Although the text was written by Andrew Reed (b. St. Clement Danes, London, England, 1787; d. Hackney, London, 1862), it was published anonymously in the Evangelical Magazine, June 1829, with the heading "Hymn to the Spirit, Sung on the late Day appointed for solemn Prayer and Humiliation." The "late Day" referred to Good Friday of that year, which had been set aside by the Congregational clergy of London for prayer for "the renewal of religion in the British churches." The original text began "Spirit divine, attend our prayers" and had seven stanzas (st. 7 was a virtual repeat of st. 1), His stanzas 1-3 and 6 are included in modernized form.

 Spirit Divine, attend our prayer. A. Reed. [Whitsuntide.] This hymn appeared, unsigned, in 7 stanzas of 4 lines, in the Evangelical Magazine for June 1829, with the heading, "Hymn to the Spirit. Sung on the late Day appointed for solemn Prayer and Humiliation in the Eastern District of the Metropolis". From the April number of the same magazine we find that the "Day appointed for Solemn Prayer," &c, was the Good Friday of that year, and that it was "cordially recommended . . . " as a day of humiliation and prayer, with a view to promote, by the divine blessing, a revival of religion in the British churches," by the Board of Congregational Ministers, resident in and about London, whose recommendation is dated "Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1829." The hymn was republished in Dr. Reed's Hymn Book, 1842; and again, in the Wyliffe Chapel Supply 1872. It is the most widely known of Dr. Reed's hymns, and is in extensive use. It is one of his best productions.

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Spirit Divine, attend our prayer, p. 1074, ii. The form of this hymn most generally adopted in modern American collections is that rewritten by S. Longfellow, and I included in Longfellow and Johnson's Hymns of the Spirit, 1864. It is No. 67 in The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904.


 Holy is God! Holy, the mighty One!

 Holy the immortal One! Holy God, have mercy on us.

 Blessed are you, most high God! When you came down at Babel, you confused the tongues and divided the nations.

 But when you distributed the tongues of fire at Pentecost, you called all people to unity. Therefore, with one accord, we glorify the Holy Spirit.

 Blessed are you, most high God! When you sent the Spirit upon the apostles, the Hebrews were struck with awe; they heard them speak in many tongues, as the Spirit inspired them.

 They knew them to be illiterate, and now they saw them wise; speaking divine truths and bringing Gentiles to believe.

 When the faithless ones witnessed the power of the Spirit, they took it to be drunkenness when in fact it was salvation for the faithful.

 Therefore, with one accord, we glorify the Holy Spirit.

 Holy God, Lover of souls, make us worthy of the revelation of this Spirit within us.

 Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, present in all places and filling all things, the giver of life and the treasury of blessings, come and dwell in us.

 You, Holy Spirit, provide every gift: you renew the church and restore wholeness;

 you shed abroad the love of God; 

 you grant wisdom to the illiterate; you use simple fishermen through whom you begin to draw the whole world into Christ's net.

 Through you we have seen the true light, we have received the spiritual gifts, we have found the true faith.

 Therefore, O counsellor, equal in majesty with the Father and the Son, glory to you, Lord.

 Holy the immortal One, the Spirit, the Comforter, who proceeds from the Father and reposes in the Son.

 All holy Trinity, glory to you.

Sometimes we doubt that our prayers are heard above. This Bible verse on divine intervention shows that we should be confident our prayers will be answered, that we only need to surrender our control and let God take the reins in order to hear His answer.

As it is celebrated today, the Divine Liturgy is a product of historical development. The fundamental core of the liturgy dates from the time of Christ and the Apostles. To this, prayers, hymns, and gestures have been added throughout the centuries. The liturgy achieved a basic framework by the ninth century.

