SPC Sites

An SPC site is where all SPC are held. Each site has its own specializations of the SPCs they test. In case of containment breach in Sites 2, 3, and 4 all personnel must evacuate and lock down the sites. A team of SS class personal will be deployed to put all SPCs back in containment.

Site 1

Site 1 is where SPC has all its research about every SPC stored. In case of emergency Site 1 is to be destroyed by a nuclear warhead

Site 2

Site 2 is where we test all Safe SPCs. Some SPCs held at site 2 are SPC-004 and SPC-006.

Site 3

Site 3 is where we test all Neutral SPCs. Some SPCs held at site 3 are SPC-003 and SPC-002.

Site 4

Site 4 is Where we test all Danger SPCs. Some SPCs held at Site 4 are SPC-001 and SPC-007.

Site 5

Site 5 is where SPC-000 is held. Only SP class personnel are allowed in Site 5. In case of emergency Site 5 is to be destroyed by a nuclear warhead and Acid.