
Spectra is organizing this conference to provide opportunities for LGBTQ+ mathematicians both to celebrate achievements and to spark conversations of challenges in our community. This will be a space for attendees to share their research across all areas of mathematics (theoretical, applied, and math education) and to interact and create support networks within and across their research communities.


Spectra, the Association for LGBTQ+ Mathematicians, was conceived in the last ten years with its first official event in 2015 -- a panel discussion at the JMM in San Antonio. Since then, Spectra has organized events at various conferences to bring together people of the LGBTQ+ community.

Spectra is proud to organize its first official conference and create an intentional space for LGBTQ+ mathematicians. This will be an event where LGBTQ+ mathematicians at all career stages can interact and network with their peers. Further, it will facilitate discussions for creating better environments and promoting mathematics in our community.

For this conference, which will be virtual, we aim for a simple format: three days consisting of:

  1. one plenary speaker per day (one in theoretical math, one in applied math and one in math education);

  2. contributed short talk sessions on each of the three days;

  3. several social events geared towards networking;

  4. a concluding panel discussion.

This will be the first in a series of general mathematics conferences showcasing the achievements of LGBTQ+ mathematicians.