New developments and challenges in
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

Workshop 2

22-26 July 2024

This is the second workshop of the Bernoulli Center Program "New developments and challenges in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations”.

The workshop includes four mini-courses plus several research talks.

The workshop will be streamed via Zoom. If you are interested in attending online please contact M. Gubinelli via this form


In these lectures we will discuss our recent work with Ilya Chevyrev, which shows that the Yang-Mills measure on 2D torus is the unique invariant measure for the Yang-Mills Langevin dynamic constructed by Chandra-Chevyrev-Hairer-S. To implement an argument of Bourgain we prove the continuum limit of lattice gauge theories using discrete regularity structures. We also develop a novel way to identify the gauge invariant limit. The tentative plan for the lectures is:

Lecture 1: 2D Yang-Mills models and main results;

Lecture 2: From lattice to continuum;

Lecture 3: Invariant measure.

Thanks to the theories of Paracontrolled Distributions,  Regularity structures and Renormalisation we now have a complete theory of singular SPDEs, which are “sub-critical” . I will discuss recent efforts to approach the situation  of “critical” SPDEs and related statistical mechanics models. We will start with the two-dimensional Stochastic Heat Equation and the construction of the Critical 2d Stochastic Heat Flow (derived in joint works with Caravenna and Sun) and then describe the treatment of some non-linear examples such Allen-Cahn, KPZ and non-linear SHE derived in various works by various  groups. We will aim to sketch some of the methods which include multi-scale analysis, LIndeberg principles, martingale methods, chaos and Butcher expansions.

Invited Speakers

I will first review some results obtained in collaboration with Z. Brzezniak about the small mass limit for stochastic wave equations subject to suitable functional constraints. Then, I will describe some more recent results obtained in collaboration with M. Xie in the case of systems of constrained SPDEs.

The Boussinesq hypothesis states that turbulent small scales are dissipative on the mean part of fluid. In the vorticity formulation of 3D fluid dynamics equations, small-scale turbulent fluctuations can be modeled by suitable space-time noise involving both transport and stretching parts. Our purpose is to study the effects of such noises on the fluid equations. We first recall a previous result which shows that the Leray-projected transport noise can suppress the blow-up of vorticity with large probability. Then we introduce more recent attempts in covering the stretching part of the noise. The talk is mainly based on joint works with Professor Flandoli.

Let $(P_t)$ be the transition semigroup on the space $B_b(E)$ of bounded measurable functions on a Banach space $E$, of the process defined by the linear equation with additive noise
d X= \left(AX + a\right)d t + Bd W, \qquad X(0)=x\in E.
Our goal is to establish gradient and hessian  formulae
\nabla P_t\phi (x)[y] &=\mathbb{E}\,\phi(X(t))Y(t,y), \\
\nabla ^2 P_t\phi (x)[y_1,y_2]&=\mathbb{E}\,\phi(X(t))Y(t,y_1,y_2),
as well as estimates
\|\nabla P_t\phi(x)\|_{L(E)}&\le \rho(t)\|\phi\|_{B_b(E)},\\
\|\nabla ^2P_t\phi(x)\|_{L(E\times E)}&\le \tilde \rho(t)\|\phi\|_{B_b(E)}, 
with properly chosen rates $\rho$ and $\tilde \rho$. Our next goal is to study Liouville type theorem for the corresponding generator.

The stochastic Burgers equation in dimension d=2 is singular and critical. While being formally diffusively scale invariant, its  diffusion coefficient diverges as (log t)^2/3 for t->infty. To tame the divergence, one can either send the coupling constant logarithmically to zero with the regularization cutoff (weak coupling limit), or correct logarithmicaly the diffusive rescaling (strong coupling limit), or a combination of the two. In the whole crossover window ranging from weak to strong coupling, we prove a Gaussian large-scale limit for the equation. Based on ongoing work with G. Cannizzaro, and Q. Moulard
