Rather than relying on the autocorrect feature to fix your errors, you could just enable spell check on Android. It will alert you to typos and other misspelled words using those familiar squiggly red lines under the text.

To turn spell check on or off on Android, you need to go to Settings > System > Language and input > Keyboards > Gboard > Text correction > Spelling > Spell check and flick the toggle into the desired position.

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For this feature to work, you'll need to ensure you've selected a default language for your keyboard. Additionally, regardless of what keyboard you're using, you're going to need to ensure that Gboard is used as a spell check source (rather than Samsung Keyboard, for instance).

I write in two languages simultaneously (English and Spanish) and it is customary to switch between them in the middle of sentences. The spell checker/predictive text goes haywire when I type in Spanish. I can't seem to figure out how to add that dictionary to the mix, and having to enter each word one at a time as I type them is a pain. Is there a way I can have it do English and Spanish at the same time? I don't need the keyboard to change, just the spell checker, really.

This seems to have changed with Android 5. If you use a 3rd party keyboard, such as Hackers in my case, changing the language "within" the keyboard changes the suggestions, but does not change the dictionary for the system spellchecker, so your text will have red underlines. To get rid of these, my only solution at this point is to abandon Hackers Keyboard and go with Google Keyboard. The long press on the spacebar brings up all keyboard/language combinations, and the system spellchecker language changes accordingly.

Normally, each time you switch language, the spellcheck dictionary changes as well. However, I don't see a Filipino language dictionary available for download, so not sure how this might work. Settings -> Language & Input -> Add-on Dictionaries

SwiftKey allows you to add up to three languages simultaneously. I regularly type in three different languages, Swedish, English and French. If I start a sentence in say, French, I can suddenly in the middle of a sentence switch to English if I can't find the word I'm looking for without any problems. Predictions will then be automatically switched from French to English as well. I only have one issue with the app. Sometimes I write in Finnish as well, and changing to the fourth language is somewhat of a hassle (settings, languages, uncheck on of the currently used languages and choose the new one). But overall I'm happy with it.

I just found an easy way to accomplish your goal. Turn off the auto correction function. Go to settings, go to language and input, go to Google keyboard settings, go to text correction. Uncheck autocorrection. You can then type whatever you want and it will still give suggestions but it won't jump them into your message. Espero que ayudo! I was having same issue typing in French to my friend in Madagascar, this fixed it for me. Android 4.4.2.


I'm using wonderful Joplin app on different devices, and between them I have an Onyx Boox Nova2 android e-ink tablet: I'm experiencing some difficulties because, due to odd tablet settings (it's a quite young device), I can't switch spell check language and the tablet sees every words as a mistake and edit notes becomes very difficult (I can't explain it more crearly, but on this device everything is a little bit complicated )

Can I disable spell check in the app?

Android 9 - Joplin 1.2.6

Thank you 


(Evernote for Android doesn't have a spell checker that I'm aware of, though the desk version does - Tools > Options > Language in the Windows version. Android relies on the underlying operating system for spell checking.)

I believe Android apps generally rely on the system-level spelling checker and predictive text function (AKA autocorrect; AKA auto-corrupt ). The link that @gazumped provided is somewhat out of date. On my Samsung Android 9 phone, in Settings I have to go down to "General management" and tap that to get to "Language and input"; and then from there I have to select the on-screen keyboard that I use, and then check its spelling/predictive text settings. (It may be different in Android 910.) The advantage of this is that if you add a word to the spelling dictionary when writing an email, that word will also be available (using the same keyboard) in Evernote.

Excel for Android does not have a built-in spell checker like the desktop version of Excel, so far I know. However, you can still use the built-in Android spell checker to check your text while working in Excel or other apps. Here is how to use the Android spell checker:

Please note that the exact steps and options may vary slightly based on your tablet model, Android version, and the keyboard app you are using. Additionally, software updates may introduce new features, so it is a good idea to check your tablet's settings and keyboard app for the most up-to-date options related to spell checking.

