Poster Session

The virtual poster session will be held on June 3rd at 1:15pm after the talk. More details will appear here.

We have the following posters presenters.

Charlie Godfrey (U. Washington): Higher direct images of ideal sheaves

Kai Huang (MIT): K-stability of log Fano cone singularities

Jennifer Li (U. Mass Amherst): A cone conjecture for log Calabi-Yau surfaces

Svetlana Makarova (U. Penn.): Higher Fano varieties

Alapan Mukhopadhyay (U. Michigan): Reducedness of formally unramified algebras over fields.

Quentin Posva (EPFL): Gluing theory for SLC surfaces and threefolds in characteristic p > 0

Gregory Taylor (UIC): Asymptotic Syzygies of Secant Varieties of Curves

Yueqiao Wu (U. Michigan): Monge-Ampère energy on polarized affine varieties