Yes and no. Cortana is not only a text-to-speech converter. Its a virtual assistant which needs to be able to activated by voice commands (explains how it can detect it whenever you say "Hey Cortana") and to achieve that it needs to be "listening". That being said Cortana doesn't send whatever it hears to Microsoft. It's not a whistleblower :P . Information it stores comes from your interactions with it.

I ascertained it was probably Cortana, so I disabled Cortana (I rarely use it) in Group Policy as I have Pro. and now the CPU is down at 2-3% when idling. Disabling Cortana removes the speech function but the Search function by typing remains.

Speech Model Download Executable


I am working on creating a program that uses the Speech aspect of Azure's Cognitive Services. When I deploy the executable(.exe) with just console printing, it works as hoped. The program works perfect with the Azure Voice within the VS Code environment, but once it is deployed as an executable (.exe), it completely errors out with the following error:

The next thing to do is locate the DLL files associated with Speechmodeldownload.exe and unregister them. You can easily do that by clicking File and choosing Export. Next, save the file in the local disk c:\. This is only a backup step, just in case you need it later.

Hi i am a intermediate python developer and I made a voice paint app that you can control app with voice , for this app i used speech recognition for my app and speech recognition needs pyaudio .for installing pyaudio i couldn't use pip or pipwin and i installed it using .whl file downloaded from internet and it works!now in my app when I run it in python ide or vs code it works but when i use pyinstaller to get exe it gives error ( no module named pyaudio )i tried lots of ways but none worked.can anybody help?

The 'path' is the string of characters telling Windows where to find the executable file you wish it to run. I this case the file is 'DCS-SR-ExternalAudio.exe' and the path to the exe file is exactly to where you installed Simple Radio Standalone, because 'DCS-SR-ExternalAudio.exe' is a part of the SRS installation. You ought to know to where you installed SRS, but to be sure, find the SRS desktop icon and right-click on it to open the context menu, and select the bottommost line: 'Properties'. A small window with many tabs at the top will open, and the 'Shortcut' tab should be opened. Toward the middle of the window you will see 'Target:' and a wide rectangle behind it with text inside the rectangle. This is the 'path' and executable for running SRS, eg in my installation it is 'C:\sbin2\DCS-SimpleRadio-Standalone\SR-ClientRadio.exe' without the apostrophes.

Let's look closer at this string of characters. Everything to the right of the furthest-right '\' (backslash) is the targeted executable, which when run by Windows provides the Simple Radio Standalone functionality to DCS. Everything to the left of the furthest-right backslash is the 'path'. This is how you tell Windows where to find the executable. It is literally the path to the executable.

SpeechRuntime.exe, also known as Speech Runtime Executable, is a software component of Microsoft Windows. It is typically located in the C:\Windows\System32\Speech_OneCore\Common directory. This executable file is a part of the Windows operating system and is associated with the speech interaction functionality of the system.

The associated software is primarily used for voice recognition and text-to-speech functionalities. It is an integral part of Microsoft's digital assistant, Cortana, and other voice-activated services on Windows. It enables users to interact with their devices using voice commands, making it easier to perform tasks without the need for manual input.

As a core component of the Windows operating system, SpeechRuntime.exe is necessary for the proper functioning of voice-activated services. If you frequently use these services, it is advisable to keep this executable file. If you do not use voice-activated services or if the file is causing issues such as high CPU usage, you may consider disabling or removing it. This should be done with caution, as improper changes to system files can cause system instability.

Inference Engine Plugin API provides the helper InferenceEngine::ExecutableNetworkThreadSafeDefault class recommended to use as a base class for an executable network. Based on that, a declaration of an executable network class can look as follows:

Any other executable network metric specific for a particular device. Such metrics and possible values must be declared in a plugin configuration public header, for example, template/template_config.hpp

In LabVIEW we use "Cooperative Multitasking" where we write multithreaded code such that no single thread gobbles up all of the available CPU. This is done using a wait function which removes a thread from the executable queue and allow other threads to execute. Even a "0 ms Wait" is enough to let more than one thread execute.