Index SABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZSabbathas the end of the work of six days, 345at the heart of the Law of Israel, 348Jesus' teaching concerning, 582rest and holiness of, 2168-73, 2189Sunday as fulfillment of, 2175-76, 2190Sacrament(s)are efficacious, 1127as actions of the Holy Spirit at work, 1116baptized person's right to receive, 1269Christ's presence in, 1088, 1127, 1509the Church as, 747, 774-76, 780, 1045, 1108, 1140definition and significance of, 774, 1084, 1131the Eucharist as the "Sacrament of sacraments," 1211, 1324, 1374foundations of the sacraments in the life of Christ, 1115as God's "masterworks" in the New Covenant, 1116instituted by Christ, 1114necessary for salvation, 1129number of, 1113, 1117as "powers that come forth" from the body of Christ, 1116prefigured in the signs of the Old Covenant, 1150purposes of, 1123, 1680the sacramental economy, 1076touch all the stages of natural life, 1210which are not to be repeated, 698the Word of God necessary for the, 1122, 1133See also individual sacraments the Blessed sacrament adoration and worship of, 1178, 1183, 1418, 2691 Christ's real presence in, 1374doctrine of the sacraments of Christ, 1114-16 of the Church "through her" and "for her," 1117-21 communicate the grace of salvation signified by them, 1127-29 of the faith which feed, strengthen, and express the faith, 1122-26 prefigure the future glory of eternal life, 1130ecclesial dimension of the sacraments as bonds of the Church, 815 "of the Church," "through her," and "for her," 1118 communicate the riches of Christ to all members, 947 communion of sacraments binds us to Christ, 950 give growth and healing to the members of Christ, 798 importance of sacraments in liturgical catechesis, 1074-75 sacramental mission of the Church, 738-40, 1132 as signs of God's forgiveness, 2839 as the way of Christian initiation, 1212, 1275, 1425, 1533effects of the sacraments act ex opere operate, 1128 assist healing, 1420-21 communicate the Holy Spirit to the members of Christ's body, 739 confer a sacramental "character" or sign, 698, 1121 effect the grace signified by them, 1084, 1127, 1131 establish the unity of Christians, 1126 forgive sins, 977, 987 give sacramental grace, 2003 Holy Orders and Matrimony as sacraments directed toward the salvation of others, 1534-35 make Christians "children of God," 1692 sustain and strengthen those who are on the way to holiness, 1133, 2030 unite us to Christ, 790, 950Sacramental. See nouns that it modifiesSacramental characterof Baptism, 698, 1121, 1272, 1273, 1280of Confirmation, 698, 1121, 1304-05, 1317of episcopal consecration, 1558of ordination, 698, 1121, 1563, 1570, 1581, 1583See also SealSacramentals, 1667-76definition and significance of, 1667, 1677forms of, 1671-73, 1678laity may preside at the use of, 1669powers of, 1668, 1670Sacred Heart, 478Sacred Scripture, 81canon of, 120, 138Christ as the central object of the New Testament, 124, 127Christ as fulfillment of, 2763composition of the Gospels, 126God the author of, 105, 136Gospels and their importance, 125, 127, 139human authors of Sacred Scripture inspired by God, 106importance of Sacred Scripture in the liturgy, 1096, 1100inspiration and truth of, 106-07in the life of the Church, 131-32the Lord's Prayer as the center of, 2763, 2774as nourishment of the Christian life, 141the Old Testament as an indispensable part of, 121, 123purposes and significance of the Old Testament, 122teaches the truth, 107and Tradition, 78, 80-83, 95, 97unique place of the first three chapters of Genesis, 289veneration of, 103as the Word of God, 104, 135See also Old Testament; New Testamentinterpretation of Sacred Scripture exegesis of, 109, 119 fundamental principle of, 111, 137 the Holy Spirit as interpreter of, 109-11 need to provide wide access to Sacred Scripture for the Christian faithful, 131 right reasons for, 112-14, 121-25 senses of (literal, spiritual, allegorical, moral, anagogical), 115-19 study of, 132-33 unity of the Old and New Testaments, 128-30reading of Sacred Scripture, 1437, 2653 in catechesis, 