You can do that quite easily:

- Set S2C701 from 0 to 1. This enables the speed override function.

- Set S2C287 to an input group number (e.g. setting it to 10 will use universal inputs 00100-00107).

- Set the speed you want in the input group you selected in binary format (or link it to a register in the CIO for easy change).

Specifies the speed percentage by the Universal Input signals set in S4C287. Priority: Signal 1 > Signal 8

If S4C288 to S4C295 are all "0", the input status 1 to 255 of the Universal Input signals (8 points) will be applied to the speed percentage 0 to 255

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I didn't know about the other parameters, but the advantage of the input group is that you can easily change the speed. Even from the robot jobs when the program is running. Or from the IF-panel, or from an external PLC, etc.

You can do that quite easily:

- Set S2C701 from 0 to 1. This enables the speed override function.

- Set S2C287 to an input group number (e.g. setting it to 10 will use universal inputs 00100-00107).

- Set the speed you want in the input group you selected in binary format (or link it to a register in the CIO for easy change).

If arc welding, set S2C1135 = 1, this allows the air moves to run at the override speed but will not affect the welding speed. (I've tested this at 10% speed adjustment while welding 1.2mm low carbon steel). I haven't had chance to test it with a static mounted torch (external TCP) yet tho...

Are your motions very short and/or involve a lot of position config changing (wrist flip, etc.)? With those types of moves, it may be that the robot is not physically/mechanically able to reach the programmed speed, thus increasing the override would yield no gain.

Also, you mentioned that speed characteristics for joints do have real values, but when I activate speed limit warnings, it constantly prints out that I am exceeding the speed limit. Does somebody know how to limit maximum speed for movement? I thougth that it was done automatically in the modeling tab, where limits of axis are set.

Motion and limits work a bit like on KUKA controller. There PTP is limited by joint limits. LIN is limited by cartesian limits but if you set motion speeds too high then you might exceed joint limits. KUKA controller would throw an error here and stop motion whereas in VC you may just print the warnings or choose to stop to sim. So you would need to lower LIN speeds and accelerations manually to not exceed joint limits.

When the robot is executing a spin, the nav stack sends to robot angular velocity of 0.2 radians / second. Given the size of my robot, which translates to 2.78 rpms, which my PID controller is having a hard time adjusting to.

The min / max rotational velocities are the profile min/max for the spin behavior. It has acceleration characteristics by the rotational_acc_lim parameter, as it tries to accelerate to the max speed and then decelerate to stop. Think of the min speed as the minimum rotational speed required to overcome stall torque of the platform (or how slow you might want the robot to rotate as a behavioral element, higher than the stall speed).

Is the diff-drive + castor wheel design simply unfit for this application? Would a stepper motor with high holding torque be preferable in this case? Or a BLDC as part of a geared system that can spin at higher speeds while the wheels move more slowly with high torque?

FIGURE 2. Overview of the experimental setup. In the left part of the figure, the experiment room, temporary walls, and the robot are shown. Participants walked on the red and blue lines. The robot had different starting positions as indicated by the dots together with a schematic overview of the dimensions in the right part of the figure. Reproduced from Figure 1 in Neggers et al. (2018).

FIGURE 3. Visualization of the average comfort level per passing distance for the robot passing on the left (red squares) and right (blue circles) of the participant. The error bars represent Standard Error. The lines indicate the best fitting inverted Gaussian, solid red line for left and dashed blue line for right.

FIGURE 4. Visualization of the average comfort level per passing distance for the passing distances of the robot increasing (red squares) and decreasing (blue circles) of the participant. The error bars represent Standard Error. The lines indicate the best fitting inverted Gaussian, solid red line for increase and dashed blue line for decrease.

FIGURE 6. Overview of the experimental setup. On the left side of the experiment room, the participant and robot are shown. One of the laptops where people could fill in the questionnaire is visible on the picture. The robot had different starting positions as indicated by the circles in the sub-figure on the right side with the passing distances of the robot indicated next to them.