The HelperSpeechCommandRecognitionRasPi supporting function encapsulates the feature extraction and network prediction process demonstrated previously. So that the feature extraction is compatible with code generation, feature extraction is handled by the generated extractSpeechFeatures function. So that the network is compatible with code generation, the supporting function uses the coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork (MATLAB Coder) function to load the network. The supporting function uses a dsp.UDPReceiver system object to send the auditory spectrogram and the index corresponding to the predicted speech command from Raspberry Pi to MATLAB. The supporting function uses the dsp.UDPReceiver system object to receive the audio captured by your microphone in MATLAB.

Create a dsp.UDPReceiver system object to receive auditory features and the predicted speech command index from your Raspberry Pi. Each UDP packet received from the Raspberry Pi consists of auditory features in column-major order followed by the predicted speech command index. The maximum message length for the dsp.UDPReceiver object is 65507 bytes. Calculate the buffer size to accommodate the maximum number of UDP packets.

You can measure the execution time taken on the Raspberry Pi using a processor-in-the-loop (PIL) workflow of Embedded Coder. The ProfileSpeechCommandRecognitionRaspi supporting function is the equivalent of the HelperSpeechCommandRecognitionRaspi function, except that the former returns the speech command index and auditory spectrogram while the latter sends the same parameters using UDP. The time taken by the UDP calls is less than 1 ms, which is relatively small compared to the overall execution time.

This document specifies VoiceXML, the Voice Extensible MarkupLanguage. VoiceXML is designed for creating audio dialogs thatfeature synthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition ofspoken and DTMF key input, recording of spoken input, telephony,and mixed initiative conversations. Its major goal is to bringthe advantages of Web-based development and content delivery tointeractive voice response applications.

This document defines VoiceXML, the Voice Extensible MarkupLanguage. Its background, basic concepts and use are presented inSection 1. The dialogconstructs of form, menu and link, and the mechanism (FormInterpretation Algorithm) by which they are interpreted are thenintroduced in Section 2. Userinput using DTMF and speech grammars is covered in Section 3, while Section 4 covers system output using speechsynthesis and recorded audio. Mechanisms for manipulating dialogcontrol flow, including variables, events, and executableelements, are explained in Section5. Environment features such as parameters and properties aswell as resource handling are specified in Section 6. The appendices provide additionalinformation including the VoiceXML Schema, a detailed specification of theForm Interpretation Algorithmand timing, audio file formats, andstatements relating to conformance, internationalization, accessibility and privacy.

The origins of VoiceXML began in 1995 as an XML-based dialogdesign language intended to simplify the speech recognitionapplication development process within an AT&T project calledPhone Markup Language (PML). As AT&T reorganized, teams atAT&T, Lucent and Motorola continued working on their ownPML-like languages.

VoiceXML is designed for creating audio dialogs that featuresynthesized speech, digitized audio, recognition of spoken andDTMF key input, recording of spoken input, telephony, andmixed initiative conversations. Its major goal is to bring theadvantages of Web-based development and content delivery tointeractive voice response applications.

This section contains a high-level architectural model, whoseterminology is then used to describe the goals of VoiceXML, itsscope, its design principles, and the requirements it places onthe systems that support it.

A document server (e.g. a Web server) processesrequests from a client application, the VoiceXMLInterpreter, through the VoiceXML interpreter context.The server produces VoiceXML documents in reply, which areprocessed by the VoiceXML interpreter. The VoiceXML interpretercontext may monitor user inputs in parallel with the VoiceXMLinterpreter. For example, one VoiceXML interpreter context mayalways listen for a special escape phrase that takes the user toa high-level personal assistant, and another may listen forescape phrases that alter user preferences like volume ortext-to-speech characteristics.

The language accommodates platform diversity in supportedaudio file formats, speech grammar formats, and URI schemes.While producers of platforms may support various grammar formatsthe language requires a common grammar format, namely the XMLForm of the W3C Speech Recognition Grammar Specification [SRGS], to facilitateinteroperability. Similarly, while various audio formats forplayback and recording may be supported, the audio formatsdescribed in AppendixE must be supported 2351a5e196

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