
Research Interest

♦ Strongly correlated and chiral quantum materials

♦ Emergent phenomena, collective excitation, and broken symmetries

♦ Electronic/lattice band structure & nonlinear optical properties

The intertwining of different degrees of freedom, such as charge, lattice, spin, and orbital, leads to intriguing phenomena and functionalities in strongly correlated quantum materials. To unravel the underlying physical mechanisms behind these complex phenomena, we investigate the electronic and lattice band structures of solids. We utilize optical spectroscopy and x-ray scattering techniques with various light sources, ranging from continuous wave to femtosecond laser and free-electron laser facilities. Our primary goal is to verify collective excitations originating from emergent phases and actively manipulate the physical properties of these materials.

Experimental Techniques

Ultrafast spectroscopy

Non-equilibrium dynamics

Disentangle various degrees of freedom in time

Apparatus: (homelab-based) tr-reflectivity, tr-polarimetry, THz-emission spectroscopy; (XFEL-based) tr-ARPES, tr-XRD

Optical spectroscopy

Joint-DOS of valence and conduction bands

Non-contact, non-destructive, bulk-sensitive

Apparatus: FTIR, spectroscopic ellipsometry