The Four Most Common Spinal Injuries In Sports

The Four Most Common Spinal Injuries In Sports

Sports are a great way to stay active and have fun. However, they can also be dangerous. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, sports and recreational activities account for nearly 21 million injuries each year. Of these, almost half are from falls. In this blog post, we will discuss four of the most common spinal injuries in sports. We will also explore how to prevent these injuries and what treatments are available if they do occur.

Almost any sport can result in a spinal injury, but some are more common than others. The four most common types of spinal injuries in sports are: fractures, herniated discs, ligament tears, and compressed nerves. Any of these injuries can cause pain and other symptoms that may require medical treatment. If you sustain a spinal injury while playing sports, it is important to seek medical help right away. Ignoring the injury can lead to further damage and potentially permanent disability.

The four most common sports-related spinal Cord injuries are:

1.Cervical (Neck) Stingers

The cervical spine is responsible for most of your movement and sensation in the head. When it's injured, you might experience chronic pain that radiates down one arm from elbow to fingertips - similar to an electric shock when there’s been a bump or scrapes against metal objects such as handlebars while cycling .

2. Herniated Discs

The vertebral discs are small cushioning structures that support your back and allow for flexibility of movement. They can become injured, often as a result of repetitive motion or from a sudden injury such as whiplash . Symptoms may include numbness, tingling, weakness, or sharp pain with movement.

3. Facet Joint Arthritis

The vertebrae are held together by small, interlocking joints called facet joints. Over time, facet joint arthritis can occur due to wear-and-tear or a result of a previous injury. Symptoms include pain in the mid and lower back, radiating down into the buttocks and legs .

4. Compressed Nerves

If you have experienced any damage to your spinal cord or nerves as a result of an accident, you may feel symptoms that range from mild tingling or numbness all the way to complete loss of movement and control . If you experience any of these symptoms after playing sports, it's important to seek medical care right away .

Fortunately, spinal injuries are often preventable with the right safety precautions. Some of these include wearing protective gear such as helmets and pads, avoiding risky activities that put you at risk for injury, and knowing your limits during sport activities .

There are also a number of treatment options available for spinal cord injuries, including physical therapy, surgery, pain management, and steroid injections . Ultimately, the best way to prevent a spine injury is to always listen to your body and take safety seriously when playing sports.

Professional treatment

Professional treatment is essential for anyone suffering from a sports-related spinal cord injury. At the Innovative Neurosurgery and Spine Center, we offer comprehensive care for all types of spine conditions. Our team of board-certified neurosurgeons is experienced in treating even the most complex cases. We offer a full range of treatment options, including minimally invasive spine surgery, cutting-edge pain management techniques, and more.

Seeking out a neurosurgeon is the best way to ensure that you will get back on track and resume your sporting activities pain free. Our team has extensive experience in treating spine-related sports injuries, so if any of these symptoms apply then please contact us today!


This is a blog post discussing the four most common sports-related spinal cord injuries: cervical stingers, herniated discs, facet joint arthritis, and compressed nerves. We will also explore how to prevent these injuries and what treatments are available if they do occur.

Spinal cord injuries can be extremely painful and often require medical treatment. If you sustain a spinal injury while playing sports, it is important to seek medical help right away. At the Innovative Neurosurgery and Spine Center, we offer comprehensive care for all types of spine conditions and are experienced in treating even the most complex cases. Whether you need physical therapy, surgery, pain management, or another treatment option, our team of board-certified neurosurgeons will work with you to find a solution that meets your needs. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!