I'm using XAMPP and opening my html file using localhost/filename.html. So both my html document and .js file are in the same directory, in C:/xampp/htdocs. When I open the html file using localhost/filename.html in the browser window, it does not include the changes to the code. It's using the same version of the .js file before I saved the changes. But when I open the html document locally (offline, not running on localhost), the changes to the .js are there.

But at first you have to set/change the MySQL Root password. Start the Apache server and type localhost or in your browser's address bar. If you haven't deleted anything from the htdocs folder the xampp status page appears. Navigate to security settings and change your mysql root password.

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XAMPP isn't in PortableApps.com Format, but it easily integrates with the PortableApps.com Menu by using the XAMPP Launcher (linked above) and installing XAMPP in the root directory of your portable device or creating an XAMPP\App\xampp directory within the launcher path and placing it there. The root directory is preferred. You can open the zip/7z archive of the portable version with 7-Zip Portable.

When you run xampp, your computer is acting as a web server, so if I am on the same network as you (e.g. the WiFi at a cafe) and know the name of your machine, or if I find out that your laptop is serving on port 80, I can browse to your xampp control page, log into your phpmyadmin because you never changed the root password and copy your database. If one of your sites has insecure scripts that take user input to fetch something from outside xampp's htdocs folder, I could possibly gain access to your computer's entire file system.

I have fully created the EC2 but I was taught in college that I was suppose to use some code to install something like xampp in my instance using a code in the "user data section in advance" but then I got ill and have forgotten what the code was and how the local website was transferred there. I can't ask my teacher's now because holidays have started, and can't find online about this. If you do know, could you please give me a source I can follow.

Thanks alot for the above solutions. I could set it up using xampp. And I got a working understanding of matomo. I want to use tomcat server to host matomo. I pasted the matomo folder into the webapp folder present. But a 404 error us coming. Am I pasting matomo in the correct folder?

However, I am trying to add an SSL certificate for my cms.techmax.com.tr domain name that I run with apache xampp on a windows device on a remote desktop in another company, but I encounter this error.

I converted pem files to key and crt files. Then I add .crt file to windows as trusted certificate. After this, I set paths of crt and key files in xampp/apache/conf/extra/httpd-ssl and its worked.

Thanks you for your help. @orangepizza @rg305

1. Download the latest version of Apache on apachelounge.com/download/

2. Save zipped file locally, unzip the file

3. Go to the server, stop and uninstall apache service through XAMPP control panel

4. On the downloaded apache folder, copy the libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll, libssl-1_1-x64.dll, and openssl.exe. These can be found in the bin folder

5. Replace files in $location\xampp\apache\bin with the above files

6. Install and start apache service through XAMPP control panel

7. Check if you have the latest version, it can be done by opening XAMPP control panel -> Shell, type command 'openssl' enter, 'version' enter.

Installation for Windows is very simple. You can use the XAMPP installer executable (for example, xampp-windows-x64-7.4.4-0-VC15-installer.exe). Detailed installation instructions for Windows are available here.

For Windows, it is recommended that you install XAMPP in c:\xampp (not in c:\program files). If you do this, your Joomla! (and any other local website folders) will go into the folder c:\xampp\htdocs. (By convention, all web content goes under the htdocs folder.)

If you have multiple HTTP servers (such as IIS) you can change the XAMPP listening port. In xamppDir\apache\conf\httpd.conf, modify the line Listen 80 to Listen [portnumber] (for example: Listen 8080).

Many Mac users have a little difficulty at this stage when trying to set up another instance of Apache on their machine. If you cannot start XAMPP's Apache, you have two options:

Change the listening port of XAMPP. In \Applications\XAMPP\xamppfiles\etc\httpd.conf, modify the Listen 80 line to Listen [portNumber]. For example: Listen 8080

If I move all the osTicket files to my xampp/htdocs folder and then try to access localhost/osTicket I get a message saying that I have to enable short_open_tag in my php.ini. But when I do I can't access the phpMyAdmin page as it says that it cant load some mysqli-addon and that I have to check my PHP configuration. And I can't finish the installation (I've tried and it won't work) which I guess is because I can't access the database now or something like that.

Note: In XAMPP, the configuration files of Apache, MySQL, PHP are located in C:\Program Files\xampp. For any configuration file changes, you need to restart Apache and MySQL.

After you complete the steps, the package manager will download the package from the specified source, and it will proceed to install the application. The device may restart automatically during this process. The installation will set up the app inside the C:\xampp folder.

Within the installation directory, you'll find a program named Port Check (xampp-portcheck.exe). Double-clicking on this tool will display the status of the ports required for Apache, MySQL, and other software components included with XAMPP. If the essential ports are already occupied, the program will show the names of the services running on those ports. 17dc91bb1f

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