129 in the family, 2205 in the liturgy, 1093, 1177 necessity of, 133, 2653 in the sacraments, 1154, 1480, 1482Sacred, sense of, 2144Sacrifice(s)offering sacrifices to God, 901, 2099-100in the Old Testament: bread and wine offered in, 1334Eucharistic Sacrifice Christ offers, 1410 Christ's presence in, 1088 the Eucharist as Christ's sacrifice made present, 1330 importance of, 1113 institution of, 1323 man's participation in Christ's, 618, 1419 as a memorial of Christ's sacrifice, 611, 1358, 1362-72 purposes of celebrating, 1382, 1414 as the source and summit of moral life, 2031 See also Eucharistsacrifice of Christ completes and surpasses the sacrifices of the Old Testament, 1330 on the Cross for all, 616-17 one perfect, 2100 and the sacrifice of the Eucharist as one sacrifice, 1367 significance of, 545, 606 as the source of the forgiveness of sins, 1851 is unique and definitive, 613-14, 1545 and the Virgin Mary, 964 whole priestly ministry draws its power from, 1566Sacrilege, 2118, 2120, 2139Sadnessin envy, 2539-40, 2553as an impediment to prayer, 2728as a principal passion, 1772as salutary in conversion of the heart, 1431Saint(s)communion with, 957the Church as communion of, 946-59, 960-62, 1331the Church's holiness shines in, 867as examples of holiness, 2030intercession of, 956, 2683memorials of, 1173, 1195name of saint as a baptismal name, 2156proper of saints in the liturgical year, 1172sacred images of, 1161significance of canonizing, 828as source and origin of renewal in the Church, 828value of the good works of, 1477veneration of, 61Salvationall need salvation, 588angels as messengers of the divine plan of, 331-32Baptism necessary for, 1256-57, 1277Christ's coming for man's, 456-57, 519, 1019Church as the universal instrument and sacrament of, 776, 780, 816comes from God alone, 169, 620and the communion of saints, 1477ecclesial ministry for man's, 874"economy of salvation," 1066everything is ordained for man's, 313gift of salvation presented through Christ, 1811God desires the salvation of all men in the truth, 851God opens the way to man's, 54, 56, 218, 431, 781, 1058, 2575help for salvation of the soul, 95hope of, 2091hope of salvation in Israel, 64human freedom and, 1739-42importance of moral decisions for, 1696Is there salvation without Baptism? 1259, 1261man needs, 1949, 2448means of, 830, 980mission of salvation in the work of priests, 1565observance of the natural law necessary for, 2036Paul contrasts the universality of sin with the universality of, 402of the person and society bound up with conjugal happiness, 1603, 2250prayer for, 2744sacraments are necessary for, 1129Sacred Scripture for man's, 107, 122sacrifice of the Cross for man's, 600-02, 617saving one's own soul, 1889service of and witness to the faith necessary for, 1816Virgin Mary cooperated in human, 511, 969work of salvation impeded by the Evil One, 2851Salvation historyangels in, 332beginning of, 280, 1080Israel in, 431Jesus as the recapitulation of, 430, 668liturgy and events in, 1103Sanctificationof the Church as the mission of the Holy Spirit, 767the Church for sanctification of men, 824, 827of day and night in the Liturgy of the Hours, 1174elements of sanctification outside the Catholic Church, 819grace as a source of the work of man's, 1999, 2001"Hallowed be thy name," 2807-15, 2858the Holy Spirit sent to bring about all, 2818human work as an instrument of, 2427justification as, 1989, 1995liturgy for man's, 1070man's definitive sanctification accomplished only through Christ's, 1540in marriage, 1637parents and their participation in the office of sanctifying, 902of persons in secular institutes, 928sacraments for man's, 1123, 1152, 1668, 1677sanctifying office of bishops, 893of Sundays and holy days, 2187through material things, 1670as work proper to the Holy Spirit, 703See also HolinessSanctuaryas preeminent places for prayer, 2691visits to sanctuary as a form of popular piety, 1674Sanhedrin, 591, 596Satan. See DemonSaving eventsChrist's glorious events and their effects, 126divine blessings made manifest in astonishing and, 1081liturgy, a