When I try to open the webui for speed test tracker I get a 500 server error. I'm very much an amateur and I have no clue why that could be. Any ideas? Here's my setup and logs. Let me know if any other info would help.

I can run the speed test on every server on the list, but when I try to run for a Rogers server I get a socket error. This happens on Firefox, Chrome, and Explorer. The same thing happens when I try to use Rogers' own speed test.

Speedtest Download Error

Download File 🔥 https://urloso.com/2y5yTS 🔥

@os3rules I just checked the Rogers speedtest site and the speedtest.net Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal Rogers servers and the speedtests ran as expected. Didn't see any hint of a problem for all speedtest servers. I ran the tests on Chrome.

Add blockers, and even specialty firewalls can effect something like the speedtest, or even some other sites from even allowing you to login all together.

Some of them will be 'blocking' when they try to access things outside of that page.

They assume that if its not loading assets from its own page, that it is likely pulling an add or something from elsewhere.

I have seen them effect logins for some pages, where they use a separate login service which re-directs back that you authenticated.. that it blocks that other site from you logging in as its not the same as the one your on.

However, I have just tried running the speed test from command line (the CLI on the speedtest menu) as well as running the "Windows" version. Both of these report that my download speed is well over 950 M.

My issue is actually with the speedtest itself. I have been using the browser version for all of my testing but I have tried both the Windows (install) version and the stand-alone line (CLI) version. While the browser version (no matter which browser I user) shows a speed of 300-350M, the CLI and the windows version show over 800M. I can't understand how this is possible.

Speed testing using speedtest.net in the early morning, I got download speed between 200-300m. During the daytime working hours, the speed can reach 700-800m. The scenario has been like this since I started working from home more than 10 days ago. I won't be notice this if work in-office.

Several affected users have reported that they got this error consistently until they realized that their cloud solution (Onedrive or Google drive) was uploading files in the background, effectively taking up all the available bandwidth.

I'm getting the exact same behavior. The download portion of the test completes, and then the app throws an error: "Connection Failed -- If the problem persists, try rebooting your router." My last completed test was 11/13/2018, but I'm not sure exactly when the error started. I've been keeping everything as up-to-date as I can. My setup:

"(...) I just setup Ubuntu on my new PC. For testing purposes I installed the speedtest-cli and with the command Speedtest everything worked fine. I don't know what I did then, but now I am getting an http error 403 forbidden. But when doing speedtest --secure everything works fine again. (...)"

Thanks, Ricmarques, but my question is why we need add "--secure"?

I didn't do anything, I just reinstalled my PC, and then speedtest-cli can't work. And I must added "--secure" now, it's so wierd! This problem wastes my half day time. Why without "--secure" option, my original environment could work? The root cause is on the different version of "speedtest-cli"? I suspect so.

I am trying to convert a program to an exe using pyinstaller. The program performs a hardware assessment of a user's computer to include running an internet speed test utilizing speedtest-cli. The program runs fine until I compile it at which point I receive the following error:

Hey there, do you see any problems when you run speedtest manually from the command line as the netdata user? (This needs to be done once manually to accept the license agreements. You probably know this from the blog already.)

So if you are on an unlimited connection on a raspberry pi and are OK to have speedtest download and upload a bunch of data then setting the speedtest_update_every variable in the speedtest.conf file to a smaller value should do the trick.

I've looked through all the posts I could find here in SE and on the web:getting an AttributeError: module 'speedtest' has no attribute 'Speedtest'python 'speedtest' has no attribute 'Speedtest'speedtest module in pythonspeedtest-cli works in console, but not as script -amonkar/how-can-i-fixed-error-of-speedtest-module/

All I could make out is that a speedtest.py exists somewhere in my project folder and it is messing things up, but I cannot find this particular file. I've reinstalled the package several times, changed my filename and tried other virtual environments as well. How can I avoid this error?

If you have used pip install speedtest probably thats whats causing the problem. Thats the wrong package installed.You have to uninstall the package speedtest using pip uninstall speedtest and instead install speedtest-cli using pip install speedtest-cli. The first line import speedtest is actually importing speedtest-cli.

