
What is this book?

This guidebook is your one-stop-shop for tips and tricks to making your shows more sustainable from pre-production all the way to strike. Inside, you’ll find chapters ranging from costumes and lighting to a more in-depth discussion of theatre’s environmental impact and a case study of a world premiere production at San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre. I’ve also included a collection of resources and a set of references at the end of the book in case you’re curious to learn more.

How can I use this book?

The guidebook can be used at any part of the production process and insights. throughout the text can be applied at various stages of a production. Feel free to flip through the full book or head right to the chapter you’re eyeing. That said, I’d recommend you check out the “Context” section first and get a handle on why this all matters. Check out “References” for notes on specific stats or quotations.

Who am I?

 Hello! I’m Phoebe. I’m an avid theatre buff with a background in stage management, an aspiring climate journalist and passionate climate communicator, and a nerd for all things renewable energy, romantasy novels, and recipe development. I created this guidebook as part of my culminating master’s project at Scripps Institution of Oceanography after months of research, data-crunching, interviews, and a sustainability audit of San Diego’s Old Globe Theatre, complete with tours of their theatre complex and technical center. Beginning July 2024, I'll be working as a Communications Associate at DG+ Design, a cleantech communications firm.