memorial of, 1093, 1095, 1217made present in the liturgy, 1104Psalms and the recollection of, 2586Revelation in saving events and in words, 53, 1103, 2651SaviorJesus as the savior of men, 389, 457, 594, 2812See also Christ: Christ's titlesScandaldefinition of, 2284duty of avoiding, 2489fornication, pornography, and prostitution as, 2353-55gravity of, 2284-85, 2326provoked by the law or institutions, 2286of Jesus, 589social and economic inequalities causing, 1938suicide as, 2282those who give, 2287Schism, 817-19, 2089. See also Apostasy; HeresySchoolthe right to choose school for one's children, 2229Scienceand faith, 159as a gift of the Spirit, 1831and the service of man, 2293-94Scientific experimentsin animals, 2417and respect for persons, 2292, 2295Scientific investigationmoral criteria of, 2294Seal, 698Baptismal, 1216, 1272-74, 2769in Confirmation, 1293, 1295-96, 1304in Holy Orders, 1121, 1582of the Lord by the work of the Spirit marks us for redemption, 1274sacramental seal of confession, 1467, 2490See also Sacramental character Search for God, 28, 30, 285, 843, 1501, 2566Secrecy, professional, 2491Secrecy of the sacrament of Reconciliation, 1467, 2490Secular institutes, 928-29. See also Life: consecrated lifeSeeing God, 707man's desire to see God, 2548-50, 2557those pure in heart shall see God, 1722, 2519, 2531See also Theophanies Self-denial. See AscesisSelf-masteryas works of enduring determination, 2342Selfishnesscharity as a way to overcome, 1931education against, 1784hope preserved from, 1818marriage as a help to overcome, 1609regulation of births and, 2368Sense(s)of faith, 91-93, 785, 889good popular, 1676involving sense in interior prayer, 2702moral, 1954of our life, 282religious, 1676of the sacred, 2144of Scripture, 115-19Separation of spouses, 2383. See also DivorceSermon on the MountGod's law in the, 577, 1965-66, 1968as a spiritual guide and text for meditation, 1454, 1724, 1966teaching and commandments in, 2153, 2262, 2336, 2608, 2830Servantdeacon as servants of all, 1570ministers of the Church as servant of God, 876parable of the merciless, 2843Servant, Christ asof all, 786of God fully obedient to Him, 539, 615redemptive mission of the suffering, 440, 601Serviceof angels, 333authority as, 2235civil, 2311deacons as ministers ordained for, 1569-70, 1596family's service as ministry to life, 1653interdependence of creatures and, 340of lay people in the ecclesial community, 910liturgy as service of God, 1069-70of one's country, 2239, 2310rendered to civil authorities and to God, 2242as a way to follow Christ, 852Sexualityaffects all aspects of the human person, 2332, 2362chastity and, 2337, 2395commandment pertaining to, 2336concerns the capacity to love, 2332dignity of, 2362disordered, 2351-57, 2380, 2388-90diversity and complementarity of the sexes, 369-73, 1605, 2333equal dignity of man and woman, 369, 2334, 2393fertility and, 2370importance of the conjugal union, 2335integration of sexuality in the human person and chastity, 2337man is created male and female, 355, 383modesty and chastity, 2522significance of sexuality in marriage, 2360-63See also Marriage (Matrimony)Sheol, 633Shepherds of the Churchbishops as, 862, 939, 1558chosen and commissioned by Christ, 816, 1575laity offers help to, 900-01offices of, 801, 857, 1551, 1632, 2033, 2038, 2663pastor as shepherd of the parish, 2179pastoral office of Peter and the apostles, 881Sickcare and service of, 2186, 2405"Heal the sick" as a commandment of Jesus, 1506-10Jesus and the healing of, 699, 1503-06in the Old Testament, 1502the sacred anointing of, 1511, 1516, 1519as a sign of the presence of Jesus, 1373See also Anointing of the SickSign(s)anointing as, 695, 1293-94blood as, 2260bread and wine as, 1333-36, 1412the Church as, 775dove as, 701interpreting the signs of the times, 1788Jesus' sign of contradiction, 575laying on of hands as, 699, 1507liturgical, 1149, 1161, 1189of the Old Covenant, 1150for perceiving and expressing spiritual realities, 1146-48in sacramentals, 1667-68the Sign of the Cross, 2157song and music as signs in the liturgy, 1157-58taken