The Astronaut’s Logbook

The Crayfish Nebula has any number of planets, moons, space stations, asteroid worlds, and the like to visit, and many, many people do so, taking advantage of the faster-than-light travel the Predecessors provide. And with travel comes travel guides. The most popular of these—for the past seventy thousand years at that—has two thousand names in as many languages, but the best translation in English is probably The Astronaut's Logbook.

Purchasing a copy is quite simple, and need only be done once. With the physical copy of the Book (usually a small push-button holograph) in one's possession, one can not only read but also take notes on travel to different parts of the Nebula. If published, this will be submitted to the Logbook's translation matrix and copied out into the languages mentioned above. Every time someone accesses your "blogpost" (usually through a random response generated by the Logbook's search engine), you gain a certain amount of credit, useful for a number of interactions across the Nexum. Hitchhiking, for example.

The Logbook provides information on habitable locales, persons and organizations of interest, Spinnergate connections of note ("fastest hyperspace tracker in the galaxy for the fifth Standard Rotation in a row!"), dietary restrictions, the best attractions, the worst repulsions, and other noteworthy ephemera.

(Pop-up ads can be a bit of an annoyance, but can be disabled by writing good blog-posts. The better people rate your blog on a scale from "contented" to "disgusted"—categorized by species—the fewer ads you have to deal with.)

Articles of Note

To be Added To As Needed

Gender Identity in the Crayfish Nebula

First Written: July 14, 2021Published: April 19, 2022