1D Motion


Check Google Classroom for Mandatory Assignments
Review Questions:1-27 and 31-34Note that these questions have links to the corresponding lessons as well as explanations for answers.

Reference Materials

On Physics Classroom:1D Kinematics Lessons 1-5.Lesson 6 will NOT be on the test.
In your textbook: Chapters 2-3
Quizlet: 1D Motion


If you are feeling pretty confident and need a 10 minute overview of everything from the unit, try Crash Course Physics:1D Motion
If you only have a little time but still need to learn some stuff, try Unit 2 in Bozeman Science: Bozeman Physics
If you need practice and review, try Khan Academy. ONLY the Displacement, Velocity, and Time section and the Acceleration Section: One-Dimensional Kinematics
If you want a lot of explanation, try Flipping Physics:For a quick review, check out this video. Note, it includes this unit AND material from next unit.
For more detail, try the1 Dimensional Motion library.NOTE: There are 307 minutes of videos here! Pick and choose what you think you need help with.