up by Christ, 1151water as, 694See also SymbolsSigns, in the sacramentsof Baptism, 628, 694, 1235, 1238, 1241, 1243of Confirmation, 695, 1293-301of Holy Orders, 1574sacraments as, 1084, 1123, 1130-31, 1152Silenceadoration and respectful silence before God, 2628prayer as a "symbol of the world to come," 2717Simony, 2118, 2121SimplicityGod's, 202of prayer, 2589, 2713, 2778Sin(s)of the angels, 392-93in the Church, 827concupiscence leads us into sin, 978definition of, 1849-50as the gravest evil, 1488love is stronger than, 2844man's strong bond to God and the knowledge of, 286-88original (see Original sin)reality of, 385-87responsibility of one who cooperates in the sins of others, 1868root of, 1853Satan as the cause of, 2852ways to uproot, 943See also Original sin capital sins as generators of other sins, 1866 "Sins which cry to heaven," 1867consequences of sin loss of communion with God, 761, 1472 eternal life, 1472 man's likeness to God, 705 murder of the Son of God, 312 punishments of, 1472-73 struggle between the spirit and the flesh, 2516 unhealthy attachment to creatures, 1472 vice and perverse inclinations, 1426, 1865 weakened life of the Christian, 1420 weakened life of the sinner, 1459distinguishing sins according to gravity, 1854 by their objects, 1853interpretations of sin death entered the history of humanity, 400, 1006, 1008 detrimental to human communion, 761, 953 man abuses his God-given freedom, 1739 moral evil entered the world, 311, 1869 offense against God, 431, 1850 personal act, 1868 rejection of God, 398 schisms, heresies, apostasies, 817 "Social sin," 1869 threats to Church unity and communion, 814, 1440 work of the flesh, 1852liberation from sin Baptism frees from, 977-78, 985, 1213, 1237, 1263-64 Christ brings about the forgiveness of, 987, 1741 "expiation for our sins," 457, 604 the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world," 523, 536, 608 made satisfaction to the Father for our, 615, 1708 Christ's offering for liberation from the sins of man, 606-18 divine law, a help to those who have been wounded by, 1949 freeing of man from, 211, 549, 1989-90, 1999, 2057, 2097 God did not abandon man to the power of death, 410-11, 1609 God "made him to be sin for us," 602-03 interior penance as a way to overcome, 1431 only God can forgive, 270, 277, 430-31, 1441 prayer lest we take the way that leads to, 2846 violence and the many forms of sin manifested in Christ's passion, 1851 ways to obtain the forgiveness of, 1434-39 See also Penance and Reconciliationmortal sins conditions of complete consent, 1859 grave matter, 1858 full knowledge, 1859 consequences of, 1855, 1861 death in, 1033, 1035 distinction between mortal and venial, 1854 eternal punishments reserved for the one who dies in, 1033 forgiveness of mortal sins in perfect contrition, 1452, 1856 "He who does not love remains in death," 1033 imputability of the offense, 1860sacramental forgiveness of sins anointing of the sick and, 1520 authority and power to bind and loose sins, 553, 976, 1441-45, 1461 confessing sins according to the precept of the Church, 2042 confession and absolution, 1424 as the effect of justification, 2018 love of God as the cause for, 734 purification from the punishments for sins, 1475 and reconciliation with the Church, 1443 sacraments of, 1421, 1486, 1520 See also Penance and Reconciliationvarious sins against faith, 2088-89 against hope, 2091 anger, 2302 blasphemy, 2148 blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, 1864 envy, 2539 failure to participate in the Eucharist on days of obligation, 2181 hatred, 2303 homicide, 2268 lying, 2484 malice, 1860 sacrilege, 2120 sexual acts outside of marriage, 2390venial sins conditions of matter, knowledge, and consent, 1862 confession of, 1458 consequences of, 1863ways of sinning against God's love, 2094 of thought, word, deed, and omission, 1853Sinner(s)to acknowledge oneself as a, 208, 827, 1697, 2677, 2839all men "were made sinners," 402effects of the sacrament of Penance upon, 1423, 1468-70every sinner as the author of Christ's passion, 598God's