Its been about a year since I used Media Composer First and I honsetly don't remember much. I used to be competent enough to edit together basic videos, but I just don't remember all the hotkeys. I added IN and OUT marks in the source window, but couldn't remember how to splice it in to the main timeline. I looked up a tutorial and they tell you to click the splice in button. Unfortunately, I do not have those buttons in my source window. I tried right clicking, hoping there would be a settings box where I could add or remove tool buttons or something, but there isn't. Can you tell me how to edit the interface so that I can choose what tool buttons are available in each window? Also, hovering over buttons tells me their funcion, but not their hotkey. Is there a way to enable that? I have to say, this is possibly the least intuitive software I've ever used and I'm very frustrated right now.

On recent Linux kernels, afaict, the fastest way of copying a file or a subset of a file to another file is through the use of the very nice splice system call. This system gets the kernel to manage the transfer (almost) directly, without ever having to copy the data to userland memory.

Splice Download Windows


you are correct about 1 pieceing BG's. However the only time i like to splice a window, is on a BG that has dots at the top of the window. Say an older mustang, i will splice my film at the bottom of the dot pattern. two reason's for doing this. First being that the less film has been shrunk the better it will stick and look on the dotted area of a BG. second if the piece of film used to cover the dots does not stick over look suitable to your customer, it is much easier to remove and replace with vynil or paint to make your customer happy with your install.

I learnt in 2 piece when I first started, because the guy I was learning from was really really old school. I was doing 5 or 6 back windows every damn day in 2 pieces. I remember volkswagens being a total pain in the ass because the defrosters were so thin, and the lexus cars had the thick lines , so no matter how good of a job, the splice was noticeable. Now, I still cant get the beetle in one piece, and the occasional 944 is a 2 or 3 piecer. I find I still have to splice on flat glass a good bit, because I do a lot of hotel work, and the lobbies have some monster windows. I woner if the guys that started in the later part of this decade really have experience splicing though.

This method is used when installing film on windows over five feet (5') in both width and height. When you come across these windows always look for somewhere to hide the splice. Some examples are behind the curtains or up under the shades.

After cleaning the glass and frame, and having your rough cut patterns ready to install, follow the steps below.

The problem is because your destination disk (the disk to which you want to copy the file) is formatted with FAT32 (which has a file size limit of about 4GB.The solution is to format your destination disk to EXT3, EXT4, or NTFS (if you need windows compatibility).

Native smooth muscle L-type Ca(v)1.2 calcium channels have been shown to support a fraction of Ca(2+) currents with a window current that is close to resting potential. The smooth muscle L-type Ca(2+) channels are also more susceptible to inhibition by dihydropyridines (DHPs) than the cardiac channels. It was hypothesized that smooth muscle Ca(v)1.2 channels exhibiting hyperpolarized shift in steady-state inactivation would contribute to larger inhibition by DHP, in addition to structural differences of the channels generated by alternative splicing that modulate DHP sensitivities. In addition, it has also been shown that alternative splicing modulates DHP sensitivities by generating structural differences in the Ca(v)1.2 channels. Here, we report a smooth muscle L-type Ca(v)1.2 calcium channel splice variant, Ca(v)1.2SM (1/8/9(*)/32/Delta33), that when expressed in HEK 293 cells display hyperpolarized shifts for steady-state inactivation and activation potentials when compared with the established Ca(v)1.2b clone (1/8/9(*)/32/33). This variant activates from more negative potentials and generates a window current closer to resting membrane potential. We also identified the predominant cardiac isoform Ca(v)1.2CM clone (1a/8a/Delta9(*)/32/33) that is different from the established Ca(v)1.2a (1a/8a/Delta9(*)/31/33). Importantly, Ca(v)1.2SM channels were shown to be more sensitive to nifedipine blockade than Ca(v)1.2b and cardiac Ca(v)1.2CM channels when currents were recorded in either 5 mM Ba(2+) or 1.8 mM Ca(2+) external solutions. This is the first time that a smooth muscle Ca(v)1.2 splice variant has been identified functionally to possess biophysical property that can be linked to enhanced state-dependent block by DHP.

