Photo Credit:  Downtown Minneapolis: Gian Lorenzo Ferretti


Upcoming Meetings

Uptown Lunds & Byerlys Community Room 

6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, July 20, 2024


A support group for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The group normally meets on the third Saturday of the month.

To sign up for updates, please enter your email address on the below form, or email me at bdanb9@gmail.com

What is the purpose of this group?

To be a safe space for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

To give adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder an opportunity to better their lives.

What is the primary reason for the creation of this group?

Over the past five or so years, I have learned about numerous incidents of both unfair treatment towards, and tragic things that have happened to adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Minnesota.

There was a previous successful group called Aspies 20s30s (https://www.aspies20s30s.org/) that unfortunately did not survive Covid.

I decided that it would be useful to create a new support group for adults on the Autism Spectrum in the Twin Cities area.

When will this group meet?

The group meets Saturday nights from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. or later. We just need to be out of Lunds & Byerlys by 10 p.m.

I am open to adding additional meetings on different times and days of the week, but the group is currently only meeting on Saturday nights.

If you are interested, but Saturday nights do not work well for you, please let me know.

How often does the group meet?

It currently meets once a month. It has met twice a month in the past.

Where will this group meet?

The community room at Uptown Lunds & Byerlys. 

The address is 1450 W Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55408

A map is at the bottom of this page.

How do I find the group when I arrive?

The Community Room is upstairs on the second level. 

There are two stairwells, and an elevator that can be used to access the 2nd level.

A sign outside of the community room says the meeting room is closed, but that is not true.

The room will likely be open and unlocked if you arrive at or after 5:45.

Are you open to meeting at other locations?

Yes. I would also like recommendations in case the community room at Uptown Lunds & Byerlys is unavailable. 

The community room at Uptown Lunds & Byerlys has worked out very well.

How did you come up with the name Spectrum TC?

I wanted something intentionally vague, that would not make people automatically the group is about autism.

I choose Spectrum because of the Autism Spectrum.

I chose TC because it stands for Twin Cities.

Is there an age range or age limit?

There is no age limit.

It is requested that attendees be at least 18 years old, unless they check with me first.

I am open to considering high school aged individuals.

I anticipate the group being geared toward adults between 18 and 49.

Is the group free?


Is there a virtual option?

As of right now, no. 

I am open to a hybrid or a virtual option in the future.

Please let me know if you are interested in the group, but attending in person does not work for you.

What will happen at these meetings?

The current plan for the meetings is a mix of guest speakers, discussions, and board/card games.

Right now the meetings are discussions and board and card games. 

I have some other ideas, and am open to suggestions.

Please feel free to bring your own board and card games to the meetings.

I really want to focus on making Spectrum TC a welcoming place, and a collaborative group.

What if I want to be a guest speaker, or know someone who does?

Let me know.

What will the guest speakers talk about?

Topics that could be discussed include, but are not limited to.

Friendships and Relationships

Social Skills


Independent living

Mental Health

Will this group go on outings?

Possibly. It depends on if there is interest. These would be in addition to the regular Saturday meetings.

Do I need a formal or informal diagnosis to be a part of the group?


I suspect I have Autism Spectrum Disorder, but am not sure. Can I attend the group?


Can I bring a Personal Care Assistant, parent, or friend?


I am interested in this group, but I am concerned about my personal information being compromised. I also might not want other people to know I have autism.

I understand and agree. I plan to be careful about that.

I intentionally created a name that disguises the fact the group is about autism.

Interested people are not required to sign up for the email list, or share their email with me. The email list is mostly for me to have contact information for interested attendees.

My plan is to update this website on a regular basis. My recommendation would be to always double check the website before leaving to attend any event.

Will enough people show up for this group to be worthwhile?

So far, the answer is yes.

15 different people have showed up to at least one meeting. The most at any meeting has been six.

My goal is to have at least four at each meeting.

Do I need to RSVP?

No. You can just show up.

I want to attend, but I have transportation issues.

Please let me know, and I can try to arrange a ride.

What are some other things to know?

Parking is free in the parking lot. There is a 2 hour limit, but I have never had an issue with parking for over 2 hours. 

If you are parked in the parking lot, Lunds & Byerlys does not want you to leave the premises. There is also free street parking available.

Uptown can be higher crime area, so make sure to be careful, especially while in the parking lot. Lunds & Byerlys sometimes has a police officer or security guard stationed at the store.

Lunds & Byerlys does not want people bringing in outside food or drink to the community room (water is fine).

You can buy food at Lunds & Byerlys, and bring that to the Community Room.

I plan to arrive and have the room opened by 5:45, but if you arrive before me, the room might be closed and locked.

I plan to monitor my email between 5:45 and 6:15 if you want to get a hold of me.

There are no bathrooms on the second level of Lunds & Byerlys. The bathrooms are in the basement, and are locked. If you need to use the bathroom, you will likely need to notify a store employee.

There should be no need to cancel a meeting as long as we have the room reserved, and I never plan to cancel unless there is an unforeseen issue with getting the room reserved.

If the roads are bad due to snow and/or ice, do not feel pressured to attend. If that is the case, I might not attend, and will plan to update the website accordingly.

I plan to be at all the meetings unless specified at the top of the page, or if something unforeseen comes up.

Group members might share personal information that they might not want people outside of the group to know. Please be careful about sharing any personal information regarding group members.

Please treat others with respect and use common sense. I do not want this to be a group with a bunch of rules.

Have you considered a book exchange?

Yes. I have a small collection of books about Autism and Aspergers that I would be willing to let others borrow.

Other group members are welcome to let others borrow any books they may have.

Who are you?

I am a male in my 30s in the Twin Cities who want to help other adults with autism.

How do I know when this website was last updated?

You can scroll down to the bottom left and it says when it was last updated.