INdAM Meeting

"Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis


Algebra, Geometry, Topology"

Palazzone di Cortona, 5-9 September 2022

This (by invitation only) meeting gathers together researchers from three different communities: approximation theorists, workers in GKM theory and group actions, and algebraic geometers. They have all encountered -sometimes unknowingly- multivariate splines, and the workshop's aim is to foster collaborations among them in a beautiful setting such as the Palazzone di Cortona (Arezzo, Italy).

Conference topics include:

  • Bernstein-BĂ©zier techniques

  • Homological techniques for investigating spline properties

  • Dimension of spline spaces on triangular, tetrahedral and polyhedral partitions

  • Extension of multivariate polynomial splines

  • Splines in representation theory and topology via GKM-theory.

  • Schubert calculus for spline investigation

Confirmed participants

Updated Program

Title and Abstracts

Organisers: Martina Lanini, Carla Manni, Hal Schenck

Sponsors: INdAM, MIUR Excellence Department Project CUP E83C18000100006

We thank Alfonso Sorrentino for the pictures.