. Players only lose resources from WORLD cards if the CHARACTER card produces those resources. The only way this can changes is through the SCAVENGER card “EXCHANGE”.

The player with the lowest number starts off the “Round”. Each character card allows the player to accumulate resources. On their turn, the player collects their resources first before continuing the turn.

After collecting resources, the player draws a SCAVENGER card:

  • Scavenging will allow you the option to get resource tokens, future cards, and so much more... The scavenge cards are your best evil friend.

  • SCAVENGER cards are activated on the players turn not at the end of the round.

  • FUTURE cards are only accessible through Scavenging or from the effects of WORLD cards.

After drawing a SCAVENGER card, the player has two options: Rebuild or Trade.

  • Rebuilding will allow you to start fixing a vital piece of equipment. FUTURE cards are needed to rebuild! Most characters will be able to rebuild the machines, BUT there may be a few that are specific to a character. Rebuilding machines helps with generating supplies. Each card needs a certain number of supplies before rebuilding can start. Once started it will finish at the end of the round.

  • Trading will allow players to gain resources from one another to build FUTURE cards.

At this point you can trade items, supplies, or rebuild cards with the other players. There are cost in trade. It works the same way for all cards trade something for equal value.




The remaining players follow the same structure until everyone has gone. Once everyone is done with their turns, the round is finished. At the end of the sixth round the WORLD card effect goes off. When/And/If you lose resources dropping beyond “0” tokens to quadruple the amount you produce you lose the game. If you collect 2 food and 2 water, then you would need to have -8 food or -8 water to lose the game. NOTE: The above rule is for single player, with two or more people all players need to be knocked out. Players can revive a player for half their current resources at the time the player is knocked out.