So, I'm a big fan of the cheesy 90's movies about hacking (read Hackers). I've been using computers all my life, which has brought me to university studying in Computer Engineering. The other day I was watching a familiar cheesy hacking movie and the super-smart-teenager-guy-who-works-for-the-FBI-and-was-hired-to-catch-the-hacker had caught the hacker on his system. He continued to enter some commands and was able to trace ALL the computer hops the bad guy had made before making a connection to the hacked computer.

My question is simple: is this possible? I know you can traceroute packets and see where they have been, but can the same be done for active connections to a computer? How do security firms and big-shot organizations like the FBI "trace" a hacker back to his destination. Assuming of course he's using several proxies around the world and maybe even the tor network.

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The best hackers have steps, habits, processes they follow each and every hack that usually involve various combinations of proxies, compromised computers, timing differentials, and countries with laissez faire legal policies regarding technology security.

You can easily see all active connections to your computer, assuming it isn't infected. On linux, use "netstat -ta". On Windows, use Process Hacker, or some other task manager. If the hacker is using a proxy, then you would need access to the proxy to view its active connections. This is generally not possible, unless you happen to have access to a proxy the hacker is using.

Generally speaking, there are two types of Linux hacking: hacking done by hobbyists and hacking done by malicious actors. Hobbyists are often hackers looking for new solutions to software problems or tinkerers looking for new uses for their software/hardware. Malicious actors use Linux hacking tools to exploit vulnerabilities in Linux applications, software, and networks. This type of Linux hacking is done in order to gain unauthorized access to systems and steal data.

The hacker responsible, who goes by the name "Peace," told me in an encrypted chat on Sunday that a "few hundred" Linux Mint installs were under their control -- a significant portion of the thousand-plus downloads during the day.

The hacker shared a portion of the forum dump, which we verified contains some personally identifiable information, such as email addresses, birthdates, profile pictures, as well as scrambled passwords.

Those passwords might not stay that way for much longer. The hacker said that some passwords have already been cracked, with more on the way. (It's understood that the site used PHPass to hash the passwords, which can be cracked.)

It later emerged that the hacker had placed the "full forum dump" on a dark web marketplace, a listing we were also able to verify that exists. The listing was going for about 0.197 bitcoin at the time of writing, or about $85 per download.

Peace declined to give their name, age, or gender, but did say they lived in Europe and had no affiliations to hacking groups. The hacker, known to work alone, has previously offered private exploit services for known vulnerabilities services on private marketplace sites they're associated with.

Peace was "just poking around" the site in January when they found a vulnerability granting unauthorized access. (The hacker also said they had the credentials to log in to the site's admin panel as Lefebvre, but was reluctant to explain how in case it proved useful again.) On Saturday, the hacker replaced one of the 64-bit Linux distribution images (ISO) with one that was modified by adding a backdoor, and later decided to "replace all mirrors" for every downloadable version of Linux on the site with a modified version of their own.

The hacker said there was no specific goal to their attack, but said that their prime motivation for the backdoor was to build a botnet. The hacker used malware dubbed Tsunami, an easy-to-implement backdoor, which when activated quietly connects to an IRC server where it waits for commands.

For now, the hacker's motive was "just having access in general," but they did not rule out using the botnet to carry out data mining or any other nefarious means. In the meanwhile, the hacker's botnet is still up and running, but the number of infected machines "dropped significantly since the news broke obviously," Peace confirmed.

Hector Martin Cantero (born September 9, 1990), also known as marcan, is a security hacker known for hacking multiple PlayStation generations, the Wii and other devices.[1] Martin is lead developer on the Asahi Linux project.[2]

You mean your system locale? The way you set it when installing archlinux, just this time using the proper value.

However it's not used in that shell anyway, so the more relevant question is about the used $SHELL and differences between the shell environments in either VTE.