mercy towards, 1465, 1846Jesus invites, 545, 588Jesus' mercy towards, 589, 1443and the just in the Church, 827justification of, 1994Last Judgment of, 1038penance must be done by, 1459power to forgive, 979, 1444purification of, 1475ways of reconciliation of, 1449Slander. See CalumnySlaveryenslavement of human beings is forbidden, 2414God saves Israel from the slavery of Egypt, 62, 2061Jesus frees men from slavery of sin, 549, 601, 635, 1741liberation from slavery of sin, 2057, 2097, 2744of sin, 407, 421, 1733Slothas a capital vice, 1866spiritual, 2094See also AcediaSocialization, 1882-83Societies of apostolic life, 930Societycharity as the greatest social commandment, 1889, 1939Christian purity and the social climate, 2525the Church as the leaven of, 854common good and, 1905-12, 1924, 1927communications media and, 2493-99conditions for the development of, 2441decalogue brings social and religious life into unity, 2069definition of, 1880divorce as a plague on, 2385family as the original cell of social life, 2207fourth commandment illuminates relations in, 2212human person as the principle, subject, and end of, 1881, 1892, 1929, 2459interdependence between the human person and, 2344just hierarchy of values in, 1886-87, 1895legitimate defense of, 2266lying as destructive to all, 2486necessity of social life, 1879, 1886, 1891participation in social life, 1882, 1893political community and the Church, 2244-46, 2257progress of society and the growth of the Reign of God, 2820relations between societies and the state, 1883, 1885right to true information in, 2494, 2512social changes and inner conversion, 1888 doctrine of the Church, 2198, 2419-25 justice and the common good, 1928, 1943 life must be organized, 2442 order, 2032 question, 1896, 2438, 2459"social sin," 1869"society of law," 1904vision of man in, 2244, 2257well-being of, 1603, 2250See also Life: social lifeauthorities, 1897-904, 1918-23 diverse and free forms of regimes, 1884, 1901 God entrusts to every creature the functions of which it is capable, 1884 legitimate exercise of, 1921 necessity and role of authorities in society, 1897-98 obedience to and respect for, 1899, 2234 obligation of defending and safeguarding the freedom of information, 2498duties of citizens, 2238-43, 2255-56 building up society, 2255 collaborating with the civil authorities for the good of society, 2239 communicating true information, 2495 giving due honor to, 1900 paying taxes, exercising the right to vote, defending one's country, 2240 refusing to obey the directives of authorities contrary to conscience, 2242 resisting the oppression of political power, 2243 taking an active part in public life, 1915 welcoming the foreigner, 2241duties of society concern for the health of its citizens, 2288 duty of religion and the right to religious freedom, 2104-05 permitting each one to fulfill his vocation, 1907 promoting access to employment, 2433 providing help to working families, 2208-10 right to respect life, 2273 Solidarityamong nations, 2437-42 as a duty, 2439 as essential, 2438 role of the laity to intervene in organizing social life, 2442appropriation of property and solidarity among men, 2402Christian, 1942, 2850communion of saints and the mutual needs of men, 953as a consequence of genuine and right communication, 2495definition of, 1948as a demand of brotherhood, 1939forms of, 1940-41importance of solidarity in the Church, 1942as mutual need among all creatures, 344as mutual need of men, 361prayer and, 2831as respect for human dignity, 2407sin is an offense against human, 1849Son of God. See ChristSong(s)angels' song of praise at the birth of Christ, 333sacred song and music, 1156-58, 1162, 1191servant, 713Song of Mary, 722, 2629SoulBaptism and Confirmation imprint a character on the soul, 1280, 1304, 1317body and, 362-64Christ, physician of, 658, 1421, 1509Christ's, 466, 467, 470-72, 624-26, 630, 632, 637, 650commandment "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart," 2055, 2083creation of, 33, 366, 382Eucharist and Christ's presence in body and blood, 1374 and divinity, 1374 