I want to create a Philosopher's Stone artifact for the players to use, a dangerous item that can be used to amass transmute things into gold but at the risk of things going horribly wrong. The transmutation spell list doesn't seem to have a spell that matches the description though, any ideas? Thanks.

On page 159 of the pathfinder core rulebook it states that a spellcasing service costs CL*spell level*10gp. Is this intended for player use if they sell uses of spells? For example, a PC at CL 10 sells spells at a minimum of 100gp a pop, and by RAI aren't high level spell-caster's rare and thus in demand?

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Mostly i was thinking of how PC's could scrounge for coin without a craft/ perform/ profession check. in which case is this toomuch gold for a 10'th level party, or reasonable? Assuming they don't create a store.

If they're scrounging you might let it works once it a while, but realistically most people shouldn't have the money to pay for spell casting. And even then, divine spells will be more in demand than arcane spells. And most of the divine spells are likely to be provided by a local cleric of a good god, provided that once exists. Otherwise, anything else would likely be a luxury.

Alternatively, I would allow a character to research the new facets to add to their Sorcery knowledge to lower those obstacles for future spells, perhaps allowing them to research new spell formulas based upon their sorcerous knowledge of spell facets using the BWG spells as a guideline.

The other fun thing was being able to alter existing spells by tacking on an extra facet or two to expand the original spells. Adding the Earth element to Falcon Skin would allow the wizard to transform not only himself, but all he was wearing and carrying for a +1Ob and +6 actions. Making Improved Falcon Skin into an Ob5, 14 action spell, not an easy spell to cast or sustain, but at least you still have all your gear when you land.

I recently rewatched Mr. Rhexx's video on gold dragons and he mentioned that they love to practice magic. He also mentioned that all dragons can innately cast spells but gold dragons choose to further their magic prowess. Now true polymorph states that whilst morphed you can't cast spells unless your new form is capable of such. Now spell casting actually isn't present in the 5e gold dragon stat block so my question is if a mage was true polymorphed into a gold dragon would they still be able to cast spells?

The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form, and it can't speak, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech, unless its new form is capable of such actions.

This is actually the case with all but one exception for adult dragons. The Adult Sapphire Dragon has innate spellcasting and can cast only scrying, telekinesis, and teleportation circle once per day each. To be clear, the Adult Sapphire Dragon can only cast the three spells listed on its stat block, and no others. Mr. Rhexx is referring to the optional variant rule for Dragons as spellcasters1.

That being said, innate spellcaster monsters don't use spell slots to cast their spells. As a result you still won't be able to use your classes Spellcasting feature while True Polymorphed. This is due to this restriction in the True Polymorph spell:

If you have similar reservations about chasing gold in such a sensitive environment, we encourage you to make your concerns known to the Forest Service by submitting a comment on the project before January 10th.

Vandy has of the best hero bodies in the game (so you already want to have her in play), levels quickly, and comes with Resist, so she is more likely to stay in play than average, which makes all her spells just a little bit more reliable than baseline.

Spell components are an often forgotten part of spellcasting in Dungeons & Dragons. While most spells have either verbal or somatic components (requiring you to speak or gesture with your hands to cast them), some spells have material components as well.

While the majority of material components can be ignored through the use of a spellcasting focus, components with a gold cost attached must be supplied in order for a spell to be cast. This might not seem like a big problem, however, some of these gold costs can be rather outrageous. Let's take a look.

Starting off the list with what will likely be your first big material component gold expenditure in a higher-level game, Resurrection and Reincarnate are both spells you can use to bring a character back to life for the notable cost of 1,000 gold pieces. These spells consume the gold cost as well, meaning you'll have to buy new materials every time you cast them.

On top of the gold cost, these spells also require that you have some portion of the creature's body at hand. For the 7th-level spell Resurrection, you'll need the entire body, but it's okay if it's missing any of its parts.

This 7th-level evocation spell is notorious for shutting down high-level encounters thanks to the fact that it has no saving throw. In order to cast it though, you'll first need to purchase ruby dust worth 1,500 gold pieces. Forcecage creates a prison of magical force that traps a creature for up to one hour.

Funnily enough, before you cast this 6th-level evocation spell you'll need to purchase an ivory statuette likeness of your character embellished with gems that's worth at least 1,500 gold pieces. Contingency is a Wizard-only spell that allows you to cast another spell and delay its effect until a certain circumstance is met.

This 5th-level abjuration spell may cost less than Forcecage and Contingency on the first casting, but the fact that it consumes the material component means that you'll need to spend 1,000 more gold on a new jewel every time you cast it. In the long run, it ends up being a more expensive spell.

This 7th-level illusion spell is yet another Wizard-only special. The material cost of this spell stems from 1,500 gold pieces worth of ruby dust. In addition to that though, you'll also need a hefty amount of snow or ice as well as a piece of the creature's body that you're trying to duplicate.

It requires multiple material components with costs as well as 1 cubic inch of flesh of the creature set to be cloned. Enjoy gathering that. As far as the other components, you'll need a diamond worth at least 1,000 gold pieces and a container worth at least 2,000 gold pieces.

This is the first 9th-level spell on this list and requires that you have a diamond worth at least 5,000 gold pieces on your person in order to cast it. Gate is a conjuration spell that requires concentration and creates a temporary portal between two precise locations on different planes.

Sequester may only be a 7th-level transmutation spell, but it still has one of the highest gold costs in the game. You'll need powdered diamonds, rubies, emeralds, or sapphires worth 5,000 gold pieces to cast this one.

Finally, this 9th-level necromancy spell requires a sprinkle of holy water and diamond dust worth at least 25,000 gold pieces. While that might seem like a ridiculous cost, True Resurrection can restore any creature who died in the last 200 years to life as long as you know the creature's name.

The Alia Hoop Earrings are handcrafted and made from demi-fine vermeil, essentially a thick layers of 18k gold coated over brass. This ensures that the earrings are high-quality and durable, perfect for dressing up any outfit.

Yes, the Princess wears two other pieces from Spells of Love in addition to the Alia Hoop Earrings. The Medium Twist Hoop Earrings in Gold, as well as a Double Strand Satellite Beaded Chain necklace in gold.

The weather in the UK is getting more extreme, with prolonged dry spells and warmer temperatures throughout all four seasons set to become the norm. So, what is the best way to prepare your garden for these new conditions? Here, we offer our top tips for protecting your garden against dry spells.

Using a mulch will also help soil to retain moisture during dry spells. Plus, opting for a dry, light-coloured mulch will be effective in reflecting the heat away from veg patches, flowerbeds and trees during the warmer months.

The Good

When word spread of an Elite-like action RPG, a smart mix using a vast map of hundreds of cities, a trading-sim with classes, skills, spells and an inventory for the main character, many were intrigued. In a time of hype, colossal development circles and a mammoth of a market, we seek the "small game" that will make a difference. We try to discover the hidden outsider that will use a small, simple but bright idea to make our turns head.

Many trading items (each commodity carrying a degradation factor, which reduces its value after many days of travel), Churches of 5 Different Gods, Guilds and Organizations, that give better Quests in time (as long as you keep them happy) and reward you with spells, perks and/or a skill bonus. All seems well. 

The Bad

Unfortunately, a clever enough idea, simplistic and addictive, is not enough without a proper game design.

Travel between cities is represented poorly; dots connect the cities. Tik-tik-tik and you are there. Random encounters between destinations: never. A handful of monsters will wait for you...every-single-time, out of the city gates. Combat is not at all challenging- aside from that, weapons and skills are not at all balanced: armed with a bow, all monsters die within seconds. No use for armor, spells, stats. After 30 minutes, Spells of Gold unfolds all of its cards. And they aren't that good.

Spell is a mechanic that allows for the usage of cheat codes to unlock characters, stages, relics, etc. Most spells must be entered in the Secrets menu, unlocked by collecting the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane, however some must be entered on the main menu. 17dc91bb1f

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