If you have a specific keyboard app installed, you can also check the app's settings for spell check options, as some third-party keyboard apps offer additional spell checking features beyond the default Android spell checker. My knowledge of this topic is limited, but since no one has answered it for at least one day or more, I entered your question in various AI. The text and the steps are the result of various AI's put together.

I use the Microsoft SwiftKey keyboard so I can type in both English and Dutch simultaneously (without having to switch between them). This works great but the system spell checker still put red lines under all my words. I have set the spell checker to 'use system languages' but it only uses the first one in the list. If I select manually, I can only use one language. Is there a way to get multilingual spell check?

My experience has been that this may not be possible, but probably depends on which phone you're using. My current and past two phones flat out would not allow me to set SwiftKey as the global spell-checker. (I can autocorrect with it, but with two languages plus dialect plus slang in the "learned" dictionary... this is not especially useful.)

I would check that your default spell-checker is actually, or even can be, set to SwiftKey. On my current Samsung with android 11, the spell-checker setting is completely integrated and only available under "Samsung keyboard settings" (meaning I can only use the native Samsung keyboard if I want to enable it), while on the older Huaweis (android 6 & 9), it was called "Spelling correction," but the only selection possible was Gboard.

(Someone elsewhere on SO suggested this was a change in android 5, and looking at the releases, the SpellCheckerService class pops up in API 14/android 4, so it may be that the global function didn't even exist until then.)

Edited to reiterate: N.B. that I'm specifically responding to the question as to "spell-checker" and not "autocorrect" (as it sounds like @metshein is referencing below), which (somewhat confusingly) are actually two different settings. The OP mentioned "red lines" below words, which is a spell-checking function separate from autocorrect, which can be enabled or not within SwiftKey.

I'm using Samsung Galaxy A7 and I have 3 languages in my keyboard and spell checker and it works just fine. Maybe like 1% of the time it might correct my Estonian word to a Swedish one but that's because the words can be quite similar.And I'm also using the Swiftkey keyboard so I guess it really might depend on the phone but it shouldn't..doesn't make much sense xd

Ever since the recent update my tables like the tab 7 plus no longer spellcheck with a physical keyboard attached. Likewise a portable keyboard I use for my fold is not working either. As you type a misspelled word no underlining lining. This all started with the new update about a month ago.

this is a huge issue, ive been complaining for a while now even with old One Ui 4.0 spell check didnt work for all apps, only workaround is to use SwiftKey it will give you predictive bar with physical keyboard. i cannot understand why Samsung cannot just implement same function as SwiftKey. looks like their software team just out of touch.

To turn spell check on or off on Android, you need to go to Settings > System > Language and input > Keyboards > Gboard > Text correction > Spelling > Spell check and flick the toggle into the desired position.

So everyone knows that their preferred keyboard on Android has autocorrect, but did you know Android also has built-in spell check? If you're really looking to double down on your spelling---or perhaps get rid of autocorrect altogether---this is a setting you'll probably want to enable.

One of the first things you're probably wondering here is what makes spell check different than autocorrect. It's actually pretty simple: autocorrect will automatically correct (imagine that) questionable text into something that at least somewhat resembles a coherent word (which is sometimes annoying). Spell check, on the other hand, will just provide a list of suggested possibilities---it won't automatically change anything.

Android does not have autocorrect compatibility with external keyboards but some of the keyboard replacements do. I use Swiftkey. Follow the setup instructions in the link below and you will have a menu bar and spelling suggestions along the bottom of the screen. Works very well.

The instructions I've read continually talk about menu options I don't see. Then I found a link to download a dictionary and followed that hoping that might work, and when I tried to install that it said it wasn't compatible with 33.If I can't get Firefox to spellcheck I'm gooing to erase it immediately. I can't beleive I've already spent so much time on something so incidental, but unlivable without, in my world.

Most keyboards provide this functionality by suggesting words as you type. The value of checking the spelling of correctly typed words is low. In addition the dictionaries for all the languages Firefox supports would result in a larger app to download by several megabytes. e24fc04721

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