Climate in my country

For instance, we compared the average annual temperatures from Constanța with those from Rădăuți. 

Constanta is a port on the Black Sea and the influence of the sea on the climate is very large. Winters are mild, late springs and autumns are long and warm.

Rădăuți is located in N-NE of Romania, between Suceva’s Plateau and the Mountains Obcina Mare. The climate is temperate continental, humid and cool. Winters are cold and summers are moderate.

Below we have presented multi-year average temperatures innthe two cities.

In conclusion, the climate is influenced directly and in a very large way of the distribution of oceans and land. Water and dry land behave quite differently from heat absorption: under the action of the sun's rays, water heats up more difficult than dry land, but it also gives up harder the accumulated heat. That's why autumns are longer and warmer on the coast and the springs are later and colder than the interior of the continents.