Book Selection Policy of Library

Book selection policies of College Library

1.The library must provide the resources needed to meet the curricular demands of the college

Acquisition Section

Responsibilities of Acquisition Section

1. Frame the policy of book/periodical (Print as well as non-print) acquisition including accepting donations and exchange materials.

2. Maintenance of book selection tools.

3. To receive the books from booksellers on approval and arranging book exhibitions.

4. To obtain recommendations from users.

5. To develop a database of the recommendations received.

6. Collect the donations in terms of documents.

7. Checking of duplications.

8. Selection of vendors for supply of reading materials.

9. The decision about cash purchase, advance payments, etc.

10.Sending of orders for supply of reading materials and preparation of order records.

11.Sending reminders to the vendors about non-receipt of reading materials.

12.Bringing the parcels from the transport office in certain cases.

13.Checking of books with orders and also verifying the price.

14.Checking and passing of bills.

15.Monitoring budget for departments.

16.Prepare the list of new additions.

17.Giving feedback to faculty members about the arrival of information sources.

18.Allotment of books for various sections of the library.

19.Maintenance of statistics of the section/library.

20.Send acknowledgment of donations.

21.Maintenance of record of the section.

22.Other work concerned with the section.

Technical or Processing Section

Responsibilities of Technical / Processing Section

1.Classification of documents.

2. Preparation of subject heading & identify keywords.

3. Maintenance of authority files for classification.

4. Accessioning the documents.

5. Processing of books with stamping, labeling, barcode, etc.

6. Preparation of book cards, due-date slips, etc.

7. Preparation of data entry sheet.

8. Checking of data entry sheets.

9. Entering of data in computers.

10.Hand over the documents to the concerned sections.

11.Display of jackets & exhibition of new arrivals.

12.Maintenance of record of the section.

13. Other work concerned with the section.

Periodicals Section

Responsibilities of Periodicals Section

1. Obtaining recommendations for periodicals and obtaining periodicals on gratis.

2. Correspondence for sending subscriptions and maintaining payments records.

3. Checking and passing of bills of subscriptions.

4. Registration on issues received.

5. To send reminders for non-receipt of periodicals.

6. Getting the volumes bound.

7. Checking and processing of bound volumes of periodicals.

8. Development database of articles from periodicals.

9. Shelving of current periodicals and back volumes.

10.Providing help for locating particular articles from the periodical.

11.Provide Current Awareness Services for periodicals issue.

12.Maintenance of statistics/records of the section.

13.Provide reading room service for periodicals.

14.Provide Document Delivery Service.

15.Provide newspaper reading room service.

16.Provide Photocopy service based on Periodicals.

17.Provide other services related to the section.

18.Other works are concerned with the section.

Reference Section

Responsibilities of Reference Section

1. To give orientation to newly registered users.

2. To provide reference service for the queries received.

3. To provide SDI i.e. Selective Dissemination of Information service.

4. To prepare bibliographies.

5. To organize Orientations, Seminars, etc.

6. To arrange exhibitions, extension activities, etc

7. Provide reading room service for reference documents.

8. Shelving of reference documents including theses.

9. Provide Reprography service.

10.Develop a database of newspaper clippings.

11.Maintenance of notice board/display boards.

12.Maintenance of statistics/records of the section.

13.Other works are concerned with the section.

Stack Section

Responsibilities of Stack Section

1. Maintenance of resources in the stack room.

2. Maintenance of the reading room of the section.

3. Shelving of documents.

4. Provide Personalized Services to the users

5. Provide Photocopy service based on books.

6. Maintenance of statistics/records of the section.

7. Other works are concerned with the section.

Maintenance Section

Responsibilities of Maintenance Section

1. Selection of the binder

2. To sort out books for binding.

3. Registration of books sent for binding.

4. Verification of books received after binding.

5. Conduct stock verification.

6. Maintenance of statistics/records of the section.

7. Other works are concerned with the section.

Computer Section

Responsibilities of Computer Section

1. Selection of Hardware/Software.

2. Purchase of Hardware and Software for the library.

3. Providing infrastructure for automation.

4. Installation of Hardware/Software.

5. Provide In-service training for automation.

6. Work relating to participation in the network.

7. Provide INTERNET and e-document services.

8. Orientation to users for use of e-resource.

9. To develop and maintain a website & Portal for the library.

10.Digitization of resources.

11.Maintenance of Hardware & Software.

12.Creation and maintenance of databases of library collection.

13.Maintenance of statistics/records of the section.

14.Other works are concerned with the section.

Administration Section

Responsibilities of Administration Section

1. Maintenance of the building/space of the library.

2. Cleaning of Building.

3. Acquisition and maintenance of Deadstock.

4. Correspondence and other office work.

5. Insurance of building and reading materials.

6. Work-related to Library Committee.

7. Preparation of annual report of the library.

8. Passing of bills and maintenance of accounts.

9. Preparation of annual & supplementary budget.

10.Other works are concerned with the section.

Accessioned the ordered books as recommended by the teaching faculty members and also by students and non-teaching staff.

The Order has been given to various Publishers and Book Stall to Purchase Reading materials as recommended by the teaching faculty members and also by students and non-teaching staff.

The journals & Magazines have been subscribed annually. The library advisory committee sometimes visits book fairs to purchase useful books for the library