South Prairie School

Mr. Stanley

Mr. Stanley, Superintendent

Mr. Groninger

Mr. Groninger, PK - 5 principal

Hi, my name is Delwyn Groninger, South Prairie School's elementary principal since July 2006. I earned my high school diploma from Max High School in 1975, an Associate of Science degree from North Dakota State College of Science in 1977, a Bachelor of Science degree from Minot State University in 1988 and a Master of Educational Leadership degree from North Dakota State University in 2007.

I have four grown children. My hobbies are two grandkids, old cars, motorcycling and basketball.

Prior to taking an administrator's position with South Prairie School I was a classroom teacher teaching in grades 3 through 6th and also gifted and talented students over a span of 17 years.

A brief history on recent changes to our student population. In 2010 our K-8 enrollment was 145. In 2011 it increased to 177 and in 2012 to 204. In January, 2013, a committee of parents, staff, and board members identified and addressed needs of our building space issues. A two-classroom modular or portable building was added in July, 2012, to hold overflow as we went to two sections of both Kindergarten and First grade. In August, 2013, another two-classroom modular was added and two sections each of 3rd and 5th graders took over the modulars. In 2014, our enrollment increased to 254. The district approved a move from a K - 8 graded elementary district to a PK - 12 high school district. A junior high / high school wing was completed in August, 2015. In 2015, our PK-12 enrollment was 382 to start the school year. During the 2016-17 school year our PK-12 enrollment grew to around 430. In 2017-18 our K-12 student enrollment was 453. To start the 2018-19 school year we have 471.

More research-based teaching strategies and how we look to individualize and place students in small group instruction is a change in the education process we now use. Our students are taught by great teachers and transported to and from school safely by an excellent group of experienced bus drivers. We have a strong PTO organization and newly organized Activities Boosters and Music Boosters groups.

This is the first school system I've been a part of that provides its students with so many enrichment activities. Our students have the opportunity to attend wildlife events, fire safety presentations, anti-bullying presentations, PTO sponsored art and craft classes, music and choir programs, lyceums, symphony performances, spelling bees, math count competitions, SPRIF elementary book giveaways, ski trips, college science open houses, motivational speakers and music festivals to name those that come to mind at this sitting. Our school offers volleyball, JH and JV football, golf and basketball sports teams. We co-op in baseball, wrestling, and fast-pitch softball with Bishop Ryan High School. We are co-oped in cross country and spring track with Garrison-Max. GO ROYALS!!

In closing, I am proud of the professionalism of our teaching staff who truly care for our students, and I hope to continue to work with that staff in helping them become the best that they can be. Our board is committed to helping our school continue to be one that others want to be a part of, and I've found the parents very receptive to the changes and activities that are happening here day in and day out. I encourage all Pk-5 parents to try PTO, who meet the second Monday of each month at 6:30 in our library and take the opportunity to meet staff and other parents.

Mr. Routledge

Mr. Routledge, Junior High and High School Principal

Mrs. Cooper

Mrs. Cooper, Jr High and High School Secretary

Mrs. Peterson

Mrs. Peterson, Elementary Secretary

Mrs. Erie

Mrs. Erie, Business Manager