fills the soul with Christ's grace, 1323, 1402final destiny of, 1021, 1051glorification of body and, 1042, 1052Holy Spirit, soul of the Mystical Body, 809man endowed with, 1934Mary, taken up body and soul into heaven, 966, 972, 974natural law written in our hearts, 37, 1954prayer and, 2559, 2562, 2590, 2700, 2703, 2709prayer and the souls in Purgatory, 1498Resurrection, reuniting of soul to the body, 990, 997, 1005, 1016sacraments and forgiveness, the healing of, 978, 981, 1520salvation of, 95, 1023, 1053, 2032, 2264, 2280, 2420, 2458significance of, 363signs of the spiritual, 33sin and its sway in, 400, 403, 1035, 1456, 1863spirit, soul, and body, 367theological virtues infused in, 1813unity of the soul and body in man, 327, 362, 364-65, 382, 992, 1004, 1060, 1503, 2332the Word of God, food for, 127, 131Spirit(s)angels as, 329God as pure, 370human spirit in meditation, 2705lifting up the mind to God, 2098man as body and, 327, 365, 367, 2515-16, 2702, 2846"The poor in spirit," 2546satan as a creature of pure, 395Spiritual exercisesappropriate for penitential practice, 1438Spiritual lifebond between spiritual life and dogma, 89defense of religious liberty for the, 2188Eucharist and, 1374, 1392God's Word and prayer as sources of, 131, 2687, 2697union with Christ in, 2014See also New life in the Spirit; Spirituality(ies)Spirituality(ies)Christian, 2693diversity of, 2684See also New life in the Spirit; Spiritual lifeSports activities, 2289Spouses. See Divorce; Marriage (Matrimony)Statechoice of one's state of life, 2230of consecrated life, 916, 933 (see also Life: consecrated life)grace of, 2004of holiness and righteousness in Adam and Eve, 375State, politicalduty to defend the common good, 1910duty to defend the right to life, 2273idolatry in reference to, 2113and personal freedom, 1883plague of totalitarian states condemned by moral judgment, 2499responsibility of state in economic action, 2431responsible for its citizens' well-being, 2372"society of law," 1904See also SocietySterility, 2375, 2379Sterilization, 2399Strikes, 2435Structuresof sin, 1869social, 408, 2286Submission, man'sto God, 154, 341, 396, 1955to legitimate authorities, 2239-40refusal to submit to the Supreme Pontiff (schism), 2089Subsidiarity, 1883, 1885, 1894, 2209Substance (or nature, or essence)designates the divine being, 252God, three Persons, one substance, 200, 202, 255meaning of, 252the Son, one in substance with the Father, 465Suffering of Jesus, 572Suffrage, 958, 1032, 1055, 1684-90Suicide, 2280-83, 2325Sundayas the day of Jesus' resurrection, 1343as a day to cultivate family, cultural, social, and religious life, 2184, 2194celebration as the heart of the Church's life, 2177defense of Sunday as a holiday, 2187-88as the fulfillment of the sabbath, 2175-76the Lord's Day as the first day of the week, 1166-67, 2174obligation to take part in the Sunday liturgy, 1389, 2042, 2180-83as the principal day for the celebration of the Eucharist, 1193rest, 2185-86, 2193significance of the Lord's Day, 1163, 2190Supernaturalbeatitude, 1722, 1727communion, 950end of man, 367faith as a supernatural virtue, 153, 179sense of faith, 91-93theological virtues and supernatural acts, 1812-13, 1840-41vocation to eternal life, 1998Superstition, 2110-11, 2138Supplicationdifferent forms of, 2629as a form of prayer, 2588hearing, 2614Supreme Pontiff, 882associated with every celebration of the Eucharist, 1369divine assistance to, 892episcopal college and, 880-87, 895, 1559infallibility of, 891offices, power, and authority of, 100, 882, 892, 937, 1463, 2034Symbolsof faith (see Creeds)liturgical, 1145, 1150, 1189man needs signs and, 1146, 1148, 1152of the Old Testament, 522, 697symbolic gestures of Jesus, 1151See also SignsSynod, 887Copyright permission for posting of the english translation of the CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH on the Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church web site was granted by Amministrazione Del Patrimonio Della Sede Apostolica, case number 130389. e24fc04721

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