Christmas and Hanukkah

Christmas and Hanukkah

Learn the differences between Christmas and Hanukkah.

Speaking: Students...

... can ask and answer simple questions

... interact with other students in English

... can communicate and exchange infromation

Writing: Students...

... can put the infromation they collect into writing

... can write simple sentences

... can use suitable vocabulary

Teacher Instructions

  • Open a Google account for each student and explain what they have to do and how it works

  • Open a Zoom account for each student

  • Arrange pairs of 2 German and 2 Israeli students (one strong and one weak student of each country)

  • Hand out conversation starters and questions for the project

  • Talk with your students about the questions and remove ambiguites

  • Explain what they have to do and what the main goal of this meeting with the Israeli/German students is

  • During Zoom meeting: join every breakout room to help or just listen to what they talk about


  • Content of the wanted poster

  • The information on the poster

  • How did you get the information?

Students Instructions

  • Introduce yourselves in the Zoom meeting

  • Ask the questions you talked about with your teacher

  • Maybe ask more questions to get more information about the other students/school/country

  • After the Zoom meeting create a "Wanted" poster about Christmas (Israeli students) or Hanukkah (German students). Work together with your partner from your country.

  • Examples to write about in your "Wanted" poster: name, date(s), traditions, foods, songs, ...

Conversation Starters

  • Where do you live?

  • In what grade/class are you?

  • How old are you?

  • Do you have siblings?

  • Whats your favourite subject?

Questions about Christmas and Hanukkah

  • What does einter look like in Israel/Germany?

  • What do you like about winter?

  • Are you celebrating something?

  • What are you celebrating?

  • How are you celebrating?

  • Are there special traditions?

  • Do you have typical food for this season/holiday?

  • Are there any special songs you play at Christmas/Hanukkah?