FIGURE 11. Parameters a0 and  plotted with the movement speed of the robot. a0 represents the height and  represents the width of the inverted Gaussian describing the relationship between comfort and passing distance (see insets). In the figure the parameters of Experiment 1 (red triangles) and Experiment 2 for both passing (yellow circles) and overtaking (blue circles) are plotted. Error bars represent Standard Error.

FIGURE 12. Examples of location data. The red solid line represents the path of the robot, with the dot as starting location. The blue dotted line represents the path of the participant, with the dot as starting location. The black lines represent the relative location of the actors with respect to each other. The numbers on the axes represent meters. On the left side, a passing scenario is shown with a passing distance of 60 cm and a robot moving speed of 1.7 m/s, and on the right side, an overtaking scenario is shown with a distance of 80 cm and a robot moving speed of 1.7 m/s.

Are there any documented maximum axis speeds and accelerations (jerk?) for each motor (I am currently using the UR10e specifically, but may use others at some point)? If I had those I could evaluate my motion profile in the URCap to have an idea if it will properly run without having to physically test.

We generally advise that moveJ accelerations should be less than 800deg/sec^2 and moveL accelerations < 2500mm/sec^2. However, the jerk you are seeing might be caused by other factors. It is generally a very bad idea to drip feed individual servoj commands to the robot over the client interfaces, there is potential to starve the controller for trajectory data or send it too soon. So IF you ARE doing this then I would look for a different solution. If you are still unsure about proper use of servoj I suggest searching the forum and seeing what others have learned. Here is a good place to start : Usage of servoj

I am generating a full profile of servoj instructions within the generateScript function of a URCap. There is not a risk of a client interface leaving the robot hanging. The URCap operates just fine for the task which required us to essentially rewrite the path interpolation functions from scratch.

You have already received some recommendation by @bba. When it comes to the acceleration limit it is dependent on the payload(mass, center of gravity and inertia) and the actual joint positions. So I have compiled tables with the maximum Torque and speed for the different robot models:

Hi, this is my first big project using Arduino, i plan to build a R2D2 obstacle avoiding robot, for now im using those car robot chassis from ebay just to test and when everything is ok i transfer the parts to the R2D2 chassis

I'm following a project that i saw on youtube, everything work but the speed of the motors is too high and the ultrasonic sensor doesn't have time to respond and the robot bumps in to walls and things

I have try to remove the jumpers from ENB and ENA from L299N board and connect to two pwm outputs and using the analogWrite to change the motor speed. but didnt work very well, it has some weird behaviour like only one motor moves of the speed dont change

Knowing the maximum materials-handling throughput for an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) can help to determine the number of people who can be reallocated from materials handling to more valuable tasks. This is what drives the return on investment (ROI) of an AMR solution. Often, people will consider the top speed of the vehicle and make a throughput calculation, but there is a lot more that goes into throughput optimization.

These two charts show average speeds in each location on the map, lighter colors being faster. You can see that the new technology on the right is much faster at the turning points than the graph on the left which has older driving technology. The result of this difference is 60% more throughput from the same fleet doing the same workflows in the same facility.

The two charts in Figure 3 show the distribution of robot speeds over time. As you can see, both show a top speed of 2 m/s. No one would really want to go any faster than that in an environment with people. But, in the bottom chart the median speed is almost 1.5 m/s, much faster than on the top.

Consider the construction of the robots, what kind of punishment they can take and their fitness for industrial environments. For example, with metal frames and skins, some AMRs can take hits from forklifts at full speed and return to service just fine.

Ask about triage and diagnostic tools so you can get an idea of how long it will take to diagnose problems and then figure out what the time to repair looks like. How long does it take to pull apart a robot, replace parts and put it back together again? For larger robots, how many people does that require? A photo similar to the one in Figure 4 can demonstrate modularity for repairs.

You may also want to ask about advanced charging features. For example, an opportunistic charging functionality optimizes charging by finding opportunities to top off charge a little bit at a time, rather than letting it drain all the way down. This reduces risk of the robot running out of charge and blocking the work. It also means less wear and tear on the battery. 006ab0faaa

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