Coming Soon...
The eSportPlane Resource Guide!
We are thrilled to produce the Next Generation SportPlane Resource Guide! This time around, it will be All-Digital and be full of aircraft details, images, and even videos!
It's been a number of years since the Latest Edition of Jim Campbell's HUGE SportPlane Resource Guide first saw the light of day. That massive 1100 page book last featured over 800 exciting sport aircraft from all over the SportPlane universe... at a time when the SportPlane industry was still a healthy, thriving enterprise (those were the days...).
While there has been some consideration, off and on, toward updating the nearly 6-pound book, the near implosion of the SportPlane and kit industry over the last decade has made such a pursuit an unwieldy one... until now.
Work has begun on the NEW Next-Gen Edition of the SportPlane Resource Guide which will make its debut in 2024. This multi-volume electronic (E-Book) edition will exceed the comprehensive detail demonstrated in previous editions and will likely be well in excess of 2000 pages of extensive features and directories.
As aviation contends with leaner times and a tough market, one segment, in particular, shows both the need as well as the interest to justify a revamping of what many considered to be THE pivotal work covering all things SportPlane.
"The 'Affordable Flyer' side of aviation has been victimized by extensive hype and a lot of misinformation... yet STILL holds substantial promise for a desperately needed revitalization of the market... that being the case, we are committed to taking the very best of the SportPlane Resource Guide program and adapting it to the needs of those looking for an entry-level or affordable flying machine -- something that will get them into aviation and keep them in aviation," noted SPRG Author/Editor/Test Pilot, Jim Campbell.
The SportPlane Resource Guide, which will feature a comprehensive aircraft and equipment directory as well as informative how-to sections (for both S-LSA as well as E-LSA), will also provide impartial specifications and analysis of aircraft capabilities. It will also offer specific directions to those interested in flying light-sport aircraft as a sport pilot. Question after question from the readers of ANN, about the LSA market over the years, centered on specifics about the planes, engines, parts, accessories, and necessary tools... as well as the value, trustworthiness, and true capabilities they possessed.
You told us, time and time again, "We want (a lot) of information on the SportPlane industry!"
We assure you that the next edition of the SportPlane Resource Guide will do just that.
Best of all, and where possible, the editors of this book will offer solid, analytical, and qualitative analysis of the aircraft and products you depended on... with our characteristic "Take No Prisoners" brutal honesty and matter-of-fact evaluations -- the kind of info that influenced THOUSANDS of aircraft purchases by those reading and consulting previous volumes.
If YOU are determined to play a pivotal role in the Light Sport and SportPlane industries, you need you to RUN (Do NOT Walk) to reach out to us with your ideas, requests, and thoughts about how to make this edition even greater than previous efforts. Previous Editions played a critical role in the SportPlane industry for tens of thousands of readers... we aim to improve that effort and influence with eSPRG3 -- a sport aviator's most powerful selection/education tool.
We want to get all the information about your company and aircraft right! For that we request that you take a few minutes to fill out a couple of questionnaires found below.
Advertising positions are now available for the eSPRG!
Premium positions and pricing available before the Summer of 2024!
FMI: Aero-News Network, Inc., POB 831, Orange Park, FL 32067.,,