For splice site prediction based on machine learning approaches, the main steps are feature extraction and classifier selection or design. The extracted features are usually based on nucleotide position information [4,5,6,7,8,9], the frequency of k-mers [4, 6, 10], dependence between adjacent and nonadjacent nucleotides [1, 6, 11,12,13], RNA secondary structure information [14,15,16,17,18], DNA structural properties [19], and some other attributes that can be calculated directly from sequence information [20,21,22]. The commonly used classifiers include support vector machine (SVM) [1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 18, 23,24,25], artificial neural network (ANN) [26,27,28,29], random forest (RF) [13], and decision tree [30].

Although relatively high accuracy has been achieved with the methods currently available (e.g., the accuracy for most donor splice site prediction based on the HS3D dataset has exceeded 90% [6, 10, 12, 13, 19, 24, 31]), further study is still necessary due to the following factors: 1) Determining a suitable window size prior to the application of any prediction method is essential [32]. Overly long window size may introduce some irrelevant features that would reduce predictive accuracy, and may take more computational time and memory space. 2) The HS3D dataset contains 2796/271,937 true/false donor sites (i.e., the ratio of true sites to false sites is almost 1:100). If all negative samples (false sites) are employed for building the prediction model, the huge number of training samples will increase the time complexity of some classifiers (e.g., SVM and ANN) [3, 33], and an extremely imbalanced class distribution will lead to poor predictive accuracy for some methods, for example, weighted matrix model (WMM) [9] and maximal dependency decomposition (MDD) [34]. If only a part of negative samples (e.g., 2796 negative samples [20]) are employed, predictive accuracy may be lost due to the underutilization of negative samples. 3) There are three billion DNA base pairs in the human genome, so the expected number of GT/AG is over 187 million. This abundance means that even a subtle improvement of the total predictive accuracy would drastically increase the absolute quantity of detected real splice sites.

In this study, we developed a computational approach to predict donor splice sites based on short window size and extremely imbalanced large samples. Our method, named chi-square decision table (2-DT), extracts the improved positional features based on chi-square tests, combines them with the frequencies of dinucleotides, and then designs a balanced decision table to predict the test samples, which can effectively resolve the imbalanced pattern classification problem. The results show that 2-DT can achieve high predictive accuracy, high computational speed, and relatively good robustness against DNA sequencing errors (nucleotide insertions and deletions).

The global accuracy index Q9 [42] is independent of the class distribution and has been used by some researchers to evaluate the classifier performance in splice site prediction. Therefore, in this study, we choose Q9 as the measure of global accuracy to assess predictive performance in the case of an imbalanced testing set. Q9 is defined as follows:

In future research, we plan to focus on the following: 1) We will attempt to combine more valuable features (e.g., DNA structural properties) for characterizing the candidate splice sites, in pursuit of better predictive performance. 2) When 2-DT is applied to predicting acceptor splice sites, it does not further improve the predictive accuracy of existing methods, so it is necessary to devise another optimal model for acceptor sites. 3) The detection of splice sites ultimately involves identifying genes, so our overall goal is to constantly improve the proposed splice site predictor, and then use it to find genes.

Prediction of splice-sites has been a long-standing problem in Bioinformatics and many algorithms have been developed, essentially exhausting all possible ways to formulate and solve the computational problem. Despite the many methods and their reasonable success, and despite the increased availability of transcript sequencing data which allow determining splices sites based on experimental information, this reviewer is willing to be open to new in-silico methods. Clearly, correct splice site prediction would help tremendously for genome annotation purposes.

(1) The authors highlight as an advantage and pose as a need to base predictions on short sequence motifs (11mers) as necessitated by the short available sequence reads from DNAseq data. Though, I would think, splices site predictions would always be applied to assembled genomes or genes, not individual reads. So for me, this is not an argument at all. The length of the k-mer should reflect what is truly necessary for correct identifications. That aside, I still believe it is interesting to see how well methods based on short k-mers can work.

2-DT employs positional features and compositional features. While, as for acceptor sites, we found positional features and compositional features were not enough to characterize the candidate samples, maybe some other valuable features, such as DNA structural properties [19], should be involved. We are working on a new model for predicting acceptor splice sites with improved prediction accuracy, and the related researches will be reported in the forthcoming paper. e24fc04721

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