Especially on services you can log into, you should install some form of rate-limiting. If a certain number of unsuccessful login attempts has taken place, that IP should be blocked. The most used software for linux to achieve this is probably fail2ban. It has presets for all kinds of software, and you can simply activate it and have some peace of mind.

Penetration (Pen) testing and security auditing are now part of every system administrator's "other duties as assigned." BackTrack Linux ( is a custom distribution designed for security testing for all skill levels from novice to expert. It is the largest collection of wireless hacking, server exploiting, web application assessing, social-engineering tools available in a single Linux distribution. 


BackTrack Linux is a fine example of a specialized Linux distribution. Its only purpose is to test your network, devices, and systems for security vulnerabilities. BackTrack is packed with every security and hacker tool used by security professionals and professional hackers. If you're looking for all of the tools in one place, this is it. 


You must love the command line to use this distro, although it does contain a few graphical tools, such as zenmap and wireshark. Even in graphical mode (which comes up with the Gnome desktop), most of the applications open in a terminal window. Fortunately, each command line application opens and displays the help text so you can refer to the command reference right there on the screen. 


BackTrack is a highly customized, Debian-based Linux distribution that you should only update through BackTrack's own repositories (

BackTrack Linux contains more than 300 security tools and utilities that are all open source. Many security professionals prefer them over expensive commercial programs. And, hackers certainly prefer hundreds of no cost, high-end applications to anything commercial. One reason for BackTrack's popularity is its anonymity. You don't have to register (Registration is optional). No names, bank accounts, or user accounts are associated with obtaining the ISO image. Additionally, no spyware will report back to any vendor. 


In short, BackTrack's tagline says it all: "The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear." 


The distro is a bootable, live DVD that's approximately 2GB in size. If you decide to install it to a hard disk or USB drive, the installation expands to almost 7GB. BackTrack is perfectly suited to installation to a USB drive, so that it's portable and stealthier than a hard disk install. A 16GB USB drive holds the installation with plenty of room for saving files and data. 

Remember that you'll need to save your data from your information gathering exercises so that you can write security audit reports for your clients. The Live DVD is powerful but considerably slower than a hard disk or USB disk. If you use the DVD, use a USB drive or mountable hard disk partition to save the information you gather.

What is much more likely in practice, however, is for files to be hidden in the depths of the filesystem, perhaps under . directories so they don't show to a normal ls, or perhaps as innocuously named files. The good thing is that more linux admins seem to know what files should exist than windows admins, probably more down to the fact that windows is managed typically through a gui, however with greater usage of Powershell this is changing.

Let's say I let my friend "Stuart" have an account on my VPS with very limited privileges because he asked very nicely. Since Stuart isn't so bright, he accidentally posts his password in an IRC chatroom, and now everyone and his/her grandma can ssh into his account. My question is, in the hands of an experienced hacker, what kind of damage can be done to the system?

Another clue is the color coding of the new distribution. As far as cybersecurity personnel are concerned, the red team is made up of white hat hackers, also known as penetration testers, the type of people for whom Offensive Security was created. On the other side, the blue team is dedicated to defensive security. And when you mix red and blue you get: purple.

A followup to "A Brief History of Hackerdom", and part of the bookversion of The Cathedraland the Bazaar. This chronicles the events following January1998 when the history of hackerdom became current events.

Cybercrime is a serious threat to our IT world, and there are many different tactics employed to fight it. Ethical hackers, also referred to as "white hackers," use various network security tools to test networks and data systems for possible vulnerabilities that a hacker could exploit.

Today, we are looking at a sampling of the better penetration test Kali Linux tools available to ethical hackers and penetration testers. Before we jump into the list, let's pause for a refresher on a few essential terms.Become a Certified Ethical Hacker!CEH v12 - Certified Ethical Hacking CourseExplore Program

To evaluate a computer system's effectiveness, pen testers launch simulated cyberattacks against targeted networks (and with the host's knowledge). In addition, these ethical hackers look for ways around the computer system's defenses, checking for ways to gain access. e24fc04721

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