this is an absolutely fucking incredible record. the twigs have truly grown into their sound and made a masterpiece of an album. i'm blown away by the complexity of these songs, and it really does feel like we've entered an era without "michael" or "brian" songs- just both brothers collaborating in harmony so to speak. i remember reading in an older interview that the boys were attempting to make a record where their voices blended so well you couldn't tell who was singing, and they definitely achieved this with this album.

From the moment Cardi B joined Jimmy Fallon in Studio 6A Wednesday, the rapper left the Tonight Show host speechless. Jimmy began by congratulating her on the success of "Bodak Yellow," so Cardi B thanked him, made a silly sound effect and shimmied in her seat. Jimmy apparently had no clue how to, he asked her about he origins of her stage name.

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Sometimes less is more (more or less), which is certainly the case in this unique Garfield book featuring comics without dialogue--though an occasional sound effect might \"SPLUT\" in your face! Filled with silly sight gags (out with the catcalls, in with the pratfalls), Garfield Left Speechless provides visual fun for everyone in a colorful collection with universal appeal.

Back in west seattle, Khambatta is giving feedback to his dancers from a long list of notes on a clipboard. But despite his copious scribbles, there seems to be no vocabulary. Conversations between the dancers and the choreographer sound like this:

"[My wife] was trying to wrap her mind around it," MacMillan said. "There were multiple times where she would come upstairs thinking one of the kids was crying, but it's actually just the baby sounds coming from the computer."

Alliteration is a literary device that involves the repetition of initial consonant sounds in a series of words within a sentence or phrase. It is often used for poetic or rhetorical effect and can enhance the sound and rhythm of a piece of writing. Alliteration is commonly found in poetry, prose, speeches, and other forms of literature.

From the onset of the original opera creation which premiered in Perth, Cat Hope was interested to know how musicians from different backgrounds would approach it. For this reason, in the past productions as well as in the most recent musicians from various cultural backgrounds, and a broad range of styles like classical opera, free improv and sound art were involved. In this version of the opera, Cat also involved a Ukrainian refugee choir as opposed to community choirs in the Perth production. Here again, she was hoping that the openness and accessibility of the digital score of Speechless would enable musicians from diverse musical training backgrounds to take part and form meaningful relationships with the digital score.

On Speechless, Frith continued his exploration of world folk and dance music that he had begun on Gravity, but unlike Gravity, Speechless included extensive use of found sounds and field recordings. Frith said that many of the tapes were made while walking the streets of New York City, and include street fairs and demonstrations. Recordings were also made while visiting friends: the title song's rhythm track is provided by a malfunctioning water pipe in Tim Hodgkinson's kitchen.[8][10]

At the time Frith had a passion for tape manipulation and "sound malfunctions". In a 1982 interview with DownBeat magazine Frith said that so much more can be done with tape: "I'm interested in using the studio for things that you couldn't possibly do in a performance, to use the medium of tape in a way that is intrinsic to it."[1] He added that hardware malfunctions often result in more interesting sounds than was originally intended: "[A] lot of the sounds that I get in the studio have been specifically the result of overloading or causing to malfunction various pieces of technology, like harmonizers or digital delays."[1]

Speechless is an instrumental album that includes elements of folk music, free improvisation, avant-rock and noise, plus field recordings and tape manipulation.[8] Featured are also many "happy accidents"[12] that resulted from "sound malfunctions" in the studio.[1] The tracks on the album vary from folk and melodic pieces (including the waltz ballad "Domaine de Planousset"), to noisy avant-rock ("A Spit in the Ocean"), to layered sound collages ("Speechless").

Glenn Astarita at Jazz Review said that the listener can expect "the unexpected, amid pounding backbeats, variable rhythmic flows, and multihued soundscapes."[13] Peter Marsh at BBC Music described the music as being an "unholy alliance" between Captain Beefheart's Magic Band and King Crimson.[8]

A textured grey screen appears. A cursor starts to blink, the word SPEECHLESS emerges as if in predictive text, and is then deleted. A dark grey surface with a skin-like texture then appears. The story is told through a series of different size panels which appear, resize, move around and disappear according to the requirements of the story. The sound track consists of realistic effects, (keyboard tappings, computer, phone and game noises). There are also little tinkles of sound from a piano, rather like the piano accompaniment to silent films. All the images are in shades of grey.

Afternoon Class: A boy fights the urge to fall asleep during a boring afternoon class. The video features excellent imagery for using figurative language! Also great for perspective taking and cause/effect.

