
Ph.D. Positions: 

Highly motivated students having their own fellowship like CSIR/UGC JRF or DST-INSPIRE in Physics or Chemistry are encouraged to contact anytime with biodata and one page of motivation letter.

Candidates with M.Sc. in Physics or Chemistry (Age <30 yr) with high ambitions of research but working as permanent position elsewhere are also encourage to contact AB for possible position.

M.Sc. in Physics with NET/GATE/JEST /RET from VU

Project Assistant Positions:

Motivated research candidates with NET/SET/GATE qualifications can directly apply according to online advertisements.

End Semester  Postgraduate Student (Master of Science or Equivalent) in Physics or Chemistry.

Topic: Microscopic Understanding of Optoelectronic Materials

Duration: 2 Months

Stipend: 5000/- per month