Look and Feel Great in Plus Size Clothing for Women

Most women are a size 14 or above, so it's time for retailers to recognize the need for attractive plus size clothing for women. Due to consumer demand, there is a greater range of plus size clothing than ever before including plus size lingerie, business suits, swimsuits and formal wear.

The reality is that what looks good on a size 4 may not necessarily look good on a size 16. Therefore, simply copying a style in plus size clothing for women may not work for a fuller figure. When it comes to plus size clothing for women, there is cut, style, fabric and color to consider. For example, let's take formal wear, which can be difficult to shop for under the best of circumstances. A certain type of neckline may look great with a smaller bust line, but may not be able to provide the support needed in plus size clothing for women. Also, some fabrics may bunch unattractively in larger sizes. Plus size clothing presents an additional set of concerns. For women shopping for plus size clothes, it can be difficult to find clothing that both looks and feels good in.

Many large women make the mistake of choosing plus size clothes that are too loose. Many plus size women assume that a looser fit will hide trouble spots, when in fact, a form fitting outfit can be so much more flattering. Today's plus size clothing is meant to skim and accentuate curves without clinging to the bulge. As perceptions of beauty and attractiveness have begun to change, plus size clothing has become more widely available in attractive styles and colors.

Knowing colors and shapes that emphasize your body type is an important part of building a working wardrobe of plus size clothing. Another common misconception is that plus size women should avoid plus size clothing with bold patterns and bright colors. While dark colors provide a slimming effect, a monochromatic ensemble in a bright tone can do the same. You can add a dash of color with a colored top or a colorful accessory to an otherwise dark outfit. In terms of plus size clothing patterns, plus size women should avoid large prints in favor of smaller designs. Bold prints draw attention directly to trouble spots, which is the exact opposite of the effect you want to make with plus size clothing.

Clean and classic lines with a minimum of flamboyance and unnecessary details look best with plus size clothing for women. The flounces, bows and loud prints emphasize just what you want to skim. For skirts, an A-line just above or below the knee is always a safe bet for a fuller figure. For blouses, square or round necklines work to make the shoulders appear wider. Instead, choose a V neckline in plus size clothing, which draws the eye down and makes the body appear slimmer.

Plus size clothing for women, clean and simple designs are the most classic and most flattering to a curvy shape.

A wide variety of plus size swimwear and intimate apparel is also available for curvier shapes. Where it used to be nearly impossible to find a bra or bathing suit, there are now a variety of fashionable options that provide support. Plus size clothing designers are stepping up to the plate and offering more options than ever.

Women of all shapes and sizes are being encouraged to feel confident about their bodies. Looking and feeling good in comfortable plus size clothing for women can help reinforce that positive body image.