Alike: This is a beautiful animated short with the message that it is okay to be different from others! Great for working on describing, cause/effect, perspective taking, summarizing, and predicting!

Snack Attack: This video is awesome for working on many different social skills! The older lady in this story has the wrong perspective and she completely over reacts! Awesome for working on perspective taking, prediction, describing, cause/effect, personal space, summarizing!

Petals Animated Short: This is the story of two young humanized animals with different levels of respect for the environment. Highlights the impact people can have on the environment. Great for inferencing, making predictions, identifying cause & effect, compare/contrast, describing, and summarizing.

Sweet Cocoon Animated Short: A very chubby caterpillar cannot fit into his cocoon. A few of his buddies help him out. Great for working on summarizing narrative events, identifying cause & effect, problem solving, and inferencing.

Safari, So Good Mickey Mouse Short: Mickey and Minnie are left behind by their tour bus in the wild, but they make the most of enjoying the plains and the animals. Great for working on summarizing, inferencing, describing, understanding indirect language, and identifying cause & effect.

Koszalinski was convinced she could find a more feasible answer. Specifically, she believed an open-source app had the potential to be the most convenient, universal, and cost-effective alternative. It was a sound idea, but the challenge was proving it.

The spring herring spawn is a signal of changing seasons. Sea lions, whales, marine birds, and seals flock to inlets and islands on the hunt for these keystone species, creating a cacophony of sound and buzzing activity. Bust out the binoculars and watch it all unfold.

Her accents of triumph, followed so suddenly by her unearthly screech of agony, brought the trader to the spot; and when he saw his loss, his anger vented itself in kicks and blows upon the insensible form before him. The blood flowed freely and relieved her over-charged brain, and she returned to consciousness only to sink into the sleep of exhaustion. When she was aroused by the brutal kicks of the trader, in the morning, the body of her child had been dragged away to be devoured by beasts and fowls, and her own bruised and swollen limbs increased the thirst that was fast drying up the fountain of her life. With tottering steps and haggard looks she was compelled to resume the march; and though again and again did she attempt to throw herself down to die, the lash of the trader drove her on, till, exasperated by her repeated efforts, he resolved to give her to the next chief who should demand a slave, a tooth, (of ivory,) a gun, or cloth, for permission to pass through his territory. After the most terrible sufferings, the party arrived at a place where water was abundant, and there rested a few days to recruit their strength, having lost several on the way by heat and thirst, and many others being scarcely able to stand. The son of Bobah had suffered intensely from the heat, and on the fourth day of their stay at the place, was permitted, with others of his age, to sport in the waters of the stream. Before they were a ware of it, they had worked themselves to a greater distance from the camp than was allowed,when the approach of one of the drivers caused them to scamper toward it. In the noise and confusion of their flight they did not observe an immense aligator that plunged into the stream, close in their rear, but in front of young Bobah, and effectually cut off his retreat. A sudden bend in the stream concealed him from the driver, and before his loss was discovered he had disappeared, but whether he had gained the shore and been lost in the high grass, or had become food for the alligator, none could tell.

But no treatment, however kind, could banish from his mind the recollection of his shaded hut and its loved inmates; and each day of continued rain fell upon him like the dull sound that echoes from the grave when the first clod strikes the coffin of our shrouded joys, and crashes upon our hearts like an avalanche of woe.

The groans and suffocating cries of the poor victims for air and water sickened the soul of humanity into a loathing of the horrid traffic, which was deepened by the frequent howling, melancholy sound of anguish caused by their thoughts or dreams of their own country, often followed by hysteric fits of the women and the most desperate imprecations of the men. Their sorrows, confinement, and want of water, caused many to pine away, till a sudden attack of dysentery released them from their sufferings. Many were brought up every morning dead, suffocated by the heat, which was so great between decks, that when the surgeon went below, his shirt was as wet with perspiration in five minutes as if dipped in water, and he could rarely remain more than thirty minutes at a time. Yet those poor creatures were there compelled to moan the long hours of night away, with no water to quench their tormenting thirst, and just air enough to prolong their misery: sick or well, lying naked upon the bare boards till often their bones would wear through the skin, and no kind and sympathizing hand to relieve or friendly heart to feel for them.** Yet, through such sufferings, during the ten years preceding 1856, about 36,000 slaves per year were brought to America. 006ab0faaa

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