Spanish Meiosis Meeting 2018

June 20-22th, 2018. El Escorial, Madrid

We are glad to announce the celebration of the Spanish Meiosis Meeting 2018, that this year will be held at El Escorial, Madrid (Spain) from the 20th to the 22th of June 2018. The meeting will follow the same schedule than in previous years, starting on June 20 in the afternoon and ending on June 22 after lunch.

We will keep the essence of previous conferences, providing a relaxed environment to share results and ideas. We will select several short talks for each session from submitted abstracts upon registration to the meeting. Depending on the number of inscriptions, we will consider the possibility of a poster session during the coffee breaks. We especially encourage younger researchers (postdocs, PhD and graduate students) to attend the meeting, as this will be an excellent opportunity to present and discuss their work to the meiosis community. The talks and posters will be presented preferentially in English, but depending on the number of international delegates, we could consider communications in Spanish if necessary.

The meeting will be held at Casa Ejercicios San José (Avd. Reyes Católicos Nº 12, El Escorial 28200, Madrid). This is close to Monasterio de El Escorial and within walking distance of the bus stops and the train station. Reegistration will include full accommodation in shared room (additional charges for single room are applied), meals and coffee breaks. For those that do not plan to spend the night, there will be an option to pay only for meals and coffee breaks. Deadline for registration and abstract submission will be the 20th of May 2017.

The organizers of the conference will process the reservation of accommodations with Casa Ejercicios San José but payment and billing must be arranged directly by the delegates with the house administrator.

Feel free to advertise this event among your colleagues and institutions.

We look forward to seeing you all again in Madrid. Kind regards,

The organizers

Jesús Page and José A. Suja


Group Photo