When the wind of the Spirit blows upon a near-dead church, it can blow life back into that congregation again. When all of our organizing is done and is nearly perfect, yet we still lack power, it is the wind of the Holy Spirit that can blow strongly upon us and cause a vision or organization to come alive with the life of God.

We come into agreement with His word and we prophesy to the gentle breeze that a mighty wind is about to blow. We prophesy to the cloud that an abundance of rain is about to fall. We prophesy over the offering that His revival fire is about to ignite us! Blow on our nation, reign over our land and send holy fire upon Your people. May Your wind send the sparks of what is ignited in the United States to our neighbors in the north and our neighbors in the south; igniting them with your holy fire. May it blow over the waters and touch the nations with the elements of heaven.

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Today, we invite your wind to blow away the darkness and ignite the holy fires of revival. Your rain (and reign) of abundance will fall upon your people causing a tsunami of power and love to flood the nations.

Next time you feel the wind blowing in your face, or the next time you see the wind blowing the trees around, or the next time you hear the sound of the mighty rushing wind, think of your God and His Spirit that came to this earth to take up residence in your heart and in mine.

When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Acts 2:1-2 ESVUK

Strong winds can have a dramatic effect, even when it is dead calm. The tree was bent over even when the wind was not blowing. The Holy Spirit is like that. The power of the Holy Spirit is the power that God used to create the universe and is far greater than the power of a wind that can bend a tree on a hillside near Huddersfield.

as of a rushing mighty wind;

 it was not a wind, but like one; and the noise it made, was like the rushing noise of a strong and boisterous wind, that carries all before it: the Spirit of God is sometimes compared to the wind, because of the freeness of his operations; as that blows where it listeth, so he works when and where, and on whom he pleases; and also because of the power and efficacy of his grace, which is mighty and irresistible, and works with great energy upon the minds of men; and as the wind is secret and invisible, so the operations of the Spirit are in a manner secret and imperceptible unto men: this may likewise be applied to the Gospel, when it comes with the Holy Ghost, and with power; it makes its way into the heart, and throws down the strong holds of sin and Satan; there it works effectually, though secretly, and is the power of God to salvation:

In 1:4 ruach denotes a wind, a stormy wind which signifies nothing less than the powerful Spirit. On the day of Pentecost there was a rushing, mighty wind which filled the house where the one hundred twenty were sitting. Then all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:2, 4a). No doubt, that rushing, mighty wind was the powerful Spirit.

A certain promising young man, who was a strong member of a political party, experienced this wind from the north at the time of his conversion. One day he went into an idol temple and saw a Bible on the table which was used for the offering. He walked up to the Bible and read a few verses. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit blew upon him, and he was convicted of his sins. As the wind of the Spirit continued to blow upon him, he began to repent of his sins and to make a thorough confession, crying bitterly as he prostrated himself and even rolled on the floor. He was saved through the blowing of a mighty wind from the north.

Actually, a stormy wind blows upon us at every turn in our spiritual life. This stormy wind is God Himself blowing upon us to bring a storm into our life, into our work, and into our church. It is truly a grace to have storms coming to us from God. As we are following the Lord, we will experience storm after storm. I cannot say how many storms have come to me, but I can testify that every storm is worth recalling. Every storm has become a pleasant remembrance. I believe that when we are in eternity, we will recall the storms that we experienced.

The cloud always follows the stormy wind. If we have the wind, we will surely have the cloud, for the cloud is the issue of the blowing of the wind. Like the stormy wind, the cloud signifies the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit touches us, He is like the wind. When the Holy Spirit visits us and overshadows us, He is like the cloud. First, the Holy Spirit blows upon us like the wind to move us, and then He abides with us like a cloud to cover us.

