Spinal Stenosis treatment in India

Spinal stenosis is a contraction of open spaces within the spine, it can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves that go from the spinal cord to the hands and feet. Usually, it occurs in the lower back and neck.

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Symptoms of spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis does not primarily indicate any symptoms or signs. However, some individuals may experience tingling, pain, numbness, muscle fatigue, and difficulties in normal bowel or bladder function. Symptoms may vary by location:

Neck (Cervical Spine): It may cause numbness, tingling or weakness in feet, feet, hands or hands.

Lower back (lumbar spine): The narrowed veins on your thoracic spine can cause tingling or pain in your legs when you walk for long intervals or at any time.

Sciatica: Shooting pain under your foot begins as pain in the lower back or buttocks.

Foot drop: Painful leg fatigue can cause you to "smack" your foot on the floor

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Medical tests to detect spinal stenosis

Physical examination and medical records of this patient are taken. After which the following evaluation is recommended:

  • X-ray

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

  • CT scan (computerized tomography)

During surgery

Spinal fusion for scoliosis can be performed in several ways, however, most techniques involve the use of screws and hooks. These are attached to the bones to anchor the extended rods.

Subsequently, the affected parts of the spinal cord are replaced with the help of sticks. The sections are aligned with the backbone so that the lateral spin can be minimized properly.

Bone grafts are subsequently introduced into sections where fusion is required. These bone grafts may belong to the person (automobile graft) or may be obtained from a donor (allograft).

The assemblage of bones lasts from 3 to 6 weeks and lasts for about 12 weeks. The rods hold the spinal cord until complete fusion is done with the new bones that can select their spinal weights. However, later the rods are not removed, as another operation will have to be done for this. On this occasion, sticks may irritate the delicate tissues around them and will need to be removed.

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After surgery

Post-surgical recovery occurs for a few months.

It does not matter that the hospital stay is only between three and seven days.

Since this is a painful process, an epidural catheter can be inserted behind the person to control anxiety. It is removed the next day.

The patient's independence is limited and for this the catheter is attached to the urinary tract which can also be terminated the next day after the operation

The person is placed under the supervision of a physiotherapist who assists the patient to achieve the purpose of mobility and motion.

X-rays are taken prior to release to see the position of the spinal cord. When there is a symptom of a complication, follow-up procedures are needed to reestablish the well being of the individual.

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Post care at home

The person needs a few months to resume motion and regular action. Regular X-rays and follow-up examinations are required to be done to ensure that the restoration is on track.

The actions of these individuals are restricted. From the first six months, only simple daily patterns are allowed.

In the next two weeks, the person can start swimming.

During 8–10 months after surgery, the patient may resume exercise such as cycling.

Running, sports and jumping are allowed after 10–12 months.

Subsequently, the patient's improvement is assessed by performing an X-ray and the person can resume normal activities without any restrictions.

Risk factors of scoliosis spine surgery

Paraplegia or loss of motion in the lower parts of the human body - given that this is a truly catastrophic complication, some evaluations such as SSEP (Somato Sensory Evoque Potential) and MEP (Motor Cooked Potential) are used to maintain an operation. Are tested and tracked when the spinal cord is compromised in any point of operation. If one of these tests suggests a complication, the operation is immediately assessed and an additional course is needed to restore spinal health.

Severe anemia - Assuming that scoliosis spinal operation is an important operation, a lot occurs in the entire area during the operation. The operation also involves stripping the muscles. These complex elements can result in acute blood loss. But with modern methods, it is likely to maintain blood sugar to moderate levels. Patients can also get their own blood that is given before the operation and taken later.

  • Infections

  • Cerebral Spinal Fluid Leakage

  • Instrumentation failure

  • Spinal fusion failure

  • Treatment options are both nonsurgical and surgical

Spinal stenosis nonsurgical treatment

Medications: Repeated pain relievers are given to relieve pain. Other medications include muscle relaxants, anti-seizure.

Corticosteroid shots: Steroids help reduce inflammation.

Anesthetics: This may be an injection of nerve blocks, which may stop the pain for a while.

Assistance devices: Some patients have been counseled to wear braces, walkers, or corsets. This can aid them in walking.

Spinal stenosis surgical treatment

Surgery is considered when traditional treatments have not helped or when Pfil has been hindered by their symptoms. The most important objective of the operation is to relieve pressure in the spinal cord or nerve roots by creating more spaces inside the spinal cord. The various procedures performed are as follows:

Laminectomy: This procedure involves removing the trunk portion of the affected area vertebrae. Sometimes the vertebrae have to be related to the adjacent vertebrae with metal hardware and bone grafts (spinal fusion) to keep the spine strong.

Laminotomy: This procedure involves removing just a portion of the lamina, usually dividing a hole sufficiently to reduce the pressure at a particular location.

Laminoplasty: This procedure is performed only from the neck to the vertebrae. It opens the space inside the spinal canal by forming a hinge on the lamina. Metal hardware bridges the gap from the open part of the backbone. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and the patient is hospitalized for 1-2 days.

Factors affecting the cost of spinal stenosis treatment

Following are the factors that will affect the treatment cost:

  • Hospital patients are choosing.

  • Room-single room, deluxe room, super deluxe room specified for the number of nights (including nursing fee, meals, room rate and room service).

  • Operating Room, ICU

  • Fees for the team of doctors (surgeon, anesthetist, physiotherapist, dietician)

  • The medicines

  • Physiotherapy session if advised

  • Standard Testing and Diagnostic Procedures

  • Depending on treatment options:

  • The medicines

  • Support tool

Use of metal hardware during surgery

Type of Surgery:

  • Laminectomy,

  • Laminoplasty,

  • Laminotomy

Contact our experts for the best and cheapest price of spinal stenosis treatment in India.

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