Speedrun.com miki

Speedrun.com is a Site of Games and Timers

In speedrun.com you have to select a game that you want to speedrun

Make the speedrun

And submit it

Tip of the iceberg

The image is badly cropped so you cannot see what it says. But it says "Speedrun ASCII art in source code"

Yeah if you Press f12 on the site you will see the art

Shallow Waters

Banned Permanently. You can be Banned Banned Permanently if you spam

Must Have a Timer Or reject. This is at the "Troll Face quest games" But we have no idea why? It does not say anywhere. There are 2 Thories, 1. Copyright 2. To make us Consume more energy editing

The Depths

"F***k you" Game request. if you try to submit a Game request which you say "F***k you to the game moderators you will get banned for 3 Months

"Notable" Games. A game Respecting all the rulles can get rejected

The Middle of The iceberg

Donators. Speedrun.com was EA. Like DLC. Pay2get the customized gradients

Hacking. Hackers Exist in every site,game,bank. So it Must exist in Speedrun.com too! but we never heard about it. Probably The people who got hacked were tooo embarrassed to tell that.

Faking runs. In almost every game there was a fake run. But how much time it takes to fake them. All of that

The Fathoms

Horror Speedruns. Speedruning a Horror game can be Extra Hard cause they keep scaring you, But after they finish the run their mind is full of Dark Images

Speedrun.com Twitter is a bot. Their twitter account might be a bot and there is not that much i can say here cause this is strayed foreword

български in source code. If you go into the source code of any account you will find that text

The Bottom

Why Speedrun.com does not have a twitch. They do not have one. They could stream but they did not

Why speedrun.com does not have a Youtube. This one is bizarre. Youtube is the most popular social media in the world. But why twitter and not youtube? Almost every company has one. Even youtube Themselves have one

The Abyss

Niftski 4:55.430 is fake. This new Framerulle saved! Bismuth sayed that "This framerulle is impossible to save"

Kosmic 4:55.913 is fake. And every other 4:55 run is fake. that goes more to the bottom

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