In Ezekiel 1:4 the cloud is mentioned in relation to the wind. Together, the wind and the cloud are an indication that an important transaction is about to take place between God and man. At least from time to time, in our Christian life there needs to be a significant spiritual transaction between God and us. I believe that everyone who has been genuinely saved has experienced such a transaction. We also experience a spiritual transaction during times of revival. First, the Holy Spirit touches us and moves us, causing us to turn to the Lord, to see our corruption, and to repent and confess our sins. Then we have the sense that God is like a cloud visiting us, overshadowing us, and covering us. We may sense also that the grace of God is upon us, covering us like a canopy.

God is the blowing wind, and He is also the covering and overshadowing cloud. Whenever we experience God as the blowing wind, we also have the sense that, after He blows upon us, He remains with us, overshadowing and covering us and brooding over us. This is God as the gracious cloud. The blowing of the wind brings the presence of God to us in the form of a heavenly, brooding, overshadowing cloud.

Our God, the Lord Jesus, is not only the living water but also the consuming fire. Many Christians appreciate Ezekiel 47 because this chapter speaks of the flowing river. We need to realize that the flowing river is not the first thing in Ezekiel. Rather, the river comes after the fire. The fire is in chapter one, and the river is in chapter forty-seven. The fire always comes first. The source of the fire is the blowing wind with the covering cloud. From this we see that the fire does not come to us directly. God comes to us as the blowing wind and stays with us as the covering cloud. Under His covering we are exposed by His shining. As we are under His shining, we should confess our need for His burning and then pray for Him to burn away our self, our old nature, our disposition, our worldliness, and our attitudes, goals, aims, motives, and intentions. We all need to be burned by the Lord in this way. One such burning is better than a thousand teachings.

When we experience the blowing wind, we enjoy the covering cloud and then we pass through the burning, consuming fire. The result is the glowing electrum, something shining, lovely, precious, and pleasant. As the electrum, the Lord Jesus is the One who has redeemed us and who is everything to us. He is our God, our Lamb, our Redeemer, our jasper, and our sardius. If we consider our spiritual experience, we will realize that the One who dwells within us today is the Lamb-God, the One signified by the electrum.

We all need to experience more of the spiritual wind, the overshadowing cloud, the burning fire, and the glowing electrum. By passing through this kind of experience, we become the vision of the glory of God. In our experience we have the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum. Then whenever we meet together, we are the vision of the glory of the electrum, having a precious treasure that is shining and glowing.

We do not experience the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum once for all. On the contrary, this experience is a cycle which should be repeated again and again. Today we may experience the wind, the cloud, the fire, and the electrum, and then after a period of time the wind comes again, followed by the cloud, the fire, and the electrum. This cycle should be repeated again and again throughout our Christian life. From this we see that, in a sense, we Christians have no rest in our spiritual experience. I have been a Christian for over forty-five years, and I have never had any rest from this cycle. Instead, there has been a continual experience of the blowing wind, the covering cloud, the burning fire, and the glowing electrum. Every time this cycle is repeated, more of the electrum is brought forth.

O Holy Spirit, come and blow through this gathering space as Mighty Wind as you did with the apostles at the beginning of the Church. Pour your Spirit upon us all, both colonized and colonizer, of all ages, all genders, to speak your words, see your vision, dream your dreams toward your great and glorious day when everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Flow like rivers of living water from the hearts of believers through the songs of praise, words of worship, and prayers of devotion. Amen!

The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us (Romans 5:5). For the Holy Ghost to shed abroad the love of God in our hearts is wonderful, indeed. The blowing of the Spirit is the signal to every true believer that Jesus is soon coming; it gives us strength and vision to take Jesus to the whole world in this final hour. We will not fail. All nations must hear this marvelous plan of salvation, a message confirmed with signs, wonders, miracles and healings; and then the end will come. As the wind of the Spirit blows upon the nations, we are seeing the results. Miracles bring people to God. We have had over one hundred thousand people saved in one service; the evangelism spirit, the blowing of the Holy Spirit was upon the people, revealing Calvary to them, delivering them as the love of God poured upon them. e24fc04721

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