Spectrum Discovery Center

We do not sell or share our database with any other companies.

Everyone has an opinion!

Why not get paid to share yours? For more than 15 years, Spectrum Discovery Center has been paying people for their opinions. Spectrum Discovery Center needs consumers, like you, who are interested in trying new and existing products.

Spectrum Discovery Center tests a wide variety of products such as foods, beverages, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, fabrics, paper, household products and fragrances, among others. You could be asked to complete a questionnaire on-site, at home, or online or participate in a focus group, and of course you will be paid for your participation. The information collected is used by manufacturers and retailers to make decisions about launching a new product or changing an existing one.

In response to current public health and CDC recommendations for avoiding the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus, Spectrum Discovery Center has implemented policies to ensure the safety of our employees, clients and consumer participants. We are committed to prioritizing your safety and the safety of others and will act accordingly during this challenging time.