Are there any resources available other than the README page of

GitHub - BabylonJS/Spector.js: Explore and Troubleshoot your WebGL scenes with ease. Github that show practically how to debug issues with drawcalls, etc. using spector.js?

@sebavan and @evidanary, I think there is likely a very common need for help understanding scene optimization and how to go about it in Babylon. Though the scope of something like that could be enormous. Even just documentation around Spector could be massive due to the expectation of understanding the WebGL stack to begin with. Documentation for the tool itself is fairly simple, but understanding how to use it - and more importantly WHY to use it - could be a book in itself.

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Alternatively, the most widely used approach to performance, could be to just go down the list of items listed here: Optimizing Your Scene | Babylon.js Documentation one by one and seeing which ones apply. Is that a good strategy?

I also try to test things out in a prototype in isolation so I can get an idea for what will be added. For example, we did a shader for a starfield in the Space Pirates demo - which you can find the code for in this repo - and while it was exactly what we wanted in terms of a procedural starfield that was different with every play, the shader was too expensive and the return on that expense was too small to be meaningful for the user. So we landed on a single texture for the starfield which removed the shader from the budget so we could afford other things in the experience. I created standalone scene for the shader approach so I could look at how much time was being used just for this asset. We quickly pivoted once we starting to bring the elements together because I already knew this method was heavy.

I think Spector is a great tool to break down what is happening in each frame, but I also think digging in and prototyping features in isolation is needed to understand the impact on your frame budget. I hope this perspective helps in some way. 152ee80cbc

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