
The SpinGeVacS Project is a project funded by Regione Toscana, in collaboration with IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, University of Firenze, University of Siena, ARS Toscana, and ASL Toscana Nord-Ovest and Sud-Est 


Spinta gentile, vaccinazione anti-COVID-19 e salute pubblica” (SpinGeVacS: Nudge, COVID-19 vaccination and public health) is a research project funded by Regione Toscana. It aims at collecting data about people’s beliefs, motivations, preferences, and behaviors in healthcare contexts. 

The goal is to develop behaviorally-inspired tools to promote prosocial behavior (e.g., improving vaccination compliance among the general population and healthcare professionals) and to improve transparent and trustworthy communication, decision-making, and policy design (e.g., nudge and boosting interventions).

Survey on healthcare provider vaccination:

reasons and beliefs

Study of general population attitude  toward new vaccination dose 