Recently, many users are reporting that they receive the socket error message while they are trying to run a speed test on the internet connection. In most cases, this error appears while users are using SpeedTest, but it has been also reported to occur on many other online speed test tools.

In some cases, your security software like Avast and the built-in Windows Defender may over-protect your computer. As a result, they may regard the speed test as suspicious activity and block the communication between your PC and SpeedTest server, ending up with this annoying upload test error.

I am running Home Assistant OS 5.13, Core 2021.4.0, which I updated all these while trying to get Speedtest to work again. I also restored last daily snapshot, but still I see this error not able to load on core restart.

Thanks for the info on this.

Yeah looks like ookla is returning a null ignoreids in my case which caused the failure. I made the change as per the Pull Request mentioned above and the errors no longer occur (both core and hassio instances).

If interested in what I did for hassio, go into the console or ssh to hassos:

docker exec -it homeassistant /bin/bash

cd /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/

save a copy of speedtest.py just in case, then edit this file at line 1173

Mine looks like:

I think I got it to work by editing /speedtest-tracker/nginx/site-confs/default to whatever ports I want e.g. 4568 for "listen 4568 ssl" and then adding a port forward variable in the template to forward 4568 to 4568 and then doing the same normal process for the vpn container of allow-listing those ports. WebUI up and running now.

So I have this installed on my UNRAID since late 2022 and was working fine, did a few tests ok.

I wanted to try it out today, it is updated already to latest version 0.11.12...

When I click to queue a test, immediately get 500 error.

page speed test problem font errors i am having problem in diffrent test i run if some one can explain how to get rid of them my website i just tried a new template for my website after that it is giving me different errors most of the errors are for fonts and then i see that there is 1 background image from the theme but i do not know where it is or how to edit it as i tried in the editor but could not find that bg

I think the plugin is simply not up to date, I tried to modify the .pl by removing speedtest-cli (old speedtest.net cli) by "speedtest" and I have now a new error which makes sense because the plugin is not adapted for this new command

There are two main resolutions to fix an error like this according to Speedtest and OOKLA. First is to clear out the browser's cache. This is something that can be done in a browser but is not something that can be done easily in a router's dashboard. The only way to do this is to reset the router to factory and re-setup the router. The second suggestion is to change the server before starting the test. Another feature available in a browser but not something that can be done at all on the router.

Okay all you eggheads, please help me figure out what I did wrong. I have used UTorrent for quite a while and got a new laptop. Suddenly I get all these error messages about the download location is no longer available. (?) So I checked the network and all the folders and files are where they should be. I had to recheck and then force start several times, but now they are downloading with the red arrow.

The issue I am facing: Unable to access Fast.com and speedtest.net . Fast.com gives an error "Could not reach our servers to perform the test. You may not be connected to the internet". I installed Pi hole and unbound as recursive dns yesterday. Speedtest is stuck on finding optimal server. I checked the query log after loading fast.com and found one item being blocked "ichnaea-web.netflix.com" which I whitelisted but its still not working. I am using the Oisd blocklist in addition to the Steven Black default.

I thought that the json format could the problem but if I replace the inputs.exec with a simple cat /tmp/speedtest.json of a json saved from the command ran manually, it works as expected and all the json values are published to the influxdb output

I was able to find a spot in my config that was using another default cert. now I can go to http(s)://speedtest.waveruralconnect.com:8080/5060 successfully. However, I am still getting a fail via https with the Ookla server tester.

I have a mixed network. The main device is a Nest WiFi router base and the there is one Nest WiFi point. There are four Google WiFi devices. The WiFi mesh works OK. However, using Google Home, when I run a mesh test, after the test seems to start I get the message "Error occurred during Mesh test". "try again" is unsuccessful with the same error message. When I run a speed test, I get the message "Speed test failed". I cannot change any settings at the "primary network" level. When I press on the gear wheel, I just get a changing colour part rotating wheel. 17dc91bb1f

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