St. Patrick's Emergency Shelter

St. Patrick's Emergency Shelter

St. Patrick's Emergency Shelter is a parish ministry formed to feed and house our homeless brothers and sisters from Armonk, Bedford, Chappaqua and Mount Kisco during the coldest months of the year.

For one week, our parish provides sanctuary for our neighbors in need. SPES* serves an evening meal, provides overnight shelter, and distributes lunch bags to street guests as they leave the shelter the next morning. In the past we have opened our church meeting room for this purpose. This year, due to the COVID crisis, we will not be physically housing our guests for the week, but will be hosting them, the week of February 15th, as they stay at St. Francis Church in Mt. Kisco. We will be providing individually boxed meals and bagged lunches, prepared off-site and delivered to our host location.

We can only fulfill this need with the support and willingness of volunteers to organize, cook, deliver and supply needed items each day .

*SPES is part of a nonprofit coalition of interfaith congregations in northern Westchester County called Emergency Shelter Partnership, which has been doing this work of love for 17 years.


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