Semiconductor Photonics and Electronics Lab
Group News
Recent Publication
J. Lim†, A. I. Rafieh†, N. Shibayama, J. Xia, J.-N. Audinot, T. Wirtz, S. Kinge, S. W. Glunz, Y. Ding, B. Ding, H. Kim, M. Saliba*, Z. Fei*, P. J. Dyson*, M. K. Nazeeruddin*, and H. Kanda*
Energy Environ. Sci., DOI: 10.1039/D4EE01841A (25. Sep. 2024)
H. Kim, J.-M. Heo, C. Wolf, Y.-H. Kim, S.-C. Lee, E. Yoon, G.-H. Lee, K. Y. Jang, J. Park, J. S. Kim, M.-H. Park, S.-H. Jeong, H. Cho, T.-H. Han, E. Oveisi, M. K. Nazeeruddin, T.-W. Lee*
Small, 2405272 (25. Sep. 2024)
This article also appears in Hot Topic: Surfaces and interfaces
Selected for Front cover
H. Kim*, S.-M. Yoo†, B. Ding†, H. Kanda, N. Shibayama, M. A. Syzgantseva, F. Fadaei Tirani, P. Schouwink, H. J. Yun, B. Son, Y. Ding, B.-S. Kim, Y. Y. Kim, J. Park, O. A. Syzgantseva, N. J. Jeon*, P. J. Dyson*, M. K. Nazeeruddin*
Nature Communications, 15, 5632 (4. July 2024)
Featured in Editor’s highlights, “Devices”
J. Xia, Y. Zhang, M. Cavazzini, S. Orlandi, B. Ding, H. Kanda, N. Klipfel, X. Gao, A. Qurat, V. Jankauskas, K. Rakstys, R. Hu, Z. Qiu, A. Asiri, H. Kim*, P. J. Dyson*, G. Pozzi*, M. K. Nazeeruddin*
Angewandte Chemie, e202212891 (5. Oct. 2022)
Research Interest
- Development of next-generation optoelectronic devices (LEDs and solar cells)
- Next-generation neuromorphic devices – artificial neuron and synapse
- Synthesis of single-crystalline perovskites
- Flexible/stretchable electrode materials (graphene and conducting polymer)
- Machine